


1. 仆 [pū]2. 仆 [pú]仆 [pū]向前跌倒:~倒。前~后继。仆 [pú]被人雇佣差遣服务的人,与“主”相对:~人。~从。旧谦称“我”。……





汉语拼音:pú yì








  1. 仆人。

    《后汉书·乌桓传》:“其嫁娶则先略女通情,或半岁百日,然后送牛马羊畜,以为娉币。壻随妻还家……为妻家僕役,一二年间,妻家乃厚遣送女,居处财物一皆为办。” 唐 元稹 《沂国公魏博德政碑》:“先是, 魏 诸宾犹僕役也,将卒无畏避。” 清 黄钧宰 《金壶浪墨·纲盐改票》:“船户埠行,往往不领脚价,转赂商宅僕役,图谋装载。” 冰心 《斯人独憔悴》:“客厅里边有打牌说笑的声音,五六个仆役,出来进去的伺候着。”

  2. 犹奴役。




  1. Compassionate people trying to help others, serve others and willing to make other people's servants.


  2. And He sat down and called the twelve and said to them, If anyone wants to be first, he shall be the last of all and the servant of all.


  3. The king's servants who had thrown them into the furnace did not stop kindling the fire with oil, tar, tow and vine shoots.


  4. For do I now persuade men, or God? Or do I seek to please men? If I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.


  5. Soldiers complain that generals steal so much of the army's budget that they don't get boots any more.


  6. It might be crazy to believe that government policy will be something more than the handmaiden of the most powerful interests.


  7. We howled when we were beaten, which our chastisers did not consider good manners; it was in fact counted sedition against the servocracy.


  8. By the early nineteenth century, the market for indentures had largely disappeared, done in by economic forces rather than legislation.


  9. Among the ten servant there was a boy. He was thin and weak.


  1. 给仆役赏钱

    consider the servants.

  2. 便门, 仆役专用进出口

    a service entrance

  3. 仆役长负责管理酒窖。

    The butler is in charge of the wine cellar.

  4. 一个仆役向她走来。

    An office boy approached her.

  5. 仆役工作的仆役之工作的或有关仆役工作的

    Of or relating to work or a job regarded as servile.

  6. 早早当老爷,未久为仆役。

    Early master, long knave.

  7. 金钱是好得仆役,坏得主人

    Money is a good servant, but a bad master

  8. 金钱是好的仆役,坏的主人

    Money is a good servant, but a bad master

  9. 大家庭里的主管或仆役长。

    the chief steward or butler of a great household.

  10. 仆役急急走了,经理又陷入了沉思。

    The boy hastened away and the manager fell to his musings.

  11. 仆役长把访客领进会客室。

    The butler ushered the visitor into the drawing room.

  12. 这家旅馆里有三十多名仆役。

    There are more than thirty footmen in this hotel.

  13. 国王进来了,死后随着所有的仆役。

    The king came in, with all his servants following him.

  14. 有时这些仆役移民会预付一部分运费。

    Sometimes the redemption prepaid a portion of the costs of passage.

  15. 因为他是天主的仆役,是为相帮你行善。

    They are the stewards of God for your good.

  16. 罗密欧立刻询问仆役那是什么名单。

    Romeo immediately questioned the servant about the list.

  17. 突然,他听到他的仆役吹起了口哨。

    Suddenly, he heard his servant whistling.

  18. 突然,他听到他得仆役吹起了口哨。

    Suddenly, he heard his servant whistling.

  19. 我保证不会离开你,我永远做你的仆役。

    I promise, I will never leave you, I will always be your servant.

  20. 他既是天主的仆役,就负责惩罚作恶的人。

    It is the servant of God to inflict wrath on the evildoer.

  21. 仆役走来呼唤鲍里斯去见公爵夫人。

    A footman came in to summon Boris to the princess.

  22. 许多仆役在偌大的门厅中快速地穿梭着,

    Dozens of servants scurried through the large foyer

  23. 有一天, 仆役推着罗斯福见丘吉尔。

    One day, a servant wheeled in Roosevelt to visit Churchill.

  24. 为什么受过这样好教育的人竟甘为仆役长

    Why should such a welleducated man settle for being a butler

  25. 春季里的一天,王亮宾把他的仆役叫到跟前。

    One day in spring, Wang Liangbin called his servant to him.

  26. 一扇门开了,那仆役和男爵都消失到门里面。

    A door opened, through which the attendant and the baron disappeared.

  27. 他可以想象得到她怎么脸带讥笑在门口接待仆役。

    He could see her meeting the boy at the door and smiling sardonically.

  28. 他们两人都混在他们只能如此仆役和农民队里。

    They both mingled, as they had leave to do, with the servants and peasants.

  29. 这句意思是说仆役, 我敢肯定你现在与死亡近在咫尺。

    By the Rood, steward, death is but an inch distant from thee.

  30. 你们作他的诸军,作他的仆役,行他所喜悦的,都要称颂耶和华!

    Praise the Lord, all his heavenly hosts, you his servants who do his will.


  1. 问:仆役拼音怎么拼?仆役的读音是什么?仆役翻译成英文是什么?

    答:仆役的读音是púyì,仆役翻译成英文是 servants; call boy



仆役[pú yì](manservant,callboy,call boy)解释:使呼唤的人