







汉语拼音:shì děng






  1. 齐等,相等。

    汉 赵岐 《<孟子>篇叙》:“文章多少,拟其大数,不必适等。” 宋 陈亮 《中兴论》:“地形适等,无所参错,攻守之道,无他奇变。”



  1. Chen, Li Dazhao, Mao Zedong and Lu Xun, Hu Shi and other talents have served or to teach at Beijing University.


  2. Moreover NAC can have unpleasant side effects including blurred vision, dysphoria , and gastrointestinal discomfort(9).


  3. She developed symptoms of fever and stomach discomfort on 17 November, followed by cough and breathing difficulty.


  4. Most of patients have aridity of nasal mucosa, burning pain, discomfortable symptom of respiratory channel.


  5. A 25-year-old woman developed symptoms of fever and stomach discomfort November 17, then died November 25.


  6. physical factors such as hunger , being too full , diarrhea , frequent urination , coughing , aches and other forms of discomfort


  1. 可能引起皮肤出现红肿等不适。气体可能引起眼部的刺激,

    The skin is possible, but harmful effects are not expected from this route of Exposure under normal conditions of handling and use.

  2. 百分之九十的来电涉及高考前焦虑及心理调适等问题。

    More than ninety percent of the incoming telegram refer to the problem of anxiety and mental adjustment before college entrance exam.

  3. 最后, 碧萝芷?够减轻月经紊乱引起得痛经等身体不适。

    Finally, Pycnogenol ?soothes menstrual disorders like cramps and pain.

  4. 我增了50多磅, 忍受了严重水肿, 便秘和胀痛等许多不适。

    I gained over 50 pounds, and I suffered many discomforts from extreme water retention to constipation and gas pains.

  5. 塑料表面印刷适性的等离子体处理

    Plasma Treatment for Improving Adaptability of Plastics Surface Print

  6. 销售生产蓝牙耳机,蓝牙适配器等通讯产品。

    Sales Production Bluetooth headset, Bluetooth adapter, and other communications products.

  7. 服药温度有适寒温, 沸汤和服, 小冷服等。

    Special temperature includes take with suitable temperature, take with boiling and the decoction taken little cold.

  8. 闪光的立体写实,适配器贸发局等必须看到!

    Flash adapter for stereo Realist, TDC, etc must see!

  9. 适制品种为福丁大白茶和早白尖等中,小叶类型茶树良种。

    The suitable variety was the mesophyll or microphyll typic tea var.

  10. 偶有不适勿紧张, 便民药箱等在旁。

    If sick, there a medicine chest that is facilitating.

  11. 三,心脏病,高血压患者等身体不适者不可上车。

    Not suitable for people with heart disease, hypertension, or feeling unwell.

  12. 皮肤、骨头、牙齿等方面的身体不适会扰乱你的计划。

    Problems with skin, bones, or teeth may mess up your schedule.

  13. 患者常有头痛、关节痛、发热及全身不适等症状。

    And at the same time the patient will have headache, joint ache, fever and comfortable.

  14. 患者多感有鼻黏膜干燥、灼痛、呼吸道不适等症状。

    Most of patients have aridity of nasal mucosa, burning pain, discomfortable symptom of respiratory channel.

  15. 摄入会引起胃粘膜不适,以及损害肺等身体器官。

    Ingestion will cause irritation to mucous membranes Principal hazard of Ingestion is aspiration into the lungs and subsequent pneumonitis.

  16. 病发时通常首先出现发烧,食欲不振,不适及喉咙痛等徵状。

    Usually it begins with fever, poor appetite, malaise and sore throat.

  17. 常见的症状如痛经,性交不适和月经期出现的腰背痛等。

    The most common symptoms are dysmenorrhea dyspareunia and low back pain that worsens during menses.

  18. 脓疱型牛皮癣发病急剧,有发热,全身不适等症状,白细胞增多。

    Pustular psoriasis rapid onset, with fever, general malaise and other symptoms, leukocytosis.