







汉语拼音:sān fú








  1. 即初伏、中伏、末伏。农历夏至后第三庚日起为初伏,第四庚日起为中伏,立秋后第一庚日起为末伏。是一年中最热的时候。

    《初学记》卷四引《阴阳书》:“从夏至后第三庚为初伏,第四庚为中伏,立秋后初庚为后伏,谓之三伏。” 南朝 梁 萧统 《锦带书十二月启·林钟六月》:“三伏渐终,九夏将谢。” 宋 梅尧臣 《中伏日永叔遗冰》诗:“日色若炎火,正当三伏时。” 清 方文 《张道人园居歌》:“今年暑热何太酷,五月中旬似三伏。” 王西彦 《福元佬和他戴白帽的牛》:“三伏之后,还有三八二十四个秋老虎哩。”

  2. 指末伏。农谚:“头伏芝麻二伏豆,三伏里头种菉豆。”

  3. 三面埋伏;三重伏兵。

    《左传·隐公九年》“君为三覆以待之……衷 戎 师,前后击之,尽殪” 唐 孔颖达 疏:“衷 戎 师者,谓 戎 师在三伏之中。”《新唐书·叛臣传上·僕固怀恩》:“令 高彦崇 、 浑日进 、 李光逸 设三伏以待。”《新唐书·北狄传·契丹》:“ 张九节 为三伏伺之, 万荣 穷,与家奴轻骑走 潞河 东。”



  1. If there's such a thing as the dog days of the exhibition season, the Lakers might be feeling it.


  2. Emperor He of Han Dynasty decreed that during Dog Days, everyone should close their doors and rest all day.


  3. The dog days will arrive soon . We had better install an air- conditioner .


  4. THE bombshell burst this week, in the dog days of summer, when fewer Japanese were likely to be bothered.


  5. Thus, from ancient times, people developed many activities to escape the heat of Dog Days.


  6. To return to heaven, the Jade Emperor Tiger winning streak for dog day, we receive in its previous three carved horizontal line.


  7. The dog days of summer are the hottest days of the year. Arainstormrainstorm may cool the weather.


  8. And so the argument goes round and around , to the great delight of the financial media as the dog days of summer set in .


  9. With the approaching of the dog days, we would suffer more from the torrid weather for almost two months.


  1. 咳喘三伏贴

    Asthma in the remission phase.

  2. 三伏天很热。

    During the dogdays it's very hot.

  3. 我们已过了三伏天。

    We have got through the dog days.

  4. 热得像在三伏天一样。

    It's hot like in midsummer.

  5. 三伏天的或与之相关的。

    Of or relating to the dog days.

  6. 我不知道怎样度过三伏天。

    I do not know how I go through those dog days.

  7. 三伏天是夏季最热的时候。

    Dog days are the hottest days in summer.

  8. 采用夏季三伏天穴位敷贴96例。

    Method In summer dog days, treat96 cases with acupoint application.

  9. 三伏天的太阳照在身上,火辣辣的。

    It feels scorching in the sun during the hottest days of the year.

  10. 三伏天的太阳照在身上,火辣辣的。

    It feels scorching in the sun during the hottest days of the year.

  11. 过了三伏, 秋天就快到了, 就凉快很多了。

    After canicule, autumn will soon come and it'll be much cooler.

  12. 三伏天是夏天中最炎热的日子。

    The Dog days are the hottest days in Summer.

  13. 他常年坚持锻炼,冬练三九,夏练三伏。

    He keeps exercising all year around, even in the hottest days in summer and the coldest days in winter.

  14. 身体肥胖的人三伏天就要受苦了。

    Fat people suffer a lot in the dog days.

  15. 三伏药物敷贴能缓解哮喘大鼠的发作。

    Dog Day Moxibustion treatment can alleviate paroxysm of the asthma rat.

  16. 每当三伏天气,这里却是海风习习,凉爽宜人。

    Even in high summer, it is cool in Beidaihe, with refreshing, balmy breezes wafting in from the sea

  17. 夏天的三伏天是一年中最热的日子。

    The dog days of summer are the hottest days of the year.

  18. 气象因素在三伏灸治疗哮喘中作用观察

    Observation of the Effect of Meteorological Factors on Moxibustion Treatment of Asthma in Summer Dog Days

  19. 三伏天就要来了,我们最好装一个空调。

    The dog days will arrive soon. We'd better install an air conditioner.

  20. 三伏天快要来了,我们最好装一个空调。

    The dog days will arrive soon. We had better install an air conditioner.

  21. 在三伏天,我除了游泳之外什么也干不了。

    I can do nothing except for swimming in dog days.

  22. 在三伏天里, 除了游泳, 我什么事也做不成。

    I can do nothing except for swimming in the dog days.

  23. 三伏天辨证配药治疗过敏性鼻炎疗效观察

    Observation on the Therapeutic Effect of Dispensing Medicines for Anaphylactic Rhinitis Based on An Overall Analysis of Symptoms and Signs During Dog Days

  24. 我们已熬过了三伏天三相无功伏安小时计

    We have got through the dog days. three phase var hour meter

  25. 扛这样重的箱子已经够困难的了, 何况又是在三伏天。

    It was not easy to carry such a heavy box, and during the days.

  26. 扛这样重得箱子已经够困难得了,何况又是在三伏天。

    It was not easy to carry such a heavy box, and during the days.


  1. 问:三伏拼音怎么拼?三伏的读音是什么?三伏翻译成英文是什么?

    答:三伏的读音是sānfú,三伏翻译成英文是 the hottest days of summer



“三伏(Dog Day)”是初伏、中伏和末伏的统称,是一年中最热的时节。每年出现在阳历7月中旬到8月中旬。其气候特点是气温高、气压低、湿度大、风速小。“伏”表示阴气受阳气所迫藏伏地下。按我国阴历(农历)气候规律,前人早有规定:“夏至后第三个庚日开始为头伏(初伏),第四个庚日为中伏(二伏),立秋后第一个庚日为末伏(三伏),头伏和末伏各十天,中伏十天或二十天,“三伏”共三十天或四十天。