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1. 撒 [sā]2. 撒 [sǎ]撒 [sā]放开,发出:~手。~网。~谎(说谎)。~气。尽量施展或表现出来:~刁。~奸。~娇。~欢儿。~野。~酒疯。姓。撒 [sǎ]散播,散布,散落:~种(zhóng )。~播。把酒端平,别~了。姓。……
汉语拼音:pāo sā
元 郑廷玉 《看钱奴》第一折:“你这廝平昔之间,扭曲作直,抛撒五穀,伤残物命,害众成家,你怎生能勾发跡那!”《醒世姻缘传》第二回:“抛撒了家业,或是淘碌坏了大官人,他撅撅屁股去了,穷日子是你过,寡是你守。” 魏巍 《山雨》第六章:“你就比如这烧了一冬的炉灰,你们怕都扔了,我是一小撮也没抛撒。”
ONE of the crazier ideas for dealing with global warming is to sprinkle the oceans with iron filings.
众多应对全球变暖,有些离谱计划中有这么一个——向海洋中抛撒铁屑。I also almost ran over another mine that afternoon, as they had thrown some around the sides of some dunes in a harrassing manner.
那个下午我又差一点压上了一枚地雷,因为它们被随意抛撒在一些沙丘的周围。Through the 3-inch-square chaff chute, I could see the enemy shells exploding just below us.
透过3平方英寸(抛撒)干扰片斜道,我能看到敌人的炮弹就在我们(飞机肚子)底下爆炸。She scatters toys all over the floor and I have to pick them up .
她把玩具抛撒得到处都是,我得给拾起来。Walking past a church one day I see him emerge from the church with a bride, and many guests throwing confetti over them.
一天,当我经过教堂时,我看见他和一位新娘款款而出,许多宾客向他们抛撒五彩纸片以示祝贺。The mass ratio between particles and explosive significantly affects the kinetic characteristics of particle dispersed by explosive.
在炸药抛撒颗粒的过程中,颗粒与炸药质量之比对抛撒颗粒的动能特性有重要影响。India : The groom's brother sprinkles flower petals (to ward off evil)on the bridal couple at the end of the ceremony.
印度:新郎的兄弟要在婚礼快结束时向新婚夫妇抛撒花瓣(以驱除妖魔)。blossoms along the road, so the bride's path through life will always e happy and laden with flowers.
一个小姑娘走在队列最前面,她一路抛撒鲜花,预示着新娘一生的道路上也将开满鲜花,永远幸福。A paroxysm of deficit cutting is sweeping the US, with Republicans and Democrats hurling around dubious figures like confetti.