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1. 暴 [bào]2. 暴 [pù]暴 [bào]强大而突然来的,又猛又急的:~雷。~病。~动。~力。~涨。~发。风~。~风骤雨(亦喻声势浩大、发展迅猛的群众运动)。过分急躁的,容易冲击的:脾气~躁。~跳如雷。凶恶残酷的:凶~。~虐。~君……
汉语拼音:bào dòng
周恩来 《关于湘鄂西苏区发展的几个问题》:“暴动是革命斗争发展到了最高峰的一种群众武装推翻反动阶级、夺取政权的直接行动。” 郭沫若 《我想起了陈涉吴广》诗:“他们是农民暴动的前驱,他们由农民出身,称过帝王。”
That which had really undertaken the direction of the uprising was a sort of strange impetuosity which was in the air.
真正指挥暴动的,是空气中一种说不出的躁急情绪。Now he and his two wives are trying to provide for their 10 children, the youngest born a week after the uprising began.
现在他和他的两个妻子在为养活他们的10个孩子而打拼,他们最小的孩子是暴动开始后一个星期降生的。Riots have broken out in London for a third consecutive day, this time in broad daylight.
伦敦已经连续第三天爆发暴动,这次是在光天化日之下。He'd abscond himself to a secret lair, from which he would lead an abortive raid to free slaves from a wealthy landowner's plantation.
他逃到了一个秘密的洞穴里,在那儿,他可能会领导一场从富有的庄园主手中解放奴隶的流产暴动。Having kitted the soon-to-be martyr out in his jihadi outfit, the insurgents took photos and sent him on his way.
在将其武装成为圣战者后,暴动组织给他拍了照并送他上路。All this suggests that the government is trying to provoke the opposition to violence.
这一切都表明,政府正在试图煽动反对党的暴动。He had been designated as the Egyptian government's second in command to quell the riots of the country's population, but this did not work.
他当初被指定担任埃及政府的二把手是为了平息该国的民众暴动,但此举并未奏效。It was of him, possibly, that a witness spoke afterwards, before the council of war: "There was an insurgent whom I heard called Apollo. "
事后一个证人在军事法庭上谈到的人可能就是他:“有一个暴动者,我听见大家叫他阿波罗。”Less than a week after the violent demonstrations, Haiti's prime minister was ousted in a vote of no confidence.