




1. 然 [rán]然 [rán]对,是:~否。不~。不以为~。以为对,答应,信守:~纳(以为对而采纳)。~诺(许诺,信守诺言)。这样,如此:当~。~后。~则。表示一种语气(a.表决定,犹焉,如“寡人愿有言~”;b.表比拟,犹言一般,如“如……



汉语拼音:pēng rán








  1. 象声词。雷声。

    《列子·汤问》:“砰然闻之,若雷霆之声。” 清 曾国藩 《江忠烈公神道碑》:“藴此两美,风雷入怀,砰然变化,阴闔阳开。”

  2. 象声词。器物坠落或撞击声。

    清 吴陈琰 《瞽女琵琶记》:“日出,忽大声砰然起,空中一琵琶落枕上。” 曹禺 《北京人》第二幕:“那边门内砰然一声,像似木杖掷在门上的声音。 文彩 喊着由她的卧室跑出。”

  3. 象声词。水流激荡声。

    刘白羽 《长江三日》:“如万瀑悬空,砰然万里。”

  4. 象声词。用力敲门或开门声。

    许杰 《吉顺》下:“他们走到了 哲生 家的门口, 文辅 就往门上砰然打门。” 许杰 《邻居》三:“听对门开门的声音,砰然的传到他耳朵里来。”



  1. and the Sprite Rising Stars Slam Dunk contest, to see which player dunks the ball in the most entertaining way.


  2. Sinotrans Shipping, which flopped last week, was listed on a multiple roughly double that of its peers.


  3. to bed then , if it must be so ! and she closed the window with a slam.


  4. The students immediately began to slam down the movable arms of their lecture chairs and to prepare to leave.


  5. The door slammed in the wind.


  6. Broken flip flop and a blue peter style rescue. . . held together with a bobble! !


  7. But be not all outspread pace is plain sailing, also have a few fall from the sky of accessary product slam-bang or stream Yu Ping is weak.


  8. After a heavy, almost crashing landing, the saucer slammed to a stop, damaging irreparably its drives, but saving the crew.


  9. The door slams closed in his face and the Supreme Court isn't hearing any appeals.


  1. 他把门砰然撞开

    He dashed the door open.

  2. 我心在砰然的狂跳。

    The Kuangtiao slammed in my mind.

  3. 那个男孩将盖子砰然关上。

    The boy bangs the lid down.

  4. 她将匣子砰然摔在桌子上。

    She slammed the box down on the table.

  5. 那个男子砰然一声倒了下去。

    The man fell with a thump.

  6. 克莱伦斯声称蛤不能砰然出声。

    Clarence claims clams can not clap.

  7. 他砰然一声将书摔在桌上。

    He threw his books down with a slam.

  8. 他的邻居当着他的面把门砰然关闭。

    His neighbor slammed the door in his face.

  9. 整条街的窗户都砰然关上了。

    All up and down the street the windows bang shut.

  10. 砰然作响发出砰一声的猛击或猛撞

    A sudden loud blow or bump.

  11. 橘色,是专属见习爱神的砰然心跳。

    Orange, is the exclusive Eros trainee heart thump.

  12. 橘色,是专属见习爱神得砰然心跳。

    Orange, is the exclusive Eros trainee heart thump.

  13. 贾森听到了门砰然关上的回响。

    Jason heard the reverberation of the slammed door.

  14. 你看到我时,明亮、灿烂,然后砰然坠地!

    Where you see me, bright, shining star, and crash to the ground!

  15. 然后她看着拉蒙迪的眼睛, 砰然心动。

    and then she looked Ramonti in the eyes, and a tremendous throb went through her heart.

  16. 门砰然关上是这个演员快步上台的提示。

    The slamming of a door was the actor's cue to run on stage.

  17. 门砰然关上是这个演员快步上台得提示。

    The slamming of a door was the actor's cue to run on stage.

  18. 你不能让两脚出水,否则它们会砰然落水。

    You dont want them to come out, so that they thump.

  19. 我认为你对着我砰然关门是不友善的举动。

    I think it an unfriendly act to slam the door in my face.

  20. 抽风机排出口调节门那扇门因风而砰然关上。

    The door slammed in the wind.

  21. 从下面,视野之外的地方,传来了沉重的砰然落地声。

    From below, and out of sight, came a heavy thud.

  22. 担忧的是现在很多那些半开的门都将砰然关闭。

    The fear is that many of those doors will now be slammed shut.

  23. 担忧得是现在很多那些半开得门都将砰然关闭。

    The fear is that many of those doors will now be slammed shut.

  24. 子弹砰然地射进沙袋内,我们当时正在沙弹后面掩蔽。

    Bullets thudded into the sandbags behind which we were sheltering.

  25. 大门在他的面前砰然关上, 而最高法院又不接受上诉。

    The door slams closed in his face and the Supreme Court isn't hearing any appeals.

  26. 它们叮叮当当地敲击着排气管,砰然掉落在露台顶上。

    They plink on the pipe and plunk on the patio roof.


  1. 问:砰然声拼音怎么拼?砰然声的读音是什么?砰然声翻译成英文是什么?

    答:砰然声的读音是pēng rán shēng,砰然声翻译成英文是 thump

  2. 问:砰然地响拼音怎么拼?砰然地响的读音是什么?砰然地响翻译成英文是什么?

    答:砰然地响的读音是,砰然地响翻译成英文是 prerogative



【拼音】pēng rán

【注音】ㄆㄥ ㄖㄢˊ


【引证解释】 1. 象声词。雷声。《列子·汤问》:“砰然闻之,若雷霆之声。” 清 曾国藩 《江忠烈公神道碑》:“蕴此两美,风雷入怀,砰然变化,阴阖阳开。” 2. 象声词。器物坠落或撞击声。

清 吴陈琰 《瞽女琵琶记》:“日出,忽大声砰然起,空中一琵琶落枕上。” 曹禺 《北京人》第二幕:“那边门内砰然一声,像似木杖掷在门上的声音。

文彩 喊着由她的卧室跑出。” 3. 象声词。水流激荡声。

刘白羽 《长江三日》:“如万瀑悬空,砰然万里。” 4. 象声词。用力敲门或开门声。

许杰 《吉顺》下:“他们走到了 哲生 家的门口, 文辅 就往门上砰然打门。” 许杰 《邻居》三:“听对门开门的声音,砰然的传到他耳朵里来。”