







汉语拼音:pí xìng







  1. 脾气;性格;习性。

    《红楼梦》第八四回:“也别论远近亲戚,什么穷啊富的,只要深知那姑娘的脾性儿好、模样儿周正的就好。” 老舍 《黑白李》:“不错,他确是个好脾性的人。” 知侠 《铁道游击队》第三章:“骑马的人不摸马的脾性,是会吃亏的。”



  1. but a sanguine temper, for ever expecting more good than occurs, does not always pay for its hopes by any proportion of depression.


  2. Some speculators did not accept small losses pot nor holding the position of profit patience.


  3. Listen to Grandpa speaking, I was a kid that is a very naughty child, and even a little King of the Children's temperament.


  4. To survive at work you must learn to turn this irritable facility off, or at least turn it down.


  5. A work of art is the unique result of a unique temperament.


  6. Fee watched him, her heart aching; there was something wild and desperate about Frank, an area of trouble.


  7. A month earlier he had also seen red for Groningen and disciplinary problems would continue to dog the talented striker with a fiery temper.


  8. The knowledge that our plans had come to nothing was bitter, and that streak of cruelty within me awakened.


  9. According to Miyazaki's brother, their mother was as mentally tough as Dola .


  1. 脾性白血病

    nic leukemia.

  2. 脾性血小板减少

    splenic thrombocytopenia

  3. 家族性脾性贫血

    familial splenic anemia

  4. 脾性粒细胞减少

    splenic granulocytopenia

  5. 巨脾性红细胞增多

    erythrocytosis megalosplenica

  6. 脾性粒细胞减少症

    splenic neutropenia

  7. 巨大脾性红细胞增多症

    Vaquez disease

  8. 脾性中性白细胞减少症

    hypersplenic neutropenia

  9. 人与人脾性各有不同。

    Temperaments vary from person to person.

  10. 脾性全血细胞减少综合征

    Splenic pancytopenia syndrome

  11. 原发性脾性全血细胞减少

    primary splenic panhematopenia

  12. 他有一点斯拉夫人的脾性。

    He had something of the Slav temperament.

  13. 他们的脾性颇象美国人。

    Their humour is not unlike the American.

  14. 癖性,倾向天生的爱好或脾性。

    A natural propensity or inclination; predisposition.

  15. 可能我的脾性和你很般配。

    So maybe my nature does draw me to you.

  16. 艺术作品是独特脾性的独特结果。

    A work of art is the unique result of a unique temperament.

  17. 这固然不能让他们改了脾性。

    Which has no effect on their dispositions.

  18. 今晚别惹你爸爸发脾性。

    Try not to get your father into a temper tonight.

  19. 好脾性如同艳阳天,光辉灿烂照四边。

    Good temper is like a sunny day, It'sheds its brightness everywhere.

  20. 可以判断出人们可以改变不幸福的脾性。

    The habit may be strong, but it may be cured.

  21. 外伤性脾破裂保脾性手术的选择应用

    The operational application of spleen traumatic rupture reserving spleen operation

  22. 她那种处处只顾自己的脾性是众所周知的。

    She was well known for her habit of always looking out for number one.

  23. 他那兴高采烈的脾性为渐渐低落的沉默所取代。

    His boisterous humour gave place to lowering silences.

  24. 魏斯吞先生是一个泰然自若、脾性轻快的人。

    Mr Weston is rather an easy, cheerful tempered man.

  25. 在某些方面,这一切都顺应了当今时代的脾性。

    In some ways all this fits the temper of the times.

  26. 驴子脾性难驯, 无论去何处都得牵着它。

    The donkey was of a recalcitrant temperament and had to be pulled around wherever it went.

  27. 安妮父亲的屋里有各种脾性的人,他却能个个讨好。

    Various as were the tempers in her father's house, he pleased them all.

  28. 他一看到小孩子不听话就禁不住会发脾性。

    He is liable to lose his temper when children don't obey him.

  29. 婆罗洲矮象高度比亚洲大象矮20英寸, 脾性也更温和。

    Shorter than the Asian elephant by about 20 in. , the Borneo pygmy elephant is also more docile.

  30. 他有一种既喜欢发问,又有问必答的可亲可爱的脾性。

    He had the endearing trait of asking questions and acknowledging answers


  1. 问:脾性拼音怎么拼?脾性的读音是什么?脾性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脾性的读音是píxìng,脾性翻译成英文是 character

  2. 问:脾性发绀拼音怎么拼?脾性发绀的读音是什么?脾性发绀翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脾性发绀的读音是pí xìng fā gàn,脾性发绀翻译成英文是 cyanosis lienis

  3. 问:脾性贫血拼音怎么拼?脾性贫血的读音是什么?脾性贫血翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脾性贫血的读音是pí xìng pín xǐè,脾性贫血翻译成英文是 splenic anemia

  4. 问:脾性中性白细胞减少症拼音怎么拼?脾性中性白细胞减少症的读音是什么?脾性中性白细胞减少症翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脾性中性白细胞减少症的读音是pí xìng zhōng xìng bái xì bāo jiǎn shǎo zhèng,脾性中性白细胞减少症翻译成英文是 hypersplenic neutropenia




拼音:pí xìng 基本解释 1. [temper] 〈方〉∶脾气 2. [complexion]∶性情;性格;习性 各种脾性的大思想家,虽然在一些基本点上各有不同的看法,但都确认真理的相对性 详细解释 脾气;性格;习性。 《红楼梦》第八四回:“也别论远近亲戚,什么穷啊富的,只要深知那姑娘的脾性儿好、模样儿周正的就好。” 老舍 《黑白李》:“不错,他确是个好脾性的人。” 知侠 《铁道游击队》第三章:“骑马的人不摸马的脾性,是会吃亏的。”