


1. 扫 [sǎo]2. 扫 [sào]扫 [sǎo]拿笤帚等除去尘土或垃圾:~地。清除,消灭:~雷。~盲。~荡。一~而空。全,尽,尽其所有:~数(shù)。低落,丧失:~兴(xìng )。描画:~描。~眉。迅速横掠而过:~射。~视。结束,……


1. 地 [dì]2. 地 [de]地 [dì]人类生长活动的所在:~球(太阳系九大行星之一)。~心说。地球或地球的某部分:~质。~壳。地球表面除去海洋、江河、湖泊的部分:陆~。~下。地球表面的土壤:土~。田~。~政。~主。地球上的一个区域……




1. 尽 [jìn]2. 尽 [jǐn]尽 [jìn]完毕:用~。说不~。取之不~。达到极端:~头。山穷水~。~情。自~(自杀)。全部用出,竭力做到:~心。~力。~瘁。~职。~忠。~责。人~其才。物~其用。都,全:~然。~是白的。~收眼底。……



汉语拼音:sǎo dì yǐ jìn







  • 【解释】:比喻破坏得彻底。也比喻面子、威风丢失干净。
  • 【出自】:《汉书·魏豹田儋韩信传赞》:“秦灭六国,而上古遗烈扫地尽矣。”
  • 【示例】:把几千年封建地主的特权,打得个落花流水。地主的体面威风,~。
  • 【语法】:补充式;作谓语;含贬义


  1. na.
  2. be thrown away and swept clean; (

  3. of one'

  4. s dignity, prestige, fame) to be swept away [

  5. destroyed] the forfeit of dignity and prestige

  1. 他的体面威风扫地以尽。

    Every bit of his dignity and prestige was swept into the dust.

  2. 地主的体面威风, 扫地以荆

    Every bit of the dignity and prestige built up by the landlords is being swept into the dust.

  3. 既情同而相惜兮何妨以尽一哭。

    Since our feelings are the same, so's our compassion, ho, why not cry our hearts out?

  4. 红军绝对首先加入联军,以尽抗日救国的天职。

    The Red Army will unreservedly be the first to join this united army and fulfil its duty in resisting Japan and saving the nation.

  5. 我想以尽最大的力量和昂扬斗志来踢满90分钟。

    I am ready to play90 minutes with maximum effort and fighting spirit.

  6. 聊乘化以归尽。

    Let me abide by the law of nature to lead a life of nature.

  7. 义兴故吏欲迎超家, 而超不听, 尽以妻孥入处宫内。

    YiXing GuLi against and super ultra dont listen to his wife, Nu into place inside.

  8. 他们爬山以後筋疲力尽了。

    They were in a state of exhaustion after climbing the mountain.

  9. 许多人在信贷危机中名誉扫地,尤以格林斯潘为最。

    Many reputations have suffered in the credit crunch, and few more so than that of Mr Greenspan.

  10. 每个学生都应尽本分以求平稳的进步。

    Every student ouhgt to do his part to make steady progress.

  11. 每个学生都应尽本分以求平稳得进步。

    Every student ouhgt to do his part to make steady progress.

  12. 每个学生都应尽本分以求平衡的进步。

    Every student ought to do his part to make steady progress.

  13. 每个学生都应尽本分以求平衡得进步。

    Every student ought to do his part to make steady progress.

  14. 以这种极尽奢华的方式来结束她的生涯是再也合适不过了。

    What better finale to her career than this extravagant gesture.

  15. 我们想尽办法以使他们相信我们确实对这一计划感兴趣。

    We worked hard to persuade them that we were genuinely interested in the project.

  16. 以色列人尽以手所做的惹我发怒。这是耶和华说的。

    for the children of Israel have only provoked me to anger with the work of their hands, saith Jehovah.

  17. 立象以尽意 论居室色彩设计的方法

    The Statue Expresses Feelings, Comment on the Method that the Room Color Designs

  18. 直到烟火散尽, 名誉扫地。

    Till the smoke clears out and my high burn out.

  19. 让钢铁厂把我们的公司和以尽可能我们可以。

    Let the steel companies put in plants and we take as much as we can.

  20. 请以尽可能有利得价格出售, 我们深表谢意。

    Kindly oblige us by realizing same as advantageously as possible.

  21. 请以尽可能有利的价格出售,我们深表谢意。

    Kindly oblige us by realizing same as advantageously as possible.

  22. 我们需要以尽可能最低的成本获得尽可能快的响应。

    We want our answers as fast as possible at the lowest cost possible.

  23. 他们只是以尽可能可耻的方式证明了自己的可耻。

    They are simply confirming, in the most disgraceful terms possible, their own disgrace.

  24. 盒子的开口必须足够大,以尽可能避免箔纸起皱。

    The box opening must be wide enough to prevent the foil sheet from wrinkles as much as possible.

  25. 试探性的讨论,以尽可能包销这种融资已开始进行。

    Exploratory discussions with a possible underwriter for this financing are already underway.

  26. 但我现在会选以尽可能人道的方式屠宰的肉吃。

    But I now have a preference to eat meat that has been slaughtered in as humane a way as possible.

  27. 首先,以尽可能实惠得方式来教育这群年轻得加州人。

    First, to educate as many young Californians as affordably as possible.

  28. 首先,以尽可能实惠的方式来教育这群年轻的加州人。

    First, to educate as many young Californians as affordably as possible.

  29. 开发集成运行时环境以尽可能最小的规模反映生产环境。

    The development integration run time environment mirrors the production environment at the smallest possible scale.

  30. 她使尽浑身解数以吸引他的注意。

    She used all her lures to attract his attention.



词目 扫地以尽 发音 sǎo dì yǐ jìn 释义 比喻破坏得彻底。也比喻面子、威风丢失干净。 出处 《汉书·魏豹田儋韩信传赞》:“秦灭六国,而上古遗烈扫地尽矣。” 示例 把几千年封建地主的特权,打得个落花流水。地主的体面威风,~。(毛泽东《湖南农民运动考察报告》) 用法 作谓语;指毫无存留