




1. 子 [zǐ]子 [zǐ]古代指儿女,现专指儿子:~女。~孙。~嗣。~弟(后辈人,年轻人)。植物的果实、种子:菜~。瓜~儿。~实。动物的卵:鱼~。蚕~。幼小的,小的:~鸡。~畜。~城。小而硬的颗粒状的东西:~弹(dàn )。棋~儿。与“……



汉语拼音:kǒng zǐ







  1. The Master did not sing on the same day in which he had been weeping.

  2. Confucius said, "It is better to ask a question and be thought a fool for a day than to keep quiet and be a fool for life. "

  3. Just as Confucius said he became independent at thirty, we have come a long way over the past thirty years to be fully - fledged too.

  4. So I am using the media as a tool to deliver the message of philosophy, to produce an easy-to-understand way for Confucius.

  5. 7 "Before that, I studied the theory of Yin and Yang but I got nothing after twelve years of effort. " Confucius replied.

  6. Yu herself acknowledges that she did not present all of Confucius's ideas, because she feels not all are relevant to modern China.

  7. Betty: I don't know. Mark Twain was an important writer , but he isn't known as a great thinker like Confucius.

  8. Confucius was said to have been born in a cave on Mount Niqiu, nevertheless, some have said that this is not necessarily true.

  9. When being asked for afterlife by his students, he said: "life even unknown, how about afterlife" .


  1. 孔子与武艺

    The Confucius and the Feat.

  2. 谶纬中的孔子

    Kong Zi who was in the Superstitious Belief

  3. 论孔子诗学

    On the Confucian Poetics.

  4. 孔子诗说论

    About Confucius's Discussion to Poems

  5. 是孔子提出的。

    It was invented by Confucius.

  6. 他是孔子后裔。

    He is a descendant of Confucius.

  7. 孔子生平与教义

    Life and Teachings of Confucius

  8. 孔子面前卖文章。

    To teach a fish how to swim.

  9. 孔子与泰山齐名。

    Confucius is as famous as Mt. Tai.

  10. 孔子诗教探微

    On Confucius's Teaching of Poems

  11. 简论孔子战争观

    On Confucian Outlook of War

  12. 孔子眼中的卜筮

    Divination in Confucius eyes

  13. 孔子学院全球生根。

    The colleges have found their niche all over the world.

  14. 略论孔子与法治

    Confucius and Ruling by Law in Brief

  15. 他是孔子的后裔。

    He is descended from Confucius.

  16. 孔子诞辰也是教师节。

    Confucius'Birthday is also Teacher's Day.

  17. 孔子美育思想初探

    The Initial Exploration of Confucian Doctrine on Aesthetic Education

  18. 孔子学院大会闭幕式

    Closing Ceremony of Confucius Institute Conference

  19. 论语中的孔子形象

    Confucius in the Analects

  20. 孔子与忠君思想

    Confucius and the thoughts on loyal to monarch

  21. 孔子与君子的命运

    The Fate of Confucius and Intellectuals

  22. 孔子问他们争什么。

    Confucius asks what they contend for.

  23. 孔子的故居被拆。

    The ancestral home of philosopher Confucius was dismantled.

  24. 穿西服的孔子招贴画

    Confucius Dressed in Suit in Poster

  25. 孔子人伦思想探析

    An Explorative Analysis of Confucian Thought on Human Relations

  26. 孔子一生著述颇丰。

    In his life, Confucius wrote and edited a number of books.

  27. 孔子门前难卖文。

    It is hard halting before a cripple.

  28. 孔子教导我们要谦虚。

    The teachings of Confucius tell us to be humble.

  29. 崇奉孔子学说的学派。

    The school worships and believes in Confucius theory.

  30. 孔子删诗说新探

    New Research on the Remark of Confucius's Deleting Book of Poetry


  1. 问:孔子拼音怎么拼?孔子的读音是什么?孔子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:孔子的读音是Kǒngzǐ,孔子翻译成英文是 Confucius, a citizen of kingdom Lu in the Spring a...

  2. 问:孔子学院拼音怎么拼?孔子学院的读音是什么?孔子学院翻译成英文是什么?

    答:孔子学院的读音是,孔子学院翻译成英文是 Confucius Institute

  3. 问:孔子鸟属拼音怎么拼?孔子鸟属的读音是什么?孔子鸟属翻译成英文是什么?

    答:孔子鸟属的读音是,孔子鸟属翻译成英文是 Confuciusornis

  4. 问:孔子鸟科拼音怎么拼?孔子鸟科的读音是什么?孔子鸟科翻译成英文是什么?

    答:孔子鸟科的读音是,孔子鸟科翻译成英文是 Confuciusornithidae

  5. 问:孔子和平奖拼音怎么拼?孔子和平奖的读音是什么?孔子和平奖翻译成英文是什么?

    答:孔子和平奖的读音是,孔子和平奖翻译成英文是 Confucius Peace Prize

  6. 问:孔子扫盲奖拼音怎么拼?孔子扫盲奖的读音是什么?孔子扫盲奖翻译成英文是什么?

    答:孔子扫盲奖的读音是,孔子扫盲奖翻译成英文是 UNESCO Confucius Prize for Literacy

  7. 问:孔子世家大宗世系图拼音怎么拼?孔子世家大宗世系图的读音是什么?孔子世家大宗世系图翻译成英文是什么?

    答:孔子世家大宗世系图的读音是,孔子世家大宗世系图翻译成英文是 Family tree of Confucius in the main line of desc...



“孔子”是个多义词,它可以指孔子(儒家学派创始人), 孔子(2010年电视剧), 孔子(2011年纪录片), 孔子(国产励志动画片), 孔子(小说), 孔子(中国历史名人), 孔子(同名舞剧), 孔子(姬仲鸣著作), 孔子(1940年电影《孔夫子》), 孔子(儒家·易学创始人), 孔子(井上靖所著长篇小说), 孔子(1990年电视剧)。