








数量大,与“少”、“寡”相对:人~。~年。~姿。~层次。~角度。~难(nàn )兴(xīng )邦。~~益善。~行不义必自毙。数目在二以上:~年生草。~项式。~义词。~元论。有余,比一定的数目大:~余。一年~。过分,不必要的:~嘴。~心。~……



汉语拼音:shòu yì liáng duō








  1. Glen is a terrific player and it's great for my development to be able to work with him.


  2. Toyota Motor has always been fanatical about frugality, and for many years that was good for both the company and its customers.


  3. in this vacation I learn the knowledge is called me to profit a great deal, in brief I likes this vacation, it is substantial!


  4. It had a lot of benefits for me but I thought her education was more important. She did it for a year and said she didn't like it.


  5. Yes, if only to be reassured that you are going through an anxious phase at the moment, and that you can be helped a lot.


  6. I was surprised to discover how much I learned from customers, as well as from the other programmers.


  7. These few weeks of rest and relaxing have done me a great deal of good and has allowed me to reset my brain and allow me clear out my head.


  8. I learned plenty during my visit. Let's go back in the White House and I'll explain.


  9. Ramsey's advice is permeated with his Christianity, but you can get a lot out of this book even if you're not religious.


  1. 棒球一直让我受益良多

    Baseball has been very good to me.

  2. 公众们可以从义务教育中受益良多。

    A number of benefits accrue to the public from compulsory education.

  3. 飞机因航空技术发展而受益良多。

    Airplanes have greatly benefited from aerospace technology.

  4. 飞机因航空技术发展而受益良多。

    Airplanes have greatly benefited from aerospace technology.

  5. 这个国家因为它的英勇斗争受益良多。

    The nation benefited much from his courageous struggle.

  6. 我相信贵公司从他的贡献中将会受益良多。

    I believe your company would benefit immensely from his contributions.

  7. 你的期末报告将会因这份回馈而受益良多。

    Your final paper will substantially benefit from this feedback.

  8. 正义之唇使人受益良多,愚昧者死于智虑匮乏。

    The lips of the righteous teach many fools die for want of wisdom.

  9. 我惊讶的发现从客户和其他开发人员身上受益良多。

    I was surprised to discover how much I learned from customers, as well as from the other programmers.

  10. 只要做到上述各点,他就能在短期游历中受益良多。

    Thus he may abridge his travel, with much profit.

  11. 和基建上的投入 让我们获益良多

    and that infrastructure is really our inheritance.

  12. 现在正是她能最多受益的时机

    and now is the time where she would get the most benefit.

  13. 我将受益更多

    Practicing on humans.

  14. 谦逊常比傲慢受益更多。

    Humility often gains more than pride.

  15. 这位艺术家从卢浮宫受益颇多。

    The artist found much to his profit in the Louvre.

  16. 这方面受益最多的是德国的公司。

    German companies have been a major beneficiary.

  17. 受益最多的群体是犯罪团伙与黑帮。

    are criminal gangs and cartels.

  18. 并且, 信贷条款越好, 私募股权公司受益越多。

    And the better the credit terms, the more private equity firms stand to gain.

  19. 伊朗通过展示其限制自身核野心的意愿可以受益颇多。

    Iran has much to gain by showing a readiness to limit its nuclear ambition.

  20. 软件工程多方面受益于知识工程

    Software Engineering Benefits from Knowledge Engineering in Many Ways

  21. 今晚真是进展良多啊

    Okay, we've made some real progress tonight.

  22. 我与他交往获益良多。

    I benefited a lot from my association with him.

  23. 重返故乡后,他感受良多。

    His return home left a deep impression on him.

  24. 他在大学里贡献良多, 得到许多荣誉。

    He got a great deal of kudos for his work at the university.

  25. 良多人无视于交通号志和轨则。

    A lot of people disregard traffic signals and rules.

  26. 结论龟兔赛跑的故事启发我们良多。

    To sum up, the story of the hare and tortoise teaches us many things.

  27. 犀牛分布于亚洲和非洲,有良多种类。

    Rhinoceroses are distributed in asia and africa, they have a lot of kinds.

  28. 我们都是通俗人, 没有良多主要得工作。

    We are all common people and has few urgencies to do.

  29. 我们都是通俗人,没有良多主要的工作。

    We are all common people and has few urgencies to do.

  30. 你本周有空儿?之后今天我有良多空儿。

    You have free time this week ? After today I have much free time.