


不,不是:~凡。~法。~分(fèn )。~礼。~但。~同小可。啼笑皆~。不对,过失:痛改前~。文过饰~。习~成是(对于某些错的事情习惯了,反认为是对的)。与“不”呼应,表示必须(有时后面没有“不”字):我~看这本书。责怪,反对:~难(nàn……


动植物的生活能力:生~。救~。逃~。拼~。~脉。性~。相依为~。迷信认为生来就注定的贫富、寿数等:天~。~相(xiàng )。~运(a.迷信指生死、贫富和一切遭遇;b.喻发展变化的趋向,如“人民一定能掌握自己的~~”)。上级对下级的指示:奉……



汉语拼音:fēi mìng




遭遇意外的灾祸 而死亡:死于~。



  1. 不从命。

    《左传·昭公元年》:“小国为蘩,大国省穡而用之,其何实非命。” 杜预 注:“小国微薄犹蘩菜,大国能省爱用之而不弃,则何敢不从命。”

  2. 不合天命,违反天道。

    《汉书·王莽传赞》:“同归殊涂,俱用灭亡,皆炕龙絶气,非命之运。” 颜师古 注引 苏林 曰:“非命,非天命之命也。”《后汉书·李固传》:“居非命之世,天高不敢不跼,地厚不敢不蹐。”

  3. 《孟子·尽心上》:“桎梏死者,非正命也。”后称因意外的灾祸而死为非命。

    《后汉书·荀彧传》:“﹝ 彧 ﹞阻 董昭 之议,以致非命,岂数也夫!” 北周 庾信 《周大将军司马裔碑》:“时值乱离,衅起萧墙,遂终非命。”《清平山堂话本·曹伯明错勘赃记》:“只因不信姑娘口,争些死非命。” 李根源 《记云南起义》:“余不能保护( 世增 诸人),致死于非命。”

  4. 不相信命运,主张人为。

    《汉书·艺文志》:“ 墨 家者流……顺四时而行,是以非命。”



  1. Of all the ways we might meet our untimely demise, getting wiped out by an asteroid is the most likely.


  2. The theory of Anti-Fatalism is a negative attitude toward fatalism.


  3. Until yesterday, we could only speculate about the origins of the current H1N1 virus killing human beings - but now we know more.


  4. If he carries on driving like that, he'll end up dead.


  5. Secondly, I will discuss the role and value of Anti-Fatalism in Mozi's ideology.


  1. 她死于非命。

    She died a violent death.

  2. 横死, 死于非命

    die an unnatural death

  3. 乔尔死于非命

    Joel died in his Boots.

  4. 歹徒通常死于非命。

    The outlaws usually die in their boots.

  5. 数千人死于非命。

    Thousands of people died unnatural deaths.

  6. 死于非命的疾病之一。

    dying every day.

  7. 那个不法之徒最后死于非命。

    The bad man died in his boots at last.

  8. 不为横死非命所夭。

    He will not suffer from unnatural death.

  9. 但是数百万人会死于非命。

    But millions of people will die.

  10. 那个盗贼说,他宁可死于非命。

    The robber said he would rather die with his boots on

  11. 你们都是使她死于非命的嫌疑人

    You are all suspects in her untimely demise.

  12. 他是第二个这样死于非命的人。

    He is the second man of dying an unnatural death so.

  13. 车祸中, 这只可怜得小狗死于非命。

    This poor little puppy died in a traffic accident.

  14. 车祸中,这只可怜的小狗死于非命。

    This poor little puppy died in a traffic accident.

  15. 车祸中,这只可怜的小狗死于非命。

    This poor little puppy died in a traffic accident.

  16. 但是你约见过的人全部都死于非命。

    But the people you've seen are all dead.

  17. 听到他的孪生兄弟死于非命,我大为震惊。

    I was shocked by the news of the tragic death of his twin brother.

  18. 如果再有下一次,可能我就会死于非命了。

    The next time I might end up dead.

  19. 听到他的孪生兄弟死於非命, 我大为震惊。

    I am shocked by the news of the tragic death of his twin brother.

  20. 他要是继续这样开车, 早晚得死于非命。比如说

    Clench ones teeth.If he goes on driving like that, hell end up dead.

  21. 据报道,至少16人死于非命,上百万人失去电力供应。

    At least16 deaths were reported, millions are without electricity.

  22. 命运之神在朝他微笑, 总算没有谁死于非命。

    The Gull of Fortune smiled upon him this once, and no one was killed.

  23. 我们和这个人谈话之后没多久,他就死于非命了。

    Soon after we had spoken to this man he had met a violent end.

  24. 我们都将死于非命, 但你们选择比我走得更早

    See we both gotta die but you chose to go before me

  25. 但是他的妻子也死于非命, 并且孩子也变成了个孤儿。

    But his wife's dead too and a child's been orphaned.

  26. 我们都将死于非命,但你们选择比我走的更早

    See we both gotta die but you chose to go before me

  27. 别担心啦,命的说过你不会病死的。你会死于非命。

    Relax, the fortune teller said you're going to die from an accident, not a disease.

  28. 别担心啦, 萛命的说过你不会病死的。你会死于非命。

    Relax, the fortune teller said you're going to die from an accident, not a disease.

  29. 大车的一个后轮压碎了他的脑壳,他转眼间死于非命。

    One of the back wheels shattered his skull and killed him instantaneously.

  30. 但是, 其中已经夹带了一种对她死于非命而感到愤怒的情绪。

    But already it was tinged with anger that she had been taken away.


  1. 问:非命拼音怎么拼?非命的读音是什么?非命翻译成英文是什么?

    答:非命的读音是fēimìng,非命翻译成英文是 Abnormal death as a result of an unexpected disa...