




1. 价 [jià]2. 价 [jiè]价 [jià]商品所值的钱数:~钱。~格。涨~。调~。待~而沽。商品之间相互比较和交换的基础:~值。代~。化学名词:“原子~”。价 [jiè]旧时称派遣传递东西或传达事情的人:“走~驰书来诣”。……



汉语拼音:huì jià








  1. The Bank shall not be responsible for any delay in remittance or loss in exchange during transmission or in the course of collection.

  2. Examples show that this risk aversion policy is more suitable for exchange rate which fluctuates in the smooth.

  3. As the dollar has fallen, investors lately have flocked to the metal, which has traditionally served as an alternative to paper currencies.

  4. He warned the market not to over-speculation, artificially pushing up the yen exchange rate significantly.

  5. B more flexible exchange rate and a retreat from excessive reserve accumulation would obviously help rebalance the economy.

  6. In the currency market, the incident had created uncertainties regarding the direction of the US dollar exchange rate.

  7. The U. S. dollar dropped to a 12-year low against the Japanese yen, and also sank to new lows against the euro and other global currencies.

  8. Platt's The organisation internationally recognised and accepted, who publish official quotations of Petroleum products on a daily basis.

  9. However, once the move shows signs of losing strength, an impatient momentum trader will also be the first to jump ship.


  1. 人民币汇价

    exchange quotation of Renminbi.

  2. 折合率汇价

    conversion rate.

  3. 汇价偏离临界点

    divergence threshold

  4. 小步调整的汇价钉住办法

    crawling peg

  5. 在伦敦英镑对美元的汇价坚挺。

    The pound stayed firm against the dollar in London.

  6. 随后汇价该我温和反弹至0。6300附近。

    Afterward exchange rate this I bounce temperately to 0. 6298 nearby.

  7. 英镑的汇价略跌, 收盘时为1。534美元。

    The pound closed slightly down at 1.534.

  8. 非美元存款下跌,主要受汇价变动影响。

    The decline in the latter was largely due to valuation changes.

  9. 掉期交易中的汇价差额货币期货, 外汇期货, 汇率期货

    Exchange rate differential currency futures

  10. 你能告诉我人民币对美元当前的汇价吗?

    Can you tell me the current exchange rate of RMB against US dollar?

  11. 在这样的背景下, 美元汇价昨日全线大幅走低。

    Against such a backdrop, the dollar sharply lower across the board yesterday.

  12. 美元汇价至少在短期内将表现靠稳或攀升。

    For the short term, at least, it appears that the US dollar is stabilizing or rising.

  13. 美元汇价涨跌互见,兑欧元下跌和上升收于1099。26点。

    The dollar was mixed, falling against the euro and rising against the yen.

  14. 非美元外币存款上升,部分是受到汇价变动的影响。

    Valuation effects accounted for part of the increase in nonUS dollar deposits.

  15. 昨天午后美元买盘增多, 推动人民币汇价再度跌停。

    Yesterday afternoon, buying more dollars to promote the RMB exchange rate limit again.

  16. 资金流走,金管局再度购入港元,以稳定港元汇价。

    The Hong Kong Monetary Authority again bought Hong Kong dollars to stabilise the currency against an outflow of capital.

  17. 请你告诉我英镑兑换人平易近币得汇价是几多, 好 吗

    Would you please tell me the exchange rate pound sterling into RMB

  18. 请你告诉我英镑兑换人平易近币的汇价是几多,好吗

    Would you please tell me the exchange rate pound sterling into RMB.

  19. 纽约时段尾盘,美元兑日元,欧元等货币汇价均有所下挫。

    New York trading hours, the U.S. dollar against the yen, euro, and other currencies have dropped.

  20. 限价单是指为当汇价达到某一价格而建立仓位而下的单。

    A limit order is placed to ensure a position is established once a price level in the market has been reached.

  21. 但是,美元兑一揽子货币的汇价已经跌到了15个月低点附近。

    But the dollar continues to languish near 13month lows against a basket of currencies.


  1. 问:汇价拼音怎么拼?汇价的读音是什么?汇价翻译成英文是什么?

    答:汇价的读音是huìjià,汇价翻译成英文是 exchange rates

  2. 问:汇价波动拼音怎么拼?汇价波动的读音是什么?汇价波动翻译成英文是什么?

    答:汇价波动的读音是huì jià bō dòng,汇价波动翻译成英文是 exchange fluctuations

  3. 问:汇价幅度期汇拼音怎么拼?汇价幅度期汇的读音是什么?汇价幅度期汇翻译成英文是什么?

    答:汇价幅度期汇的读音是huì jià fú dù qī huì,汇价幅度期汇翻译成英文是 The Roye Forward

  4. 问:汇价干预下限拼音怎么拼?汇价干预下限的读音是什么?汇价干预下限翻译成英文是什么?

    答:汇价干预下限的读音是huì jià gān yù xià xiàn,汇价干预下限翻译成英文是 lower intervention limit


