







汉语拼音:quán chéng







  1. 整个城市。

    南朝 梁 任昉 《奏弹曹景宗》:“率厉义勇,奋不顾命,全城守死,自冬徂秋。”

  2. 保全城池。

    《南齐书·高帝纪上》:“ 宋文帝 以皇考有全城之功……迁辅国镇北中兵参军、员外郎。” 宋 曾巩 《与孙司封书》:“盖先事以为备,全城而保民者,宜责之 陈拱 非 宗旦 事也。”



  1. You know those living in Memphis are cleaning up this morning after thunderstorms knocked down trees, power lines all across the city.


  2. Each quarter, flyer of the hotel will be sent out across the whole town, let people know about this place.


  3. And on the following Sabbath almost all the city gathered together to hear the word of God.


  4. The story is all over the town. It is being spread by someone or by some people. There's no smoke without fire.


  5. Sanitation Commissioner John Doherty said he expected to have 'all the streets' in the city plowed by 7 a. m. Thursday.


  6. It does matter! You know how she talks to everybody and their brother! Now the whole town will be asking me for money!


  7. "You seem to have taken the town by storm, " he wrote. "This is delightful. I am as glad for your sake as for my own. "


  8. Viborg is a city in Denmark. It is an old city, but it has only a few old buildings. A great fire destroyed most of the old town in 1726.


  9. They then used the mosque's loud speaker system, normally used to call people to prayer, to broadcast their chants across the city.


  1. 雾罩全城。

    The fog swallowed up the whole city.

  2. 恐惧遍及全城

    Fear filled the city.

  3. 瘟疫侵袭全城。

    Plague invaded the town.

  4. 霍乱侵袭全城。

    Cholera invaded the city.

  5. 烟雾笼罩全城。

    Smog clouded the whole city.

  6. 全城戒备森严。

    The town is armed at all points.

  7. 他誉满全城。

    The whole town rings with his fame.

  8. 电视塔俯视全城。

    The television tower dominates over the city.

  9. 大雾笼罩全城。

    Fog invests the city.

  10. 全城化为灰烬。

    A city is laid in ashes.

  11. 消息传遍全城。

    The news passed round the city.

  12. 全城都凄凄惨惨。

    The whole town is desolate.

  13. 使全城枪炮林立

    to bristle the city with guns

  14. 风暴在全城肆虐。

    The storm racked the town.

  15. 冷风吹遍全城。

    The cold wind searched every part of the city.

  16. 大教堂俯视全城。

    The cathedral dominates the city.

  17. 旅游者遍布全城。

    The tourists scattered about the town.

  18. 地震把全城夷为平地。

    The earth quake laid the city flat.

  19. 从山上俯瞰全城

    overlook the whole town from a hill

  20. 消息传遍了全城。

    The news spread through the town.

  21. 消息已传遍全城。

    The news was bruited through the town.

  22. 冷风吹遍了全城。

    The cold wind searched every part of the city.

  23. 这消息使全城轰动。

    The news took the city by storm.

  24. 走遍全城搜寻逃犯

    to scour a town for an escaped convict

  25. 这个新闻传遍全城。

    The town was buzzing with the news.

  26. 这座古堡俯瞰全城。

    The ancient castle commands the town.

  27. 这消息惊动了全城。

    The whole town was startled by the news.

  28. 这种疾病在全城肆虐。

    The disease raged through the city.

  29. 全城都黑漆一片。

    The whole town is blacked out.

  30. 这些设施使全城受益。

    These facilities have benefited the whole town.


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