


数名,十个十(在钞票和单据上常用大写“佰”代):~步穿杨。~儿八十。~分比。喻很多:~草。~货。~姓(人民)。~般。~炼成钢。~无聊赖。~废俱兴(xīng )。……


1. 度 [dù]2. 度 [duó]度 [dù]计算长短的器具或单位:尺~。刻~。~量衡。事物所达到的境界:程~。高~。风~。分角的单位,一圆周角分为360度:角~。依照计算的一定标准划分的单位:温~。湿~。经~。纬~。浓~。电能的单位,……



汉语拼音:bǎi dù



  1. Li could have snatched the top spot if it wasn't for the volatility of share markets in the United States, where Baidu is listed.


  2. Baidu is beginning to diversify from its core search business to compete in the fast-growing segments of mobile and social networking.


  3. Baidu has been one of the chief conduits to it, much to the consternation of record labels, publishers and artists both here and abroad.


  4. Meanwhile, Baidu will also launch a new e-commerce product, Ms. Tian said, but did not elaborate the product or give a time frame.


  5. And then one step up the long tail of the article page make keywords baidu after come, be about to the corresponding maintenance.


  6. Recently, some traditional watch television ads, and is often able to detect what figure Baidu.


  7. Baidu does 'make a lot of money, and they don't lose as many clients as one might expect them to in a more sophisticated market, ' he said.


  8. Baidu shares are still up nearly 50 percent so far this year, giving it a market value of around $50 billion.


  9. Some analysts were skeptical over how much demand there would be for English search on Baidu.


  1. 百度百科用户

    Baidupedia users.

  2. 百度搜索狂野非洲

    Safari Photo Africa Wild Earth

  3. 击退腾讯和百度

    Fending off Tencent and Baidu

  4. 百度百科胜利之吻。

    WIKI V J day in Times Square.

  5. 今天百度小更新啊!

    Baidu small update today, ah!

  6. 分为百度的。摄氏的

    centigrade adj.

  7. 百度的发言人拒绝置评。

    A Baidu spokesman declined to comment.

  8. 百度搜索,一个一个得查。

    Baidu search, check one by one.

  9. 百度搜索,一个一个的查。

    Baidu search, check one by one.

  10. 百度不得不停止下载链接。

    To stop its online service from downloading links.

  11. 重量超越了100磅,百度优化。

    There is an overpass of 100 lbs.

  12. 百度是一个本地搜索引擎。

    Baidu is a local search engine.

  13. 百度寻求新的盈利增长点。

    Baidu seeks new profit point of growth.

  14. 百度寻求新得盈利增长点。

    Baidu seeks new profit point of growth.

  15. 百度得搜索结果比较含糊。

    The Baidu results page is a pretty murky prospect.

  16. 百度的搜索结果比较含糊。

    The Baidu results page is a pretty murky prospect.

  17. 你们有谷歌 我们就有百度

    You have Google, we have Baidu.

  18. 百度说,它没有做错什么。

    Baidu says it isn't doing anything wrong.

  19. 这是百度需要改进的技术。

    This is the Baidu need to improve technology.

  20. 这个事件对百度有什么影响?

    What effect has this had on Baidu ?

  21. 百度的流量为什么那么大呢

    Why does the current capacity of Baidu have so much

  22. 百度得流量为什么那么大呢

    Why does the current capacity of Baidu have so much.

  23. 百度热量单位。百分度热量单位。百分温标热单位

    centigrade heat unit

  24. 百度和中央电视台均拒绝置评。

    Both Baidu and CCTV declined to comment.

  25. 大概是一篇诋毁百度的文章。

    It is the article of Baidu of a bespatter probably.

  26. 百度真是搬石头砸自己得脚。

    Baidu is the foot that moves stone to break his really.

  27. 百度真是搬石头砸自己的脚。

    Baidu is the foot that moves stone to break his really.

  28. 百度将于近期宣布这一决定。

    Baidu will announce this one decision at the near future.

  29. 今年一季度,搜狐再次超越百度。

    This year first quarter, sohu surmounts Baidu again.

  30. 再和百度联系, 一点音信都没有。

    Contact with Baidu again, bit message is done not have.


  1. 问:百度拼音怎么拼?百度的读音是什么?百度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:百度的读音是Bǎidù,百度翻译成英文是 Baidu, a popular Chinese search engine

  2. 问:百度拼音怎么拼?百度的读音是什么?百度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:百度的读音是,百度翻译成英文是 Baidu

  3. 问:百度百科拼音怎么拼?百度百科的读音是什么?百度百科翻译成英文是什么?

    答:百度百科的读音是,百度百科翻译成英文是 Baidu Baike

  4. 问:百度知道拼音怎么拼?百度知道的读音是什么?百度知道翻译成英文是什么?

    答:百度知道的读音是,百度知道翻译成英文是 Baidu Knows

  5. 问:百度空间拼音怎么拼?百度空间的读音是什么?百度空间翻译成英文是什么?

    答:百度空间的读音是,百度空间翻译成英文是 Baidu Space

  6. 问:百度贴吧拼音怎么拼?百度贴吧的读音是什么?百度贴吧翻译成英文是什么?

    答:百度贴吧的读音是,百度贴吧翻译成英文是 Baidu Tieba

  7. 问:百度易平台拼音怎么拼?百度易平台的读音是什么?百度易平台翻译成英文是什么?

    答:百度易平台的读音是,百度易平台翻译成英文是 Baidu Yi

  8. 问:百度专利搜索拼音怎么拼?百度专利搜索的读音是什么?百度专利搜索翻译成英文是什么?

    答:百度专利搜索的读音是,百度专利搜索翻译成英文是 Baidu Patents



百度(Nasdaq简称:BIDU)是全球最大的中文搜索引擎,2000年1月由李彦宏、徐勇两人创立于北京中关村,致力于向人们提供“简单,可依赖”的信息获取方式。“百度”二字源于中国宋朝词人辛弃疾的《青玉案·元夕》词句“众里寻他千百度”,象征着百度对中文信息检索技术的执著追求。 百度首页:http://www.baidu.com/