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汉语拼音:nà bù
粗布名。纳,通“ 衲 ”。
《宋书·徐湛之传》:“初, 高祖 微时,贫陋过甚,尝自 新洲 伐荻,有纳布衫袄等衣,皆 敬皇后 手自作。”《资治通鉴·宋文帝元嘉十七年》引此文, 胡三省 注曰:“纳,与衲同。”
McNabb said the case was unusual in many ways - in addition to the fact that it ended on only the second day of trial.
麦克纳布说,案子在开庭审理的第二天就结束了,这在某种程度上,可以说是不寻常的。In a way, the old city of Nablus is kind of like a refugee camp in that way. It is one of the many sites that gets invaded nightly.
在某种程度上,纳布卢斯老城就像是一个难民营,这里是众多每晚都被侵袭的地方之一。When the greedy Trade Federation invaded Naboo, Queen Amidala rushed away from her world and ran afoul of a blockade.
当贪婪的贸易联盟入侵纳布时,阿米达拉女王冲破封锁逃离她的星球。"So, Neb, " said the reporter, "it was not you who brought your master to this place. "
“照这么说,纳布,”通讯记者说,“不是你把他带到这儿来的了?”This Neb knew, and he wished to see his master again for the last time.
纳布知道这一点,他想和他的主人见最后的一面。At a ceremony in Ankara, several countries, including Turkey, signed up to the planned Nabucco pipeline through south-eastern Europe.
包括土耳其在内的几个国家在安卡拉举行的典礼仪式上共同签订了贯穿欧洲东南的纳布科天然气管道计划。Bibble, like the rest of the Naboo citizenry, was taken captive by the mechanized armies of the Trade Federation.
比布尔跟其他纳布公民一样,被贸易联盟的机器人部队俘虏。Obi-Wan noted that it had been intoning the precious metals of Naboo.
欧比万注意到,那是讲解纳布星球一种珍贵的金属的。"What exactly the huge fortress was used for, that's the big question, " explains grad student Kyle Knabb.