







汉语拼音:xué tú









  1. 从师受业的人;学生。

    汉 蔡邕 《司徒杨秉碑》:“於是门人学徒,相与刊石碑,表勒鸿勋。”《后汉书·郑玄传》:“家贫,客耕 东莱 ,学徒相随已数百千人。”《晋书·虞溥传》:“大修庠序,广招学徒。” 唐 王建 《荆南赠别李肇著作转韵诗》:“素业传学徒,清门有君子。” 明 陶宗仪 《辍耕录·夫妇死孝》:“ 杜阳父 友开 , 江阴 人,隐居教授…… 天历 间, 浙 右菑荒,米价腾踊,学徒散去。”

  2. 泛指读书人。

    北齐 颜之推 《颜氏家训·勉学》:“夫文字者,坟籍根本,世之学徒,多不晓字。” 唐 朱庆馀 《送祝秀才归衢州》诗:“学徒花下别,乡路雪边寻。” 宋 王谠 《唐语林·企羡》:“侍中 裴耀卿 因入书库观书,既而谓人曰:‘圣上好文,书籍之盛事,自古未有。朝宰充使,学徒云集,官家设教,尽在是矣。’”

  3. 在商店里学做买卖或在作坊、工厂里随师学技术的青少年。

    邹韬奋 《经历·“难兄难弟”的又一个》:“十五岁的时候小学还未读完,就被送到一家趸批匹头的字号里做学徒。” 艾芜 《人生哲学的一课》:“后来,又翻看报,华安机器厂招收学徒的大字广告,跳到我的眼里来了。”

  4. 当学徒。

    老舍 《四世同堂》一:“他的儿子也只在私塾读过三年书,就去学徒。” 梁元勋 《人们在前进》:“我刮刮胡子跟你学徒去。”



  1. He also brought with him his young apprentice whom he wished to inspire, and who would be instrumental in carrying out the task at hand.


  2. But there seems to be a question preceding this: Why did I become a businessman?


  3. After the father gave the land to the firstborn, he tried to find apprenticeships for the rest of his sons.


  4. Brandy let me ask you this. If you were to become the apprentice, what job would you do for me?


  5. And I found it in a man, the farmer's name is Joel Salatin, and I spent a week as an apprentice on his farm.


  6. Regardless the reason for her advancement, Ahsoka remained eager, almost overly so, to prove herself worthy of her status as a Padawan.


  7. You had better be apprenticed at once. Would Gargery come here with you, and bring your indentures, do you think?


  8. Seek out a monastery and apprentice yourself to one of the enlightened souls within, preferably somewhere in Asia.


  9. He later completed an apprenticeship in tailoring, and was successful enough to open his own shop .


  1. 技术员学徒

    Technician Apprentice.

  2. 做裁缝学徒

    to apprentice to a tailor.

  3. 学徒督察协会

    Association of Inspectors of Apprentices

  4. 他的契约学徒

    for a year in Normandy.

  5. 作医生的学徒!

    Apprentice! To the doctor!

  6. 跟木匠当学徒

    be an apprentice to a carpenter.

  7. 学徒生涯将满

    an apprenticeship nearing its term.

  8. 他在做学徒工。

    He is serving his apprenticeship.

  9. 进工厂当学徒

    start work in a factory as an apprentice

  10. 在机床厂学徒

    be an apprentice in a machine tool plant

  11. 管子工/ 木匠学徒

    an apprentice plumber/ carpenter

  12. 新学徒滑雪新手

    A fledgling enterprise a fledgling skier.

  13. 一个立约的学徒

    an articled apprentice

  14. 立约收一名学徒

    to article an apprentice

  15. 他是木工学徒。

    He is an apprentice carpenter.

  16. 一个电工学徒一个海员学徒

    an apprentice electrician an apprentice sailor.

  17. 一般也可以称为学徒。

    Also can call apprentice commonly.

  18. 圣灵需要快乐的学徒。

    Holy Spirit needs a happy learner.

  19. 英国的现代学徒制度。

    The modern apprentice system in U.K.

  20. 学徒合约更改之证明

    Variation Document of Contract of Apprenticeship

  21. 他跟鲍伯当学徒。

    He served his apprenticeship with Bob.

  22. 你在法国做过学徒

    You apprenticed in France?

  23. 去当学徒太晚了,

    which was too late to go Apprentice to a Trade

  24. 既然是来当学徒的。

    Since I am an apprentice here.

  25. 那时我是一个学徒。

    and I worked as the apprentice.

  26. 那个学徒被打死了。

    The apprentice was beaten to death

  27. 他们先叫他当学徒。

    They started him in as an apprentice.

  28. 他们在印刷厂当学徒。

    They are articled to a printer.

  29. 他跟英国木匠当学徒。

    He is apprenticed to a carpenter.

  30. 她学徒还不满一年。

    It's not quite a year since she became an apprentice.


  1. 问:学徒拼音怎么拼?学徒的读音是什么?学徒翻译成英文是什么?

    答:学徒的读音是xuétú,学徒翻译成英文是 apprentice

  2. 问:学徒工拼音怎么拼?学徒工的读音是什么?学徒工翻译成英文是什么?

    答:学徒工的读音是xuétúgōng,学徒工翻译成英文是 apprentice: a young worker who is learning a skil...

  3. 问:学徒制拼音怎么拼?学徒制的读音是什么?学徒制翻译成英文是什么?

    答:学徒制的读音是xué tú zhì,学徒制翻译成英文是 apprentice system

  4. 问:学徒期拼音怎么拼?学徒期的读音是什么?学徒期翻译成英文是什么?

    答:学徒期的读音是xué tú qī,学徒期翻译成英文是 period of probation

  5. 问:学徒制度拼音怎么拼?学徒制度的读音是什么?学徒制度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:学徒制度的读音是xué tú zhì dù,学徒制度翻译成英文是 apprenticeship system

  6. 问:学徒合同拼音怎么拼?学徒合同的读音是什么?学徒合同翻译成英文是什么?

    答:学徒合同的读音是xué túhé tóng,学徒合同翻译成英文是 contract of apprenticeship

  7. 问:学徒契约拼音怎么拼?学徒契约的读音是什么?学徒契约翻译成英文是什么?

    答:学徒契约的读音是xué tú qì yuē,学徒契约翻译成英文是 indenture of apprenticeship

  8. 问:学徒系统拼音怎么拼?学徒系统的读音是什么?学徒系统翻译成英文是什么?

    答:学徒系统的读音是xué tú xì tǒng,学徒系统翻译成英文是 learning apprentice system

  9. 问:学徒身份拼音怎么拼?学徒身份的读音是什么?学徒身份翻译成英文是什么?

    答:学徒身份的读音是xué tú shēn fèn,学徒身份翻译成英文是 apprenticeship



“学徒”是个多义词,它可以指学徒(美国2004年首播真人秀竞赛主题节目), 学徒(中国传统相声作品), 学徒(汉语词语)。