




1. 育 [yù]育 [yù]生养:~龄。节~。生儿~女。养活:~婴。哺~。培~。抚~。养~。按照一定的目的长期地教导和训练:德~。智~。体~。美~。教书~人。……



汉语拼音:dé yù





政治教育、思想教 育和道德教育的总称。也特指道德教育。



  1. 政治思想和道德品质的教育。

    毛泽东 《关于正确处理人民内部矛盾的问题》五:“我们的教育方针,应该使受教育者在德育、智育、体育几方面都得到发展,成为有社会主义觉悟的有文化的劳动者。”



  1. The community with the political civilization requires citizens to have the right of the main character and sense of moral education.


  2. When he was in the prison his jailers had called it a "xunyusuo, " which means "moral education institute. "


  3. The relations between traditional parental instruction and the traditional culture are that of part and whole, system and environment.


  4. Third, consideration will be given to what this might mean for moral education for a just society, and for China in particular.


  5. One of the important reasons for the little practical results of moral education lies in the separation of moral education and life.


  6. From the perspective of politics, the theory of life moral education has not attempted to break away from the influence of politics.


  7. Thanksgiving education is an important aspect of ideological and political education. which is one of the starting point of moral education.


  8. Thoughts should be liberated , conception updated, new outlook of moral education set up and sense with students as the subject established.


  9. It has important and practical significance to carry out the evaluation of moral education in secondary school nowadays.


  1. 中学生德育

    moral education in middle school.

  2. 未成年人德育

    Moral education of minors.

  3. 德育心理学

    psychology of moral education.

  4. 德育导师制

    moral education tutorial system.

  5. 道德培养,德育

    moral upbringing

  6. 德育首位论

    On Putting Moral Education in the First Place.

  7. 数学教育中的德育。

    Study for Moral Culture in Mathematics Ed.

  8. 重智育轻德育

    stress intellectual development and neglect moral education

  9. 明确德育地位拓宽德育渠道

    Make clear the status of Moral Education and Widen its Horizons

  10. 论工读学校德育基本模式

    The basic model of moral teaching in reform school

  11. 传统家训的德育观

    On Moral Education in Traditional Family Precepts

  12. 劳动教育周的德育功能

    The Moral Educational Function of the Laboring Week

  13. 解读环境教育的德育价值

    On the Ethical Values of Environmental Education

  14. 古代家教的德育内涵缕述

    The Moral Connotation of Ancient Family Education

  15. 谈体育教学如何渗透德育

    How to Permeate Ethic Education in Physical Teaching.

  16. 浅谈大学德育的目标基点

    On Basic Points of the Goal of College Moral Education

  17. 德育目标教育学生热爱劳动。

    Educate students to have deep love for working.

  18. 德育是人际传播的一种。

    Moral education is a kind of interpersonal spread.

  19. 网络文化与德育落差浅论

    On the Drop between Network Culture and Moral Education

  20. 德育工作重点应把握道德底线

    The Bottom Line of Morality

  21. 德育为先培育四有新人

    Think much of moral education cultivate a new generation of people with the four haves

  22. 德育的感化, 强化及内化

    Persuasive, Strengthening and Internalizing Functions of Moral Education in Schools

  23. 关于德育首位的全球化问题

    On Globalization of Primacy of Ideological Education

  24. 可持续发展与高等学校德育

    The constable who eventually took our statement had large earrings and frustrated literary ambitions.

  25. 教育必须把德育放在首位

    Moral Education must Be Put in the First Position in the Course of Education

  26. 德育的激励旨趣及其合理性

    The Incentive Purport of Moral Education And Its Rationality.

  27. 环境教育和高校德育的互动

    The Mutuality of Environment Education and Ethical Education at Colleges

  28. 心理健康, 道德行为与德育工作

    Psychology healthy, moral action and moral culture

  29. 传统德育的繁荣, 式微与超越

    The Prosperity, Declination and Surpassing of the Traditional Moral Education

  30. 建构人文和谐的家庭德育机制

    Construct a Domestic Moral Education Mechanism to the Concordant Humanist


  1. 问:德育拼音怎么拼?德育的读音是什么?德育翻译成英文是什么?

    答:德育的读音是déyù,德育翻译成英文是 ethics

  2. 问:德育工作者拼音怎么拼?德育工作者的读音是什么?德育工作者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:德育工作者的读音是dé yù gōng zuò zhě,德育工作者翻译成英文是 moralist

  3. 问:德育心理学拼音怎么拼?德育心理学的读音是什么?德育心理学翻译成英文是什么?

    答:德育心理学的读音是dé yù xīn lǐ xué,德育心理学翻译成英文是 psychology of moral education



1.广义的德育指所有有目的、有计划地对社会成员在政治、思想与道德等方面施加影响的活动,包括社会德育、社区德育、学校德育和家庭德育等方面。 2.狭义的德育专指学校德育。学校德育是指教育者按照一定的社会或阶级要求,有目的、有计划、有系统地对受教育者施加思想、政治和道德等方面的影响,并通过受教育者积极的认识、体验与践行,以使其形成一定社会与阶级所需要的品德的教育活动,即教育者有目的地培养受教育者品德的活动。