


与客观事实相符合,与“假”、“伪”相对:~诚。~谛。~挚。~心。逼~。认~。~才实学。~知灼见。确实,的确:~好。~正。~切。清楚,显明:看得~。咬字很~。本性,本原:纯~。天~。人的肖像:传(chuán )~。写~。汉字的楷书:~字。~书……





汉语拼音:zhēn dì








  1. 原为佛教语。与俗谛合称为“二谛”。亦泛指最真实的意义或道理。

    南朝 齐 周颙 《重答张长史书》:“若谓探道家之跡,见其来一于佛者,则是真諦实义,沿文可见矣。” 唐 元稹 《大云寺》诗:“真諦成知别,迷心尚有云。” 明 陈汝元 《金莲记·昼锦》:“想浮生矇昧,谁辨雄雌,问前生难解红莲真諦。” 吕澂 《中国佛学源流略讲》第五讲:“从真谛来看是空,从俗谛来看是有。” 鲁迅 《华盖集续编·小引》:“这里面所讲的仍然并没有宇宙的奥义和人生的真谛。”



  1. She claims that she understood the true meaning of eternal friendship, but she does not know the basis of trust is friendship.


  2. And every past effort of my life, every gleam of rightness or good in it, is with me now, to help me in my grasp of this art and its vision.


  3. But most importantly, you're going to help these young people of China understand what America is all about.


  4. And yet, Stephen -- always the soul of courage -- has promised to provide for our needs even as he gasps for air on his convalescent bed.


  5. If you never see the deed again at least you will have made the world a better place - And, after all, isn't that what life is all about?


  6. He had always told me that flowers are a gift from God, that they speak to the verities of the heart and soul, to honor, truth, and love.


  7. All her life, Marie had demonstrated the truth of this simple principle: happiness will not come from worldly possessions or fortune.


  8. She is always in pursuit of her true self and meaning of life, meanwhile transmitting her understandings to her audience and people around.


  9. At this time, the Buddha told him: you know the truth of life.


  1. 感悟美声真谛

    Understanding the Essence of the Bel Canto

  2. 寻找人生的真谛

    seek the meaning of life

  3. 略论知识经济的真谛

    The True Meaning of the Knowledge Economy

  4. 这正是联合国的真谛。

    This is what the United Nations is all about.

  5. 这就是功利主义的真谛。

    This is the essence of utilitarianism.

  6. 那才是功夫茶的真谛。

    That is the soul of Kongfu tea.

  7. 忠忱的真谛,就是忘我。

    The real name of devotion is disinterestedness.

  8. 这正是团队精神的真谛。

    That is the true definition of team!

  9. 用友情诠释生命的真谛

    To annotato the essence of life with friendship

  10. 用友情诠释生命中的真谛

    To annotate the essence of life with friendship.

  11. 我渐渐领悟了爱的真谛

    I Came to Understand Love

  12. 这就是功利主义得真谛。

    This is the essence of utilitarianism.

  13. 寻找他并发现了他的真谛。

    Hath sought for him and found him.

  14. 你可曾想过生命的真谛?

    Have you ever wondered what life is about?

  15. 爱情的真谛像风, 来去飘移。

    Love likes wind, wave endless.

  16. 为我道出了爱的真谛。

    Spell out the word LOVE for me.

  17. 用友情演释生命中的真谛。

    To annotate the essense of life with friendship.

  18. 这才是生活的真谛,对吧

    This is what it's all about, right?

  19. 这就是做个好邻居的真谛。

    This is being a good neighbor.

  20. 这就是做个好邻居的真谛。

    This is being a good neighbor.

  21. 让我死, 以便我忘却爱的真谛

    Or die and so forget what love ere meant.

  22. 他觉得弄不清人生真谛。

    He felt very mixed up about life.

  23. 忘了简历的真谛在于自我推销。

    Forgetting that a resume is a sales pitch.

  24. 这就是存在的意义和真谛。

    This is the meaning and marrow of existence.

  25. 问苍茫大地, 是否知道爱之真谛?

    Fuzzy Asked whether the boundless love truth, know?

  26. 诠释了品格、信心和幸福的真谛。

    For character and confidence and happiness of heart.

  27. 是你,教我领悟了爱的真谛。

    You have taught me the true meaning of love.

  28. 对我来说,这就是爱的真谛。

    That, to me, is the true definition of love.

  29. 生命的真谛是自由和避免作恶。

    The meaning of life was freedom and the abstinence from evil.

  30. 你要告诉他们创业精神的真谛。

    And then you have to tell them the truth about entrepreneurship.


  1. 问:真谛拼音怎么拼?真谛的读音是什么?真谛翻译成英文是什么?

    答:真谛的读音是zhēndì,真谛翻译成英文是 true meaning



“真谛”是个多义词,它可以指真谛(出自佛经), 真谛(名词), 真谛(南朝时期天竺僧人)。