







汉语拼音:mín zhái






  1. 民房。




  1. Jerry Falkner said he "heard glass breaking" and "thought someone was breaking in, " after the deer smashed through a window.


  2. One bird made it into a house, when the homeowner opened the door to see what was causing the racket.


  3. My first thought was that someone had illegally entered my apartment and was intent on robbery or foul play.


  4. Police received a tip, said the houses were found in the group of "drug use" is concerned, some unconscious, some were still conscious.


  5. People, livestock, vehicles and possessions were all swept away until, suddenly, it stopped, leaving houses marked with precise tidemarks.


  6. (LONDON, Reuters) Police are looking for a policeman who failed to apologize after breaking wind in a family's home during a drug raid.


  7. On a nearby hillside, a civilian house has become a temporary classroom for the children.


  8. "No wonder some people with emotion after the visit, said: " The Royal has the Forbidden City, houses the Qiao's Grand Courtyard.


  9. At the same time, those residential village filled with family-style small factory workshops, to produce a variety of low-cost production.


  1. 徽州古民宅

    the Huizhou vernacular dwellings.

  2. 民宅的修建及扩建

    Demonstrate Knowledge Of Residential Alterations and Additions

  3. 申后高氏民宅赏析

    Analyze the height private residence of Shenhou Gaoshi

  4. 究竟算是偷金库还是偷民宅?

    Be all steal exchequer or steal civilian curtilage?

  5. 多层民宅楼梯照明系统设计

    Design for the Lighting System in the Stairs of the Tier Civil Building

  6. 传统民宅戏楼声学特性测量

    Acoustical measurement of a traditional Chinese theater

  7. 苏珊,这可是擅闯民宅啊。

    Susan, that's breaking and entering.

  8. 苏珊,这可是擅闯民宅啊。

    Susan, that's breaking and entering.

  9. 新式大学图书馆尽显当地民宅风格

    New university library displays residential flair

  10. 他被指控侵入民宅而被警方逮捕。

    He was arrested by the police on a charge of housebreaking.

  11. 烈火的毒焰烧毁了七八间民宅。

    The raging flames burned down nearly eight people's homes.

  12. 烈火得毒焰烧毁了七八间民宅。

    The raging flames burned down nearly eight people's homes.

  13. 烈火的毒焰烧毁了七八间民宅。

    The raging flames burned down nearly eight people's homes.

  14. 那架飞机撞到了一所民宅上。

    The airplane crashed into a house.

  15. 镇里的很多民宅还兼做商用。

    Lots of homes in town double as businesses.

  16. 闯入民宅、建筑物等,企图偷盗的行为。

    The act of breaking into a home, building, etc. with the intent to steal from it.

  17. 侵入民宅非法侵入或进入他人家宅的行为。

    The act of unlawfully breaking into and entering another's house.

  18. 他被警方以私闯民宅的罪名而扣留。

    He was held by the police on a charge of breaking and entering.

  19. 图1一栋民宅的庭院中,有美丽的椰林道。

    Majestic coconut palms line the drive of a private home in Wufeng. 0.

  20. 大家逐屋逐户去搜查, 加油站, 民宅, 仓。

    What I want out of each and everyone of you is a hard target search of every gas station, residence, warehouse, farmhouse, henhouse, outhouse, and doghouse in that area.

  21. 一起民宅爆炸事故中可燃气体的勘查认定

    Determination of the combustible gases and their sources in the explosion accident of a civil residence

  22. 警方表示, 其实这是一只野猫误闯入民宅。

    Police said it was a wild cat that strayed into people's homes.

  23. 定居点活动,拆除民宅和修建隔离墙在继续。

    Settlement activity, the demolition of homes and the construction of the barrier continued.

  24. 威斯康星州一民宅发生枪杀案,六人死亡。

    Six people are dead after a shooting in a Wisconsin home.

  25. 这一案件源于南特拉华州一处民宅的火灾。

    This case arose from a fire in a residential property in southern Delaware.

  26. 在附近的山坡上, 一所民宅变成了孩子们的临时校舍。

    On a nearby hillside, a civilian house has become a temporary classroom for the children.

  27. 住宿安全须知勿贪小便宜, 租住陌生民宅或低矮楼层。

    Accommodation safety guidelines do not go after small gains, lease strange homes or low floor.

  28. 我的第一个反应就是有人擅闯民宅, 想抢劫或是谋杀。

    My first thought was that someone had illegally entered my apartment and was intent on robbery or foul play.


  1. 问:民宅拼音怎么拼?民宅的读音是什么?民宅翻译成英文是什么?

    答:民宅的读音是mínzhái,民宅翻译成英文是 private residence; civilian residence

  2. 问:民宅防御力量拼音怎么拼?民宅防御力量的读音是什么?民宅防御力量翻译成英文是什么?

    答:民宅防御力量的读音是mínzhái fángyù lìliàng,民宅防御力量翻译成英文是 Civilian Home Defense Force