




唱:~唱。~咏。~颂。~坛。~台舞榭。~舞。能~善舞。能唱的文词:唱~。~谱。~词。~诀。民~。诗~。~行(xíng )(旧诗的一种体裁,音节、格律比较自由)。诗言志,~咏言。……



汉语拼音:huān gē









  1. Not because of his weak voice singing on the initiative in giving up the right to life is only for people singing soul singing.


  2. The buried city, laid bare to the sun of a mew age, is ashamed that it has lost all its songs.


  3. Double magpie wet Yu Chi, down in the magnolia blossoms Alice, in the middle of the night in song and wind and rain.


  4. A wintry eve, once upon a tale, an Ugly Duckling lost in a verse of a sparrows carol, dreaming the stars.


  5. River knows, he will become backwater if reluctant to leave bank. So he sings all the way, pursue the sea.


  6. Lightly, the small millenary town shakes off the dust of its history; Brilliantly, it chants a merry song of youth.


  7. Not a life of misery, suffering, sadness, frustration, but a life of sheer dance and song.


  8. I seem always do things like this. How noble is the sad heart who would sing a joyous song with joyous hearts.


  9. if you are the sea , i am one of your naughty streamlets . i always feel very happy and carefree on the way.


  1. 欢歌迎千年

    merry songs seeing the millennium in.

  2. 发金柳欢歌

    S Golden Willow with Joyful Whistling.

  3. 圣诞钟声欢歌

    Christmas Bells Are Gladly Ringing.

  4. 人们欢歌笑语,非常快乐。

    Everyone sang, and laughed, and was very happy.

  5. 群鸭欢歌戏踏浪。

    Duck in song and play the pathway.

  6. 声声欢歌, 迎接勇士们凯旋。

    Returning in Triumph Welcoming brave fighters returning in triumph with happy songs.

  7. 蝉儿唱出炎热季节得欢歌。

    The locust shrills his song of heat.

  8. 蝉儿唱出炎热季节的欢歌。

    The locust shrills his song of heat.

  9. 愿我的朋友们高兴地欢歌呼喊。

    May my friends sing and shout for joy.

  10. 愿我的朋友们高兴地欢歌呼喊。

    May my friends sing and shout for joy.

  11. 在毛细血管里欢歌的血球恨你。

    Each corpuscle singing in its capillary hates you.

  12. 当爱情与欢歌充溢、亮整个世界。

    When all the world is bright with love and song.

  13. 广场上,人们用欢歌笑语迎接着今天。

    In square, the people are greeting today with the happy song joke.

  14. 天将拂晓时在天堂的门口欢歌!

    From Sullen earth, sings hymns at heavens gate!

  15. 采桑子,高唱欢歌,谁也不知疲倦。

    And Picking Mulberry, or singing along.

  16. 盛世欢歌, 飘荡在皖北大地上, 余音绕梁。

    Now the carol of peace and prosperity prevails in the vast land of the Northern Anhui.

  17. 在奔流不息的都江堰有我们的欢歌笑语。

    Is flowing rapidly rest Dujiang weirs not to have our happy song joke.

  18. 麻雀在吱吱喳喳地叫着, 空气中飘荡着欢歌笑语。

    Sparrows were twittering. There were laughter and song in the air.

  19. 在生命失去恩宠的时候, 请赐我以欢歌。

    When grace is lost from life, come a burst of song.

  20. 当生命失去恩宠的时候, 请赐我以欢歌。

    Whengrace is lost from life, come with a burst of song.

  21. 联欢会上一片欢歌笑语,大家都玩得很开心。

    During the get-together, it was filled with joyful laughter and songs. Every one had a good time.

  22. 他们唱着歌颂友谊的传统新年欢歌友谊地久天长。

    They sing a traditional New Year song of friendship called Auld Lang Syne.

  23. 你们能够快乐地成长,家庭就充满欢歌与笑语。

    Happiness can you grow up on the home is full of singing and laughing.

  24. 鸟儿在晨曦中醒来, 欢歌布满淡蓝色得天空。

    Birds wake up in the early morning are singing in the blue sky.

  25. 鸟儿在晨曦中醒来,欢歌布满淡蓝色的天空。

    Birds wake up in the early morning are singing in the blue sky.

  26. 乔涌入人群,一群狱友们高举双手欢歌跳舞。

    Joe launched into a crowd favorite. One group of prisoners was dancing, hands in the air.

  27. 我听见亚美利加在歌唱,多种多样的欢歌回响耳际。

    I hear America singing, its varied carols I hear.

  28. 水流不大, 清澈沁凉, 汩汩泉声犹如欢歌, 常年不绝。

    Water not clear Cool, Stephen gurgle sound as if singing, all the year round can not.

  29. 那就要我们大家欢歌热舞, 准备各种节目来迎接他!

    Would be singing all of us to dance in preparation for of programs to meet him!

  30. 凝神间,我听到外面枝头有早起的鸟儿在欢歌。

    Lost in my thought, I hear early birds singing on the branches outside.


  1. 问:欢歌笑语拼音怎么拼?欢歌笑语的读音是什么?欢歌笑语翻译成英文是什么?

    答:欢歌笑语的读音是huāngēxiàoyǔ,欢歌笑语翻译成英文是 To sing, speak and laugh happily. Used to describe...



欢歌 huāngē [chortle]∶欢快歌唱;放声高歌 欢歌国庆 [happy sound of singing]∶欢娱快乐的歌声 欢歌笑语 意为为某件事或物而欢庆歌唱。