







汉语拼音:shì shuǐ







  1. 尝试品味茶水。

    宋 王安石 《寄茶与平甫》诗:“ 石楼 试水宜频啜, 金谷 看花莫漫煎。”

  2. 试探水的深浅缓急。

    《西游记》第一回:“持篙试水,偶得浅水,弃了筏子,跳上岸来。” 魏国禄 《随周副主席长征》:“﹝ 周副主席 ﹞叫人先下去试水。试水的同志走到河中间,水已齐胸,不但水流急,而且河底淤泥下陷。”



  1. A couple of other big shipping lines are said to be ready to test the water.


  2. A sixth semester student came to test the waters; she found it was to her liking and more of her friends joined.


  3. Possibly in an effort to chase the coffeehouse crowd, Coke decided to give it another go, starting in France earlier this year.


  4. "In these markets, we're dipping our toes in the water and just learning the lay of the land, " Baidu spokesman Kaiser Kuo said Thursday.


  5. But the roll-out will be slow, as even Google is just testing the waters at this point.


  6. Even if China is now testing the waters, there is still a long way to go before China lets its RMB swim freely around international markets.


  7. Chinese investment funds are tiptoeing into the U. S. stock market, raising their holdings of U.


  8. Acclimation process is quite important when adding new fish to the your tank, although it needs to take some time.


  9. An amphibious bus that can travel on water and roads was grounded today - less than an hour after taking to the water.


  1. 自动喷水灭火系统中末端试水装置的探讨

    Discussion on Test Water Equipment of Automatic Sprinkler System

  2. 据说另外两家大型船舶公司也准备试水。

    A couple of other big shipping lines are said to be ready to test the water.

  3. 他们并不会直接批评,而是说些风凉话试水。

    Instead of making direct criticisms, they sometimes offered obliquely sarcastic comments to test the waters.

  4. 但也存在灰色地带, 眼下新闻门户网站就在试水。

    But there are grey areas, and the news portals are testing the boundaries.

  5. 但是, 当前的医疗服务计划看上去不过是一次试水。

    But current programme looks like no more than a toe in the water.

  6. 他们可能会一直让你试水,直到准备好彻底把你踢掉。

    They may keep you treading water until they're ready to toss you out of the pool completely.

  7. 我们还没试过水肺潜水,不过我们已经去浮潜过很多次了。

    We haven't tried scuba diving yet, but we have gone snorkeling many times.

  8. 如果耳鼓 破了,就不能试着灌水。

    Never try irrigation if the ear drum is broken.

  9. 你有没有试过不用水而用酒来煮肉?

    Have you ever tried cooking meat in wine instead of water?

  10. 试香蕉,水,沙拉油,野姜花入搅拌器制饮料。

    Try bananas, water, salad oil, and Hedychium coronarium flowers tossed in a blender a creamy drink.

  11. 冷却塔及冷却水系统试运行常见弊病及对策

    Common defects and countermeasures of freezing tower and water freezing system in trial operation

  12. 桃金娘, 你是说把它放到水里试一试吗?

    Kicked the habit. myrtle, did you say, try putting it in the water?

  13. 能不再追逐。不再试着将似水年华留住

    Not to try any more to keep the flowing years stay

  14. 她将手伸入游泳池试试水有多冷。

    She dipped her hand into pool to see how cold the water was.

  15. 我们可提供样板供客户试并指导洗水技术。

    We can provide a model for examination and to provide guidance to customers washing technology.

  16. 第四天,我们决定试试水,很短,就游五分钟。

    And on day four we decided to just do a quick five minute test swim.

  17. 他正试着用手把水从桶里捧出来。

    He was trying to dip the water out of the pail with his hands.

  18. 他正试着用手把水从桶里捧出来。

    He was trying to dip the water out of the pail with his hands.

  19. 再加点水试试看。

    Try to superinduce a little more water.

  20. 汤咸了点, 加点水试试看?

    The soup is a little salty. Try adding some water to it.

  21. 如果想提升身体出水的高度,可以试着将双手上举过头顶。

    If you want to raise the bar, try this with your arms extended overhead.

  22. 除用管道外,利用现有的运河系统来输送水也很值得一试。

    An intriguing variant to pipelines would be to carry the water using the existing system of canals.

  23. 不要两脚一齐下水去试水深。

    Never test depth of water with both legs.

  24. 你可以先试试水份乳霜及洁面水晶。

    You can try the moisturizing lotion and cleaning gel first.

  25. 以房换养南京试水惹争议是抵押贷款的变种

    Housing for the Nanjing ban controversy is water Draw mortgages variant

  26. 蕹菜对受试水体表现了良好的适应性和净化能力。

    It is proved that I.aquatica could be used to purify the eutrophicated water body.

  27. 你先跳下水试试水温。

    You dived in first and test the temperature of the water.

  28. 他用胶水试了试,但粘不住。

    He tried glue but it would not hold.

  29. 先把手插在水里试试水温。

    Please dive in first and test the temperature of the water.

  30. 他先跳入水里去,试试水温。

    He dived in first and test the temperature of the water.