


1. 信 [xìn]2. 信 [shēn]信 [xìn]诚实,不欺骗:~用。~守。~物。~货。~誓旦旦。不怀疑,认为可靠:~任。~托。~心。~念。崇奉:~仰。~徒。消息:~息。杳无音~。函件:~件。~笺。~鸽。~访。随便,放任:~手(随手)……





汉语拼音:xìn zhǐ







  1. 供写信用的纸。



  1. The address appears at the top right-hand corner of the page. It is called'the Heading'. The address is always followed by the date.


  2. The date is usually placed two lines below the last line of the letterhead at left margin for full block style.


  3. She sweeps a litter of disarranged papers out of her way, snatches a sheet of paper from her stationery case and tries resolutely to write.


  4. As she let her eyes wander over the page she noticed it was just a little crumpled, stiff in places, as if it had been wetted then dried.


  5. For a year-and-a-half, every week she stuffed the pages, along with mementos, into an envelope and mailed them off to him.


  6. Nor did Han Fei-tzu mind the touch of his wife's flesh as he tucked his own three papers into her other sleeve.


  7. 'But after picking it up I noticed there was a piece of brown paper rolled up inside and there was some foreign writing on it.


  8. Looking at forceful and vigorous brush strokes and characters in the letter, Kayo Fukushima was full of joy on her face.


  9. Day by day its color is faded just like an old letter paper bald-headed pen rusty door lock closed iron house.


  1. 信纸和信封

    writing paper and envelopes

  2. 信纸用完了。

    The writing pad is used up.

  3. 饭店信纸信封

    hotel stationery

  4. 您有信纸吗?

    Do you have any writing paper?

  5. 书写用纸, 信纸

    writing paper

  6. 黑边信纸信封

    mourning stationery

  7. 更改信纸的外观

    Change the look of stationery

  8. 有信头的信纸

    headed notepaper

  9. 请选择信纸名称。

    Please choose a Name for the stationery.

  10. 印有抬头的信纸

    writing paper with letterhead

  11. 您这儿有信纸吗?

    Have you any writing paper?

  12. 有香味的信纸, 肥皂

    Scented notepaper, soap

  13. 这儿有你的信封信纸。

    Here are some envelopes and writing paper for you.

  14. 我要些信纸和信封。

    I want some stationary and envelops.

  15. 信纸被墨迹弄脏了。

    The paper was blotted with ink spots.

  16. 杂货店供应信纸和信封。

    The drug store stocks writing paper and envelopes.

  17. 我需要一张信纸。

    I need a sheet of letter paper.

  18. 添加基于信纸的新页。

    Add a new page based on stationery.

  19. 我要一些信纸和信封。

    I would like some notepaper and envelopes.

  20. 我们没有信封和信纸了。

    We have run out of envelopes and paper.

  21. 你认不出这信纸吗?

    Don't you recognize the stationery?

  22. 你认不出这信纸吗?

    Don't you recognize the stationery?

  23. 这么说这是她的信纸?

    So this paper is hers?

  24. 她的泪水打湿了信纸。

    Her tears moiled the letter.

  25. 我买了些信纸和信封。

    I bought some writing paper and envelopes.

  26. 纸工艺品,打印,信纸,造纸机。

    We trade in finished paper and craft paper of all GSM.

  27. 我买了一些信纸和信封。

    I bought some stationery and envelopes.

  28. 请给我一些信封和信纸。

    Some envelopes and letter paper, please.

  29. 咱们去买一些信封和信纸。

    Let's get some envelopes and stationery.

  30. 哪儿可以买到信封和信纸?

    Where can I buy envelopes and writing paper?


  1. 问:信纸拼音怎么拼?信纸的读音是什么?信纸翻译成英文是什么?

    答:信纸的读音是xìnzhǐ,信纸翻译成英文是 letter paper; writing paper; letter pad

  2. 问:信纸信封拼音怎么拼?信纸信封的读音是什么?信纸信封翻译成英文是什么?

    答:信纸信封的读音是xìn zhǐ xìn fēng,信纸信封翻译成英文是 stationery and envelopes



信纸是一种切割成一定大小,适于书信规格的书写纸张。 信纸是以优质的木桨为原材料制作而成,可以用于学生写作文及 从业人士写报告总结等时所需的用品,适用于各年龄段人士使用。