


1. 观 [guān]2. 观 [guàn]观 [guān]看,察看:~看。~止(赞叹所看到的事物极端完美,无以复加)。~风(a.暗中察看动静,以定行止;b.观察民间风俗习惯,生活状态)。~阵。~赏。~察。~感。参~。看到的景象或样子:~瞻……





汉语拼音:guān zhào






  1. 佛教语。指静观世界以智慧而照见事理。

    《楞严经》卷二:“﹝佛告 阿难 :﹞汝虽强记,但益多闻,予奢摩他,微密观照心犹未了。” 唐 李华 《衢州龙兴寺故律师体公碑》:“於人法得无我,於观照得甚深。” 明 李贽 《心经提纲》:“然则观者但以自家智慧时常观照,则彼岸当自得之矣。” 鲁迅 《<华盖集>题记》:“我知道伟大的人物能洞见三世,观照一切,历大苦恼,尝大欢喜,发大慈悲。”

  2. 显示;反映。

    郭沫若 《今昔集·今天创作的道路》:“文艺活动当然不能除外。要站在这样一种批判的立场以观照人生,批判人生,领导人生。” 茅盾 《如何击退颓风》二:“凡是现实所有事,应当都在他观照之下,应当都在他的写作范围之内。”



  1. If you want to have calmness, or Buddha, you don't have to do many things. Just come to see the source of you own life.


  2. A brave and nature soul, he could view in his own eyes, to love in his heart, to judge by his own wisdom, be man instead of shadow.


  3. So, those who wish to practice this Sadhana I would really advise look inside and see how much liberation are you seeking.


  4. The goal of its cognition is to testify the life of the subject, and the mode of its cognition is the total immersion of the subject life.


  5. The mere Witness, not identified with it, not attached to it, utterly Free of it.


  6. but different in that Li Bai took the moon as a symbol of his own spirit; while Du Fu regarded the moon as an aesthetic existence.


  7. Therefore, during the very act of noticing, the meditator will also come to understand: "These formations are indeed fearful. "


  8. If it is theoretically concerned, it shows a dialectical relationship of "change" or "not change" .


  9. Also while he is noticing other bodily and mental processes, their dissolution, too, will be apparent to him in the same manner.


  1. 整体观照思维

    overall view thinking

  2. 幽默观照对象

    Concentration of the humor upon objects

  3. 观照它,错就错了。

    Take note, and that is that.

  4. 语篇衔接中的美学观照

    Aesthetic Reflection in Discourse Cohesion

  5. 围棋必胜法的数理逻辑观照?

    Mathematical Logic of Winning Strategy for Games?

  6. 那观照其观照,觉知其觉知又如何?

    What about witnessing the witness? Awareness of awareness?

  7. 萧统文学观的审美角度观照

    On the Aesthetic Angle of Xiaotong's Literary Concept

  8. 汉语古诗翻译的诗学观照

    On Translation of Chinese Classic Poetry in Light of Poetics

  9. 论人类对客观存在的观照

    Talk about the Mankind to the Kind Consideration Existing Objectively

  10. 广告快乐的理性观照与前瞻

    Rational Approach and Preview of Advertising Happiness

  11. 后殖民主义观照下的教育思想

    Education Thought in Post Colonialism

  12. 英诗语言与语言学理论之观照

    Glimpses of English Poetry vs Linguistic Theories

  13. 当代美国华裔文学的文化观照

    A Study of Contemporary Chinese American Literature from Cultural Perspective

  14. 杜甫题画诗的传播学观照

    A Study of Du Fu's Poems Describing Painting Works from the Point of View of Communication

  15. 第二、综合观照的戏剧史视野。

    Secondly, comprehensive view on the history of Chinese opera.

  16. 宪法司法化问题及其现实主义观照

    Judicialization of the Constitution and the Sharp Contrast of the Realism

  17. 论审美观照与历史认识的关系

    On the Relationship Between Aesthetic Outlook and Historical Cognition

  18. 多元智能观照下的转差教育

    On the Education of Underachievers from the Perspective of Theory of Pluralistic Intelligence

  19. 清代曲阜戏剧作家之文化观照

    Cultural View on the Dramatists of Qufu in Qing Dynasty

  20. 清末外国小说译介的读者观照

    The Basic Consideration of Readers in Translation of Foreign Fictions in Late Qing Dynasty.

  21. 论原始宗教崇拜对屈赋的观照

    The Influences of primitive Religious Worships on Qu Fu

  22. 汉魏六朝小说观观照下的笑话

    Jokes under the Influence of Novel Ideas in Han, Wei and Liuchao Dynasties

  23. 哲学的使命在观照当代, 回应现实

    The Mission of Philosophy Is to See About the Contemporary Era and Reverberate the Reality

  24. 宋代院体画的传播学观照

    The Communication Observation of the Traditional Chinese Realistic Painting Art of the Song Dynasty Palace

  25. 音乐审美趣味特点的社会心理观照

    The Viewing and comparing of Characteristics of Music Aesthetic Taste from Social Psychology

  26. 文化认同观照下的高职校园文化建设

    Analyzing Campus Cultural Construction of Higher Vocational Colleges from the View of Cultural Agreement

  27. 为何我们不观照过去或未来的事物?

    Why don't we meditate on things past or future?

  28. 第四部分观照淮南子的文学特质。

    The fourth part views and emulates the literary specific characteristic of Huai Nan Zi.

  29. 译者主体性观照下的翻译单位研究

    translation nit study in the perspective of translator s subjectivity

  30. 生态视野观照下的文学体制外循环

    External System Circulation of Literature in the Ecological Perspective


  1. 问:观照拼音怎么拼?观照的读音是什么?观照翻译成英文是什么?

    答:观照的读音是guānzhào,观照翻译成英文是 Originally used in aesthetics to suggest a kind...

  2. 问:观照片镜拼音怎么拼?观照片镜的读音是什么?观照片镜翻译成英文是什么?

    答:观照片镜的读音是,观照片镜翻译成英文是 neomanoscope



1. 佛教语。指静观世界以智慧而照见事理。

2. 显示;反映。

3. 原为美学术语,现也指仔细观察,审视的思考比较。

4. 观照之法:善知识,听闻佛法,并将所听闻的佛法在日常生活中加以思维观照,体会缘起的道理。类似于佛家的参禅。

