






数量大,与“少”、“寡”相对:人~。~年。~姿。~层次。~角度。~难(nàn )兴(xīng )邦。~~益善。~行不义必自毙。数目在二以上:~年生草。~项式。~义词。~元论。有余,比一定的数目大:~余。一年~。过分,不必要的:~嘴。~心。~……






汉语拼音:biàn huàn duō zī







变幻多姿 [biàn huàn duō zī]
  1. 多指舞姿反复变换,姿态优美。形容变化之奇异和繁多。



  1. West Lake's beauty is ever changing but never fails to entice and entrance .


  1. 前行吧, 要爱的更加灿烂多姿

    And move on, make love better than i did before

  2. 这位女演员的表演娇妍多姿。

    The actress performed various postures, which was charming.

  3. 这位女演员的表演娇妍多姿。

    The actress performed various postures, which was charming.

  4. 这位女演员得表演娇妍多姿。

    The actress performed various postures, which was charming.

  5. 多样的风格,相对应而存在,相比较而多姿。

    All kinds of styles coexist and outstand through comparison.

  6. 柳子戏传统剧目中蒙太奇手法的运用广泛而多姿。

    The application of the montage in the traditional theatrical piece of Liuzi Drama is extensive and colorful.

  7. 俚语使得说话更多采多姿。

    It makes speech more colorful.

  8. 渔民生活其中, 渔业文化多采多姿。

    Fishery culture is among the most colorful in a fisherman daily life.

  9. 她穿着多采多姿的服装, 像盛装的皇后一样。

    She arrayed a queen in her colorful dress.

  10. 格雷姆一点都不伤感。那老人一生非常多采多姿。

    Graham Not at all, he had had a very exciting life.

  11. 念了大二之后,洁茹的生活似乎更加多采多姿了。

    Once having begun sophomore year, Jerusha's life seemed even more full of fun and excitement.

  12. 但在我朋友眼中,我是个挺有趣、多采多姿的人!

    But to my friends, I am also an extremely colorful and fun person!

  13. 今天的香港仍然是一个多采多姿, 十分值得游览的地方。

    Hong Kong is still a very attractive place to visit.

  14. APPLE.COM访问加州的大峡谷国家公园;感受多采多姿的瀑布、高山、溪流。

    APPLE.COM Visit Kings Canyon National Park in California through their site; experience gorgeous panoramic views of waterfalls, mountains and streams.

  15. 南岩景观多而独特, 变幻无穷, 步移景异。

    Rock landscape more and unique infinite changes walking King vary.

  16. 西湖以变幻多姿的风韵, 令人心旷神怡。

    West Lake's beauty is ever changing but never fails to entice and entrance.

  17. 西湖以变幻多姿得风韵,令人心旷神怡。

    West Lake's beauty is ever changing but never fails to entice and entrance.

  18. 大千世界里,你无穷无尽地变幻,华丽多姿的姑娘。

    Endlessly varied art thou in the exuberant world, Lady of Manifold Magnificence.

  19. 可是这次燕姿再也不肯说更多了。

    But she wouldn't say more this time.

  20. 南岩景不雅多而独特,变幻无穷,步移景异。

    Rock landscape more and unique, infinite changes, walking King vary.

  21. 似海豚,奥运会上有着那么多优美的泳姿

    Resembles the porpoise, at the Olympic Games has that many exquisite swimming posture.

  22. 他表现出来是当代最多产, 最变幻不定的歌曲作家。

    Elvis Cotello has shown himself to be one of the most prolific and protean songwriters of his generation.

  23. 我们会继续强化这一系列, 使它增添更多的姿采。

    We shall continuously strengthen this line to include more shapes and colors.

  24. 由多台全站仪组成的馈源舱位姿动态测量系统

    New type dynamic measurement system composed of multiple total stations for determining postition and orientation of feedback source cabin