




1. 大 [dà]2. 大 [dài]3. 大 [tài]大 [dà]指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量超过一般或超过所比较的对象,与“小”相对:~厅。~政。~气候。夜郎自~。~腹便便。指大小的对比:这间房有那间两个~。规模广,程度深,性……







汉语拼音:shù dà gēn shēn







  • 【解释】:比喻势力强大,根基牢固。


  1. na.
  2. A big tree strikes roots deeply.;a big tree with deep roots;Big trees have deep roots.;The big trees strike deep roots.

  3. >

  1. 儒教在我们国民生活中比佛教来得根深。

    Confucianism was more deeply rooted in our national life than Buddhism.

  2. 扎得很深的根

    deep spreading roots

  3. 表扬真实, 根深传远。

    True praise roots and spreads.

  4. 表扬真实,根深传远。

    True praise roots and spreads.

  5. 这种想法渐渐根深柢固

    It becomes impenetrable.

  6. 沙漠中的植被根长得很深。

    Vegetation in the desert usually has deep roots.

  7. 沙漠中得植被根长得很深。

    Vegetation in the desert usually has deep roots.

  8. 生殖欲在人性中根深柢固。

    The desire to reproduce is deeply rooted in human nature.

  9. 你的保守观念真是根深柢固!

    How deep-seated your conservative opinions are!

  10. 这些草本植物的根深植于底土之中。

    These herbs send their roots right down into the subsoil.

  11. 这种倾向显示了人类的导向反应是多麽根深柢固。

    This inclination suggests how deeply rooted the orienting response is.

  12. 这种倾向显示了人类得导向反应是多麽根深柢固。

    This inclination suggests how deeply rooted the orienting response is.

  13. 如果没有把根深种泥土, 将难以结出茂盛花果。

    Where roots are not planted deeply, flowers and fruit will be scarce.

  14. 爱应该像一棵树,根深植于沃土,枝条伸向无垠苍穹。

    Love should be a tree whose roots are deep in the earth, but who branches extend into heaven.

  15. 每回的春梦都是日有所思,不信她是妖只为情根深种。

    Every time the illusion is Riyousuosi, do not believe she was a demon for the only kind of love deeply.

  16. 深根作物管理

    deep plant management.

  17. 风越暴,树越深根。

    Storm make trees take deeper roots.

  18. 刺槐在遗传特性上表现为深根性树种。

    Robinia Pseudoacacia is a deep root tree.

  19. 湿润得土壤妨碍种子得发芽和深根系统得发展。

    Wet soils also hinder seed germination rates and development of deeper root systems.

  20. 湿润的土壤妨碍种子的发芽和深根系统的发展。

    Wet soils also hinder seed germination rates and development of deeper root systems.

  21. 麻栎是喜光树种,深根性,抗风能力强。

    Oak is a sun-loving plant and has deep roots, which can bear strong wind.

  22. 萌芽力强,根系发达,扎根较深,具内生菌根。

    Budding force is powerful, root system develops, take root is deeper, inside unripe bacterium root.

  23. 截面示意图。状似木桩的山有植入土地深根。

    Schematic section. The mountains, like pegs, have deep roots embedded in the ground.

  24. 截面示意图。状似木桩得山有植入土地深根。

    Schematic section. The mountains, like pegs, have deep roots embedded in the ground.

  25. 牡丹是深根性植物, 对容器的深度要求较高。

    The root of tree peony was long, so the container must be deep.

  26. 牡丹是深根性植物,对容器得深度要求较高。

    The root of tree peony was long, so the container must be deep.

  27. 深根植物对天然气管道石油沥青覆盖层的影响

    The Investigation on the Hazard of Deep Root Plant to Bituminous Protective Coating of Gas Pipeline

  28. 本港的经济只是刚刚全面复苏, 我们需要深根固本。

    The economic recovery has root, but we need to let those roots spread and grow stronger.

  29. 本港得经济只是刚刚全面复苏,我们需要深根固本。

    The economic recovery has root, but we need to let those roots spread and grow stronger.

  30. 所以在检验水稻品种抗旱性上, 深根比浅根更重要。

    Consequently, deep roots are more important than shallow roots in examining drought resistance of rice variety.


  1. 问:树大根深拼音怎么拼?树大根深的读音是什么?树大根深翻译成英文是什么?

    答:树大根深的读音是,树大根深翻译成英文是 Deep Rooted Tree

