









汉语拼音:yǎn zhēng zhēng







  1. 张目注视貌。

    元 张养浩 《寨儿令·寿日燕饮》曲:“眼睁睁,险踏碎绰然亭。”《水浒传》第八一回:“俺两个从小在 开封府 勾当,这门下不知出入了几万遭,你颠倒只管盘问, 梁山泊 人眼睁睁的都放他过去了。” 沙汀 《烦恼》:“撩开疤上重疤的破帐门,他看见妻子还眼睁睁躺在床上。”

  2. 睁眼看着,无可奈何。

    元 关汉卿 《裴度还带》第三折:“争奈我夫主无辜受禁,眼睁睁不得脱难。”《儒林外史》第十二回:“把个 权勿用 气的眼睁睁,敢怒而不敢言。”《红楼梦》第五回:“眼睁睁,把万事全抛。” 巴金 《利娜·第十五封信》:“可是在我周围的女人伤心地哭着的时候,我却伸起头眼睁睁地望着那些人形。”



  1. The Bank of Spain watched the build-up of a real-estate bubble without being able to raise interest rates.


  2. They're trying to tell me she let him walk up and put a gun in her mouth? It was two inches behind her teeth when it went off.


  3. How can you let such a golden opportunity to make big money slip through your fingers? It was an opportunity that comes once in a blue moon.


  4. She watched at least five of her friends being hit by the gunman's bullets and watched as the bodies tumbled off the rock and into the lake.


  5. When she first lost her sight, he watched her sink into despair and he became determined to use every means possible to help his wife.


  6. As the boat slid across the river, Parker watched helplessly as the pursuers closed in around the men he was forced to leave behind.


  7. A few minutes later, Brooks among the fast break Fancy playing ball, Mike - Harris watched the ball fly away on their own side.


  8. It showed a caveman trying to use a pterodactyl for an express delivery, only to watch it be gobbled up on take-off by a tyrannosaur.


  9. I cannot stand by while, you know, we see value wiped off our creative industries.


  1. 我只能眼睁睁地看着

    I could only watch.

  2. 我不能眼睁睁地看着

    Oh, well, I can't sit back.

  3. 别眼睁睁地看着他受罪。

    Don't just stand there watching him suffer.

  4. 别眼睁睁地看着他受罪。

    Don't just stand there watching him suffer.

  5. 我眼睁睁在那站了10个小时

    I Stood There For Ten Hours, Staring.

  6. 再眼睁睁的看着它滚下来。

    And let it see roll back down again.

  7. 眼睁睁帮不上忙, 她可受不了。

    She couldnt stand the frustration of not being able to help.

  8. 我眼睁睁地看着它们离我而去。

    I see them parting from me helplessly.

  9. 我们只能眼睁睁地看她死掉。

    We just looked on miserably and watched her die.

  10. 她昨天眼睁睁地看着梦想破灭了。

    The woman watched a dream die yesterday.

  11. 我今天眼睁睁地看这六个人死

    Six people died on my watch today.

  12. 她眼睁睁地看着丈夫被拉走了。

    She watched helplessly as her husband was dragged away.

  13. 他们眼睁睁地看着庄稼被水淹了。

    They helplessly watch the crops being flooded.

  14. 眼睁睁的看着身边的人都是那么虚伪。

    Watch as the people around are so hypocritical.

  15. 老虎却只能眼睁睁地在树下蹲着。

    The tiger was left squatting below and glaring upwards.

  16. 我们是不是只能眼睁睁地坐着不动?

    And is there only one thing left for us to do, to wait without taking action ?

  17. 我不能眼睁睁地看着别人被猪吃掉。

    I couldn't stand to see anybody eaten up by the hogs.

  18. 我绝对不能眼睁睁地看着这家公司垮掉。

    I really can't afford to see this company go belly up.

  19. 我们不能眼睁睁地看着你毁掉自己的生活。

    We can't just sit by and watch you throw your life away.

  20. 许多公司只得眼睁睁地看着它们的股票往下跌。

    Many companies have watched helplessly as their stock prices fell.

  21. 养猫的孩子们眼睁睁地看着我轧扁了他们的猫。

    The children it belonged to watched as I ran over their kitten.

  22. 他无助地站在那里,眼睁睁地看着房子被烧毁。

    He stood by unhelpfully while the house burned down.

  23. 他无助地站在那里,眼睁睁地看着房子被烧毁。

    He stood by unhelpfully while the house burned down.

  24. 眼睁睁的看着我们爱的人在我们面前死去更难。

    It is much harder to watch someone we love disappear before our eyes.

  25. 她眼睁睁期待着芳华俱乐部的下一次纸牌会。

    She looked forward to the next bridge of the Jolly Seventeen.

  26. 你怎么能眼睁睁 让一个无辜的人当替罪羊呢?

    How could you stand by and let an innocent man be dragged off to prison?

  27. 能够不杀人,当然最好,可也不能眼睁睁的束手待毙。

    Brother Headlong, old warrior and former Captain of the Guard, was very nearly exploding.

  28. 你们的母校眼睁睁地要看你们十年之后成什么器。

    Your alma mater is watching eagerly to see what will become of you ten years from now.

  29. 我绝不会袖手旁观, 眼睁睁地看着我们的项目流产。

    I will not sit by and watch the destruction of our project.

  30. 我绝不会袖手旁观,眼睁睁地看着我们的项目流产。

    I will not sit by and watch the destruction of our project.


  1. 问:眼睁睁拼音怎么拼?眼睁睁的读音是什么?眼睁睁翻译成英文是什么?

    答:眼睁睁的读音是yǎnzhēngzhēng,眼睁睁翻译成英文是 helpless


