


1. 那 [nà]2. 那 [nǎ]3. 那 [nèi]4. 那 [nā]那 [nà]指较远的时间、地方或事物,与“这”相对:~里。~个。~样。~些。~时。~么。那 [nǎ]同“哪”(一)(中国大陆地区已不用)。那 [nèi]义同(一),“……






居住的地方:故~。返~(回老家)。街坊(古代五家为邻,五邻为里):~弄(lòng )。中国市制长度单位:一~(等于五百米)。~程牌。衣物的内层:被~。内部,与“外”相对,并引申为一定范围以内:~外。心~。这~。那~。姓。……



汉语拼音:nà tuó ér lǐ






  1. 宋 元 俗语。何处;哪里。

    元 高文秀 《黑旋风》第三折:“那坨儿里墙较低?那坨儿里门不闭?那坨儿里得空便?那坨儿里无寻觅?”




  1. 博物馆里那沉滞的气氛

    The leaden atmosphere of the museum

  2. 喇叭里那女在说什么?

    What's the girl saying over the loudspeaker ?

  3. 能看看橱窗里那玉雕吗?

    Could I look ai that jade carving in the showcase?

  4. 你知道公园里那幢玻璃房吧

    you know that glass building on park.

  5. 我可以看看橱窗里那件罩衫吗?

    May I see the blouse in the window?

  6. 还在回忆骑士里那份感动吗?

    are u still missing the move in the paladin

  7. 这套衣服是不是你昨晚酒吧里那套?

    Aren't those the same clothes you were wearing last night in the bar?

  8. 是否还记得童年阳光里那一朵蝴蝶花

    Still remember the iris under the sunshine

  9. 你口袋里那块鼓鼓囊囊的东西是什么?

    What's that awkward bulge in your pocket?

  10. 那信封里会是什么?

    Well,then what's in the envelope?

  11. 那信封里会是什么?

    Well, then what's in the envelope?

  12. 那抽屉里有邮票吗?

    Are there any stamps in that drawer?

  13. 你看见花园里那棵孤零零的树了吗?

    Did you see a solitary tree in the garden?

  14. 史蒂夫,去那坑里

    And, Steve, go to the pit.

  15. 他对宿舍里那两个人蔼然望着。

    He looked kindly at the two in the bunk house.

  16. 狗跳进水里去抢水里那只狗的大骨头。

    He jumped into the water snatch the bigger bone from the other dog.

  17. 狗跳进水里去抢水里那只狗得大骨头。

    He jumped into the water snatch the bigger bone from the other dog.

  18. 那瓶子里还剩多少水?

    How much water is left in that bottle

  19. 瞧那田野里唯一的倩影,

    Behold her, single in the field

  20. 天边低悬,晨光里那颗蓝星的幽光

    And the flame of the blue star of twilight, hung low on the rim of the sky.

  21. 它足以温暖广寒宫里那颗日渐冰冷的心。

    It is sufficient to warm Guanghan Gong li gradually sinking, cold heart.

  22. 你觉得那箱子里有什么

    So what do you think is in the guitar case?

  23. 那一行里我有不少朋友。

    I've got a lot of friends in that line.

  24. 是的,我想要窗子里那条小的红色围巾。

    Yeah, uh, I just wanna get that little red scarf I saw in the window.

  25. 那本书里有很多妙语。

    There are many mots in that book.

  26. 梦里那份场景, 那份依恋, 那份感动, 依旧浮现在眼前。

    That dream scenario, that attachment, that moved in front of us is still emerging.

  27. 角落里那只未盖盖子的桶散发着臭味。

    The uncovered bucket in the corner stank.

  28. 那口井里几乎没有水了。

    There is little water in the well.

  29. 我在那森林里看见了狼。

    I have seen wolves in that forest.

  30. 公主被关在城堡里那座最高的塔楼上。

    The princess was locked at the highest keep.

