


1. 万 [wàn]2. 万 [mò]万 [wàn]数目,十个一千:~户侯(中国汉代侯爵的最高一级,享有万户农民的赋税。后泛指高官)。喻极多:~物。~方(a.指全国和世界各地;b.指姿态多种多样)。日理~机。气象~千。极,很,绝对:~~。~……





汉语拼音:wàn huò






  1. 犹万一。

    《西游补》第八回:“万或记在上边: 孙悟空 打死男女几千人。我如今隐忍好,还是出牌票好?” 清 毛祥麟 《对山馀墨·巫觋》:“万或病有起色,犹之可耳;倘异时孤寡因是致难,则为朝夕谋,恐长逝者魂魄亦将賫恨重泉矣。”



  1. And I think it's really the scandal of the Human Genome Project. You know, we went into it thinking, 40 or 50, 000 human genes.


  2. So it starts out with zero ants, just the founding queen, and it grows to a size of about 10 or 12 thousand ants when the colony is five.


  3. By the end of next year, an estimated two million or more holders of subprime loans will have their rates reset higher.


  4. The ICG reckons that 30, 000 or more people may have died in the last months of the war.


  5. We branch off of a common ancestor to modern chimpanzees about six or eight million years ago.


  6. Primal matter. Start the cycle over. Millions or billions of years acquiring consciousness.


  7. during the first quarter of this year employment grew by 162, 000 or 1. 4m, depending on which data set you use.


  8. Independent films, by contrast, cost less: They can be made for anywhere from a few thousand dollars to $15 to $20 million.


  9. Production for next year could be anywhere between 1 million and 5 million pounds, largely hinging on supply.


  1. 它让人联想起万圣节,或万灵节。

    It brings to mind All Hallows Eve, or All Souls'Eve.

  2. 多数汽车人离开塞伯坦, 前往地球, 或往万年星与铁甲星。

    Most Autobots abandon Cybertron for either Earth or bases on Aeon and Secundus.

  3. 每天进帐30万或更多。

    3 billion with a few million more every day.

  4. 你知道,我们以为拥有4万或5万基因。

    You know, we went into it thinking, 40 or 50, 000 human genes.

  5. 去年,非洲有100万或更多的境内流离失所者返回家园。

    Last year, a million or more internally displaced people returned to their homes in Africa.

  6. 该炼油厂每年将生产1000万吨石油,或20万桶每天。

    The refinery will produce 10 million tons of oil per year, or 200,000 barrels per day.

  7. 嗯, 我应该弄一张威萨卡或万事达卡?

    Hmmm. Which card should I get, Visa or Master Card?

  8. 万不可用它来擦银餐具或瓷器。

    Never use it to wipe the silver or china.

  9. 多数顾客用信用卡、旅行支票或万事达卡结账。

    Most clients check out by credit card, traveller's cheques or Master card.

  10. 多少万家庭被迫和别人挤住在一间住宅或公寓内。

    Tens of thousands of families were forced to double up in homes and apartments.

  11. 万圣季的气氛有一点像嘉年华或忏悔星期二的狂欢节。

    Hallowtide had a little of the atmosphere of Carnival or Mardi Gras.

  12. 或迟或早,人人皆知万事。

    Sooner or later everybody knows everything.

  13. 请勿使用万字夹或钉书钉。

    Please do not use staple or clip.

  14. 大约70万人的住所或摊位被拆除。

    About 700,000 people had their homes or stalls destroyed.

  15. 新建或扩建400万吨的乙烯生产规模。

    Newly built and expanded ethylene equipment will add output by 4 million tons.

  16. 新建或扩建400万吨得乙烯生产规模。

    Newly built and expanded ethylene equipment will add output by 2 million tons.

  17. 只有一万吨或一万吨以下的船能够通过。

    Only ships of 10,000 tons or smaller are able to transit.

  18. 约800万名孩童为奴工少年兵或雏妓。

    Some eight million were slave laborers, child soldiers or prostitutes.

  19. 万圣节前夕意为众神日或众圣日的前夕。

    The name Halloween means the evening before All Hallows or All Saints Day.

  20. 您要用万事达卡或现金付保险金?

    Do you want to pay for the deposit with your Master Card or cash?

  21. 同样也有成千上万的公司破产或关门大吉。

    There are also thousands of companies bankrupt or closed.

  22. 但如果你或你的孩子想他装扮万圣节?

    But what if you or your kids want to dress up as him for Halloween?

  23. 有超过13万人在这场风暴中死亡或失踪。

    More than 130,000 people are either dead or missing from the storm.

  24. 地壳的凝固不会少于2000万年,或多于4000万年。

    The consolidation of the crust can hardly have occurred less than 20 or more than 40 million years ago.

  25. 他们在债务和证券方面拥有或担保5万亿美元。

    They own or guarantee five trillion dollars in debt and securities.

  26. 至少有13万4千人在这次风暴中丧生或失踪。

    At least 134,000 people are dead or missing from the storm.

  27. 莎士比亚或塞万提斯是如何表达温和人物?

    How does Shakespeare or Cervantes represent the figure of moderation ?

  28. 云儿飘飞,一万里追,两三成队而去或。

    In wafted clouds, in myriads large, or squads of twos or threes or.

  29. 但十年后,鸟的数量可以变成几百万只或几万只。

    How to tackle this kind of question in MCECON, BS, HIST.

  30. 每年杀死或残害成千上万人的烟和酒。

    Tobacco and alcohol which kill or incapacitate tens of thousands each year.