







汉语拼音:jǔ yú






  1. 举一端为例。意在使人由此一端而推知其他。语出《论语·述而》:“举一隅,不以三隅反,则不復也。” 唐 杜甫 《壮游》诗:“举隅见烦费,引古惜兴亡。” 清 顾炎武 《与友人论易书》:“夫子作《大象》,多於《卦》《爻》之辞之外,别起一义以示学者,使之触类而通,此即举隅之説也。”参见“ 举一反三 ”。



  1. Luo, H. G. Debating Caused by the Abbreviation of the New Concept of Education. Forum on Contemporary Education, 2004(10).


  2. And there are two parts included: modifying moistening dryness theory system and some clinical experiences.


  3. On the Poems of Su Shi's Poem Theory of "There Is Painting in Poem"


  4. The applied herbal medicine cures the child to have fever


  5. The classification of the manipulation with five - element and its clinical applications


  6. Debating Caused by the Abbreviation of the New Concept of Education


  7. Interdependence: Its Application in Syndrome differentiation and Treatment of Internal Emergent Cases with Examples


  8. Individual case of lumbar sprain treated with fathoming needle and rubbing Ashi point


  9. A Few Examples for the "Unorthodox One-Thousand-Word Writing" Outside China


  1. 流行语举隅

    The Now Look on Popular Language.

  2. 胸痹治疗举隅

    The example of treating Pectoral Stuffiness Pain

  3. 急性子临床应用举隅

    Clinical Application of Semen Impatientis

  4. 眩晕病证治举隅

    Some Examples for the Treatment of Giddy Disease

  5. 针刺治疗失音举隅

    Treating Aphonia with Acupuncture Therapy

  6. 女性尿失禁治验举隅

    A Briefing on Treating Women Incontinence

  7. 支气管哮喘治验举隅

    Cases of the Treatment of Bronchial Asthma

  8. 痛风从痰论治举隅

    Treating Gout by Dealing with Phlegm

  9. 阳痿从痰治验举隅

    Case Report on the Treatment of Impotence by Dispelling Phlegm

  10. 附子的临床运用举隅

    Example of Clinical Application of Prepared Aconite Root

  11. 药线外治法治验举隅

    Cases of Effective External Treatment by Medicated Thread

  12. 古典诗文中松柏意象举隅

    On the Pine and Cypress Images of Chinese Classical Poetry and Essay

  13. 古代图书出版营销术举隅

    Drawing Lessons from the Marketing Methods of the Publishment of Ancient Books

  14. 经方治疗汗证临床举隅

    Case Reports on Treatment of Hidrosis Syndrome with Classical Prescriptions

  15. 白头翁汤治疗急性结膜炎举隅

    A Report of Treatment of Acute Conjunctivitis with Decoction of Radix Pulsatilla

  16. 临床杂病证治验案举隅

    Some Successful Treatments of Miscellaneous Diseases

  17. 闭经的辨证论治经验举隅

    Clinical Experience of Syndrome Differentiation and Treatment Administration for Menstrual Suppression

  18. 同经异译比较释词举隅

    An Analogy from Comparison between Different Explanations of the Same Buddhist Scripture

  19. 化脓灸治疗顽固性痛症举隅

    Application of Festering Moxibustion to Treat Refractory Ache

  20. 更年期综合征的中医辨证疗法举隅

    Samples of Herbalist Therapeutics in Menopause Syndrome

  21. 客家文化中的楚文化因素举隅

    The Study of the Element of Chu Culture in Hakka Culture

  22. 中医药治疗重症肺癌医案举隅

    Clinical Examples of Severe Lung Carcinoma Treated by Chinese Medicine

  23. 逍遥丸治疗妇科杂病临床举隅

    Clinical Examples of Gynecologic Hypochondria treated by Xiaoyao Pills

  24. 古代科技文献点校疑误举隅

    Examples of punctuational mistakes in the scientific and technical documents of ancient China

  25. 引火归原法治疗疑难顽症举隅

    Some cases on the Treatment of Intractable Disease by Return Fire to its Origin

  26. 中西医结合治疗无精子症举隅

    Illustrate the Azoospermia Treated by Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine

  27. 民间传统疗法施治疑难病举隅

    Case Report on the Treatment of Intractable Disease by Folk Traditional Medicine and Pharmacy

  28. 耳尖放血治疗在临床中应用举隅

    Report of Applying Pinna Tip Bloodletting in Clinical Treatment of Some Patients

  29. 刺血疗法在临床上的应用举隅

    Samples on the Clinical Application of Bloodletting Therapy

  30. 加味桂枝茯苓丸妇科应用举隅

    Examples of Application of Modified Guizhi Fuling Pill to Genecology