







汉语拼音:kuài yì








  1. 谓恣意所欲。

    《国语·晋语三》:“快意而丧君,犯刑也。”《汉书·鲍宣传》:“治天下者,当用天下之心为心,不得自专快意而已也!” 唐 杜甫 《壮游》诗:“快意八九年,西归到 咸阳 。”

  2. 谓心情爽快舒适。

    《史记·李斯列传》:“快意当前,适观而已矣。” 宋 陈师道 《绝句》:“书当快意读易尽,客有可人期不来。”《红楼梦》第二三回:“低吟悄唱,拆字猜枚,无所不至,倒也十分快意。” 魏巍 《东方》第六部第十三章:“在眉梢眼角却流露出一种快意的神情。”



  1. (Film critic)Libby's columns serve as a continuing account of her amusingly mundane life and the peripheral role that movies play in it.


  2. What seems to happen along the way is that you get a sort of whole-body orgasm and a glow that lasts for days.


  3. The goal of the Yoni massage is not solely to achieve orgasm, although orgasm is often a pleasant and welcome side effect.


  4. Ying-Yingthat laughter is like the ripples in the heart of the swagger Lake, traction of the blurred, indulging in pleasure and wonderment.


  5. A classic is a book which with each rereading offers as much of a sense of discovery as the first reading.


  6. Deadliest, the creator of Chinese martial arts have always been an important element, of course, not the eyes, Endless love and gentleness.


  7. As Walter Bagehot said; "The great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do. "


  8. There was no need to add the gory details except for the malicious pleasure of watching His audience turn a whiter shade of pale.


  9. Mr. Collins's return into Hertfordshire was no longer a matter of pleasure to Mrs. Bennet.


  1. 而平常得快意, 是不可靠得。

    As for ordinary pleasure, its undependable.

  2. 而平常的快意,是不可靠的。

    As for ordinary pleasure, its undependable.

  3. 我只不过偶然经过快意堂。

    It's only a coincidence that I was passing by.

  4. 微风吹来, 我感到十分快意。

    A gentle breeze was blowing, and I felt refreshed.

  5. 站在窗口得那片刻是快意得。

    These moments at the window are delicious.

  6. 站在窗口的那片刻是快意的。

    These moments at the window are delicious.

  7. 我们是人, 须快意于人的国度。

    We are men, and must follow the world of men contentedly.

  8. 快意、恐惧、自豪一齐在心头翻腾。

    His mind was boiling with mirth and fear and pride.

  9. 快意、恐惧、自豪一起在他心头翻腾。

    His mind was boiling with mirth, fear and pride.

  10. 我不介意杀死他们, 我也感到快意。

    I did not mind killing those men. I was glad to do it.

  11. 她很快意识到,这太多了。

    And she quickly said, It's too much.

  12. 我的部分身心曾习惯于享受欺骗的快意。

    Part of me used to enjoy the deception.

  13. 我很快意识到我坐错了火车。

    I quickly realized that I was on the wrong train.

  14. 年少的爱情,务必要血肉横飞才感到快意。

    Young's love must be mix flesh large charge.

  15. 我真感到快意, 我现在不为他工作了。

    I'm iust grateful that I'm not still working for him.

  16. 他很快意识到他的英语不够好。

    He soon perceive that his english is not good enough.

  17. 亨利很快意识到自己太过自以为是。

    Henry soon realized he had outsmarted himself.

  18. 我要向范妮做一项令人快意的报导。

    I shall have a charming account to carry to Fanny.

  19. 被酒或者毒品轻微的、快意的麻醉,特别是大麻。

    Slightly and pleasantly intoxicated from alcohol or a drug especially marijuana.

  20. 但说不定在他的叹息中, 也夹杂着几分快意。

    Perhaps his sighs expressed some satisfaction too.

  21. 他们很快意识到在生态问题上他们是知音。

    They realized immediately that they were soul mates on the issue of ecology.

  22. 他们很快意识到他是一个目空一切的人。

    They soon realised he was a megalomaniac.

  23. 工作里提供的种种奢侈、享乐,使他越来越感到快意。

    More and more he enjoyed the luxuries which his job provided.

  24. 我看着这一切, 虽然感觉冷得发抖, 却也幸福快意。

    I watched, shivering and happy.

  25. 我们很快意识到彼此不相配, 痛苦地决定分手。

    We quickly realized we were incompatible, and sadly, we decided to break up.

  26. 因此她很快意识到, 钩针编织是更好的方法。

    So she quickly realized crochet was the better thing.

  27. 他们尽情享受丝绸和其他衣料所带来的感官上的快意。

    They luxuriated in the sensuality of the silks and other materials.

  28. 她舒了一口气, 表示置身彼处所感受到的快意和满足。

    She gave a sigh which expressed her pleasure and satisfaction at being there.

  29. 近些年来儿童早期教育的重要性被很快意识到。

    The importance of early childhood education has been increasingly recognized in the recent decades.

  30. 风潇潇人渺渺快意刀山中草爱恨的百般滋味随风飘。

    Yelling wind, tiny shade of humans. Whip the sword to cut the soaring grass in the mountain. Different kinds of feelings are blowing in your mind with the wind.


  1. 问:快意拼音怎么拼?快意的读音是什么?快意翻译成英文是什么?

    答:快意的读音是kuàiyì,快意翻译成英文是 pleased; satisfied; delightful

  2. 问:快意淡漠拼音怎么拼?快意淡漠的读音是什么?快意淡漠翻译成英文是什么?

    答:快意淡漠的读音是kuài yì dàn mò,快意淡漠翻译成英文是 belle indifférence


