







汉语拼音:píng yì









  1. 犹平治,平整。

    《左传·襄公三十一年》:“司空以时平易道路,圬人以时塓馆宫室。” 杜预 注:“易,治也。” 汉 赵晔 《吴越春秋·越王无余外传》:“平易相土,观地分州。”《新唐书·张茂昭传》:“平易道路,以待西军。”

  2. 平坦宽广。

    《管子·形势解》:“地险秽不平易,则山不得见。”《明史·余子俊传》:“三边惟 延庆 地平易,利驰突。” 清 魏源 《华山》诗之一:“一石一草木,尚压千万峰。岂肯放平易,招引人世踪。”

  3. 性情温和宁静;谦逊和蔼。

    《庄子·刻意》:“圣人休休焉,则平易矣;平易则恬淡矣。”《老残游记》第十八回:“性情又极其平易,从不肯轻慢人的。” 周立波 《张满贞》:“现在,在人们的眼里,除了可尊敬,她还显得平易可亲,好象就是大家中间的一个了。”

  4. 平和简易。

    《管子·霸言》:“其立之也以整齐,其理之也以平易。”《后汉书·崔駰传》:“济兹兆庶,出於平易之路。” 宋 苏轼 《东坡志林·赵高李斯》:“夫以忠恕为心,而以平易为政,则上易知而下易达。”

  5. 浅近易懂。

    《朱子语类》卷七十:“卦辞有平易底,有难晓底。” 明 方孝孺 《答王仲缙》:“其言平易明切,亦未有所谓奇怪。” 鲁迅 《华盖集·忽然想到(二)》:“外国的平易地讲述学术文艺的书,往往夹杂些闲话或笑谈,使文章增添活气。”



  1. This year, every American will have a chance to be part of the National Democratic Convention taking place in Charlotte, NC.


  2. The man's identity, said the villagers are not clear, the scene had not been seen in the deceased's relatives.


  3. However, as I learned in confronting folk in the chat rooms who mocked that they had not come to here for freedom or peace.


  4. After conversing for a few minutes, the friendly bum told me to follow him.


  5. In other words, it had the clear potential to circumvent the voice of the people and completely empower un-elected power mongers.


  6. thomas Edison ( is known as )a great inventor by the people all over the world.


  7. If you cannot explain it in plain English, there is a good chance that you actually do not understand things with with enough depth.


  8. He is able, without visible effort, to make a lecture to students seem like an intimate, Socratic dialogue.


  9. Concise content, easy to point the highly readable narrative, friendly, length to 1 to 2 page for appropriate (one page is preferred).


  1. 可人的容貌, 平易的风度

    with her beguiling looks and easygoing charm

  2. 她用词简洁, 直率, 平易。

    Her poetic idiom is noted for its laconic brevity, directness and plainness.

  3. 社会性网络使用平易英语

    Social Networking in Plain English

  4. 实现平易建筑的设计方法

    Design Method for Realizing Architectural Amiability

  5. 我们要努力做到平易宽厚。

    We must strive to be kind and generous.

  6. 这个故事的语言平易而优美。

    The story is told in simple and elegant language.

  7. 简单平易的字句比较容易理解。

    Plain, simple words are more easily understood.

  8. 我必须去救助那些贫平易近们。

    I must go there to help the poor.

  9. 他尽力把深奥的论述变为平易的词句。

    He tried to reduce a profound discourse to plain terms.

  10. 喷鼻草是人平易近的融合剂。

    Herb is the unifier of the people.

  11. 包装文化是平易近族地, 又是时期地。

    Packs the culture is the nationality, is also the time.

  12. 使用平易语言的效果有时是令人惊奇。

    The results of plain language can sometimes be surprising.

  13. 我们附上人平易近币200元得支票一张。

    We enclose a cheque for RMB200.

  14. 我们附上人平易近币200元的支票一张。

    We enclose a cheque for RMB200.

  15. 有种虚伪和造作,但也是一种平易的造作。

    There's a falseness, a craftedness, but it's a kind of folk craftedness.

  16. 本课程自2004年起用平易视觉化英文讲授。

    This course has been taught in plain, visualized English since 2004.

  17. 贫平易近要求多, 财迷则样样都要。

    The poor man wants much, the miser everything.

  18. 中小平易近营企业间接融资症结对策。

    Small and medium nongovernmentally operated enterprise Indirect financing Crux Countermeasure.

  19. 瑞友画如其人,含蓄幽默,平易而内秀。

    The auspicious friend draws like the person, implicit humour is easy and intelligent without seemingly so.

  20. 驻军用度由中央人平易近政府负担。

    Expenditure for the garrison shall be borne by Central People's Government.

  21. 林肯是被人平易近选出来的,对么?

    Lincoln was elected by the people, correct?

  22. 这篇文章写得非常平易明白, 但很有说服力。

    This article is easy but convincing.

  23. 相约星期二因其平易的风格获得了广泛的好评。

    Tuesdays with Morrie has been praised for its accessible style.

  24. 富人口中的甘旨是贫平易近眼中的眼泪。

    The dainties of the great are the tears of the poor.

  25. 针对表现对象的日常化而采用浅显平易的结构模式。

    He often used the plain structure pattern because what he wrote was mainly about his daily life.

  26. 他谦和平易的性格,以及让不同党派的几乎每个人

    His affable nature and ability to appeal personally to nearly everyone across party lines

  27. 英国是一个集不同平易近族于一体的国度。

    The English is a mixture of nationalities of different origins.

  28. 农平易近们不想让好好的农田被用来建造房子。

    The peasants don't want good farmland built on.

  29. 贫平易近眼中的一只羊, 贵似富人一头牛。

    B lamb as dear to a poor as an ox to the rich.

  30. 贫平易近眼中得一只羊,贵似富人一头牛。

    B lamb as dear to a poor as an ox to the rich.


  1. 问:平易拼音怎么拼?平易的读音是什么?平易翻译成英文是什么?

    答:平易的读音是píngyì,平易翻译成英文是 amiable

  2. 问:平易近人拼音怎么拼?平易近人的读音是什么?平易近人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:平易近人的读音是píngyìjìnrén,平易近人翻译成英文是 amiable and easy to approach

  3. 问:平易化拼音怎么拼?平易化的读音是什么?平易化翻译成英文是什么?

    答:平易化的读音是,平易化翻译成英文是 popularization

  4. 问:平易地拼音怎么拼?平易地的读音是什么?平易地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:平易地的读音是,平易地翻译成英文是 popularly

  5. 问:平易的拼音怎么拼?平易的的读音是什么?平易的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:平易的的读音是,平易的翻译成英文是 presentation


