如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
1. 劲 [jìn]2. 劲 [jìng]劲 [jìn]力气,力量:~头。费~。干~。精神,情绪,兴趣:干活儿起~儿。这部电影真没~。劲 [jìng]坚强有力:~敌。~旅。~拔。~悍。~挺。~秀。~直。~松。强~。刚~。疾风知~草。……
汉语拼音:cāng jìn
元 刘壎 《隐居通议·理学三》:“醇正之作,尤深於经者,其苍劲处,非浅学能及。” 明 袁宏道 《入盘山》诗:“瘦骨间青脂,苍劲有餘媚。” 清 叶廷琯 《吹网录·龙城柳石刻》:“此碣书法苍劲,纵非 元和 间物,亦是 宋 人临摹。” 郁达夫 《浙东景物纪略·方岩纪静》:“从前看中国画里的奇岩绝壁,皴法皱迭,苍劲雄伟到不可思议的地步。” 吴晗 《<敕勒歌>歌唱者家族的命运》:“这个须发斑白的老将军,用苍劲高昂的音调,唱出了这首质朴、自然、优美的歌词。”
The flowing, or character or strong text, so I seem to have gotten to the bottom of the vicissitudes of history.
那或行云流水、或苍劲有力的文字,让我似乎读懂了历史的沧桑。Looking at forceful and vigorous brush strokes and characters in the letter, Kayo Fukushima was full of joy on her face.
望着信纸上苍劲俊秀的毛笔字体,福岛佳代的脸上满是喜悦。Sambo Song, one of the Fairmont Tower, simple and elegant, vigorous upright.
东昌三宝之一的宋代铁塔,古朴典雅,苍劲挺拔。Orpheus proves that size is less important than vigour, and its string section's lush, powerful sound belies its small stature.
奥菲斯室内乐团始终在证明乐团的生命力比规模重要。凭借弦乐组苍劲有力的合音,奥菲斯弥补了其结构上的单薄。Some crackles are very thin and some are vigorous with crossing patterns like a grand picture of mountains and rivers.
有的如细丝,隐约可见;有的苍劲有力,纵横交错,犹如一幅壮丽的山川河流图。Looking to the teaching building of the four old ginkgo, a land of colorful bright yellow leaves, proudly the Jieao vigorous branches.
遥望教学楼后的四棵老银杏,黄叶缤纷一地的灿烂,傲然的是桀骜苍劲的枝干。Both companies insist that they will remain vigorous competitors in many areas, including search and advertising.
两家公司坚持,他们在许多区域将依然是苍劲的竞争者,包括查寻和做广告。The note was written on a rather untidy halfsheet, without date or address, but her hand was firm and free.
这些话写在一张很不整洁的半页纸上,既无日期也无地址,不过字迹却苍劲有力,自由奔放。And you like the rock in a crevice between the growth of towering pines and cypresses , Cangjin majestic, towering tall and straight.
hardy, old pines
The sturdy old pines stand tall and straight.
Larch Manshan verdant, lush Cangjin.
His brushstrokes are really intense, aren't they?
There are several hardy and old pines on the top of the mountain.
这位书法家的书法苍劲有力, 入木三分。
This calligrapher writes a forceful hand, with bold and vigorous strokes.
这位书法家的字苍劲有力, 入木三分。
This calligrapher writes a forceful hand, with bold and vigorous strokes.
The pines on Mount Huangshan in their infinite variety of forms impress one with their grace and hardiness.
It was written on blue paper in impressive Italic script.
The broad repertoire ranges from Bach to Sch ?
大小两对石狮把守大门两侧, 周围古老苍劲的大树直插云天。
Size of the two pairs of stone lions guarding the door on both sides, surrounded by ancient trees vigorous straight into the sky.
桥面两边的栏板望柱, 雕有各种精美图案, 刀法苍劲, 造型生动。
Wang steeplechase on both sides of the bridge column, there are a variety of beautifully carved patterns, blade vigorous, lively style.