




小,细小:细~。轻~。~小。~型。~观。~雕。~积分。~电脑。~量元素。谨小慎~。~乎其~。少;稍:稍~。~笑。~调(tiáo )。衰落;低下:卑~。~贱。精深;精妙:~妙。精~。~言大义。隐约;不明:~茫。~词(隐晦的批评)。隐匿:“白公……



汉语拼音:shì wēi






  1. 衰微,衰败。

    《诗·邶风·式微》:“式微式微,胡不归。” 朱熹 集传:“式,发语辞。微,犹衰也。” 明 归有光 《张翁八十寿序》:“予以故家大族德厚源远,能自振于式微之后。” 郭沫若 《十批判书·古代研究的自我批判》:“ 武王 以前的 周 室没有什么高度的文化, 平王 以后的 周 室则是式微得不堪了。” 茅盾 《一个女性》:“谁曾从丰裕跌落到贫乏,从高贵跌落到式微,那他对于世态炎凉的感觉,大概要加倍的深切罢。”

  2. 《诗·邶风》篇名。

    《诗序》说, 黎侯 流亡于 卫 ,随行的臣子劝他归国。后以赋《式微》表示思归之意。《左传·襄公二十九年》:“ 荣城伯 赋《式微》乃归。” 唐 王维 《渭川田家》诗:“即此羡闲逸,悵然吟《式微》。” 唐 崔璞 《蒙恩除替呈军事院诸公郡中一二秀才》诗:“作牧惭为政,思乡念《式微》。” 清 曹寅 《胡静夫先归白门即席同用依字》诗:“十竹秋来好,连宵咏《式微》。”一说《邶风·式微》诗是表现征夫痛苦、反对徭役的作品。



  1. Its embassies grow in size and influence, often surpassing those of the United States, whose power around the world seems to be waning.


  2. The Romantic Movement was already underfoot in Europe, as men began to look for a warmer, more involved "God. "


  3. In the beginning of the reformation in China, the movement returned to glory again, thus later it had to decline in the market economy.


  4. It's also down in the other markets, which are traditionally our strongholds: Russia, Germany, Indonesia, UAE, and on and on and on.


  5. Combined-type small hole bottom, by outsole and bottom of inside and outside normally two parts are formed, have two or multilayer.


  6. There was a long, fading wail as it tumbled toward the luminous creatures waiting below, then a splash, then silence.


  7. The studies of compact microchannels evaporators in the automotive, aerospace and cryogenic industries have been a hot investmental topic.


  8. Over the next five years, governments and central banks will suck investors into subsidising economic growth through volatility.


  9. Similarly, many Europeans may yearn for a less interventionist America; but an isolationist superpower could be much more frightening.


  1. 平板式微燃烧室

    plane cell combustor

  2. 嵌入式微处理器

    embedded microprocessor

  3. 数字式微分析器

    digital differential analyzer

  4. 分立式微变形镜

    segmented micro deformable mirror

  5. 电容式微加速度计

    capacitive accelerometer

  6. 闪光式微流星探测器

    light flash sensor

  7. 电容式微流星探测器

    capacitor detector

  8. 巴洛克风格的式微

    The Death Of The Baroque And The Rhetoric Of Good Taste

  9. 刮板式微致动器

    scratch drive actuator

  10. 嵌入式微处理核

    embedded microprocessor core

  11. 压电式微加速度计

    piezoelectric microaccelerometer

  12. 撞击电离式微流星探测器

    impact ionization detector

  13. 对称式微热量分析仪

    symmetric microthermoanalyzer

  14. 可携式微电脑工作站

    portable microcomputer workstation

  15. 谐振式微加速度传感器

    resonant microaccelerometer

  16. 压阻式微加速度计

    piezoresistive micro accelerometer

  17. 电容式微加工超声传感器

    capacitive microfabricated ultrasonic transducers

  18. 传统德育的繁荣, 式微与超越

    The Prosperity, Declination and Surpassing of the Traditional Moral Education

  19. 论科技档案概念式微的历史必然性

    Discussing Historical Inevitability of the Decline of Conception of Scientific and Technical Archives

  20. 金融业车贷业务式微的法律思考

    Legal Thinking about Car Loan in Finance

  21. 微软式微,谷歌的攻击随即而来。

    Google's assault comes when the once almighty software giant is vulnerable.

  22. 公司经营日渐式微, 老板整日愁眉不展。

    The company is having less and less business, so the boss is worried every day.

  23. 公司经营日渐式微,老板整日愁眉不展。

    The company is having less and less business, so the boss is worried every day.

  24. 东亚雁阵模式式微原因新析及启示

    East Asia wild goose mode reason's new analysis and its inspiration

  25. 对我国大学人文教育式微的思考

    Reflection to Our Country University Humanity Education Decline

  26. 移动式微电脑施药器的研制与应用

    Development and application of mobile microcomputer insecticide applier

  27. 派克公司的声望日渐式微, 利润也在下滑。

    The company gradually lost prestige and profits.

  28. 凸台定位式微电机端盖的冲压成形

    Key technique in stamping convex positioned micromotor end cover

  29. 高职营销案例教学式微的原因及解决措施

    Reasons and Measures of Methodology of Cases in Marketing in Vocational College

  30. 关于前苏联式微的官僚制与官僚主义的反思

    Reflections on the Degeneration of Bureaucracy and Bureaucratism in the Soviet Union


  1. 问:式微拼音怎么拼?式微的读音是什么?式微翻译成英文是什么?

    答:式微的读音是shìwēi,式微翻译成英文是 A title of the Book of Songs.; Folksongs of...




【拼音】shì wēi
