







汉语拼音:jiǎng míng







  1. 讲解发明。

    宋 韩元吉 《高邮军曾使君墓志铭》:“而 天隐 独欲探性命之理,从 上蔡 谢先生 、 龟山 杨先生 游,以讲明圣人之道,善类至今称之。” 明 张元抃 《祭俞连山先生文》:“勤勤恳恳,方将与吾党讲明切磋,以共进先哲之遗轨。” 清 冯景 《书<宋濂传>后》:“《尚书》二典三謨,帝王大经大法毕具,愿留意讲明之。”

  2. 讲清楚,说明白。

    茅盾 《子夜》八:“不过还有一层也要先讲明:交保证金的时候也是你六成,我四成--这算是我沾你的光。”



  1. and decided to sign the contract, but he made it very clear that he was not going to take any responsibility for it.


  2. No reason had been assigned ; no objection had been made to her conduct . She had been forbidden to appeal to her mistress.


  3. The doctor, not wishing to make him nervous, did not fully explain the seriousness of his condition.


  4. Just the same, I felt it was my duty to say it. She got hysterical and began to weep like a walrus, poured out more wine.


  5. 16And when any controversy wallet out among them, they come to me to judge between them, and to shew the precepts of God, and his laws.


  6. "If political and military leaders of western Europe do not speak out we will delude our people into a false sense of security, " he said.


  7. She's telling him that he can't go with her to see his father.


  8. So they read in the book in the law of God distinctly, and gave the sense, and caused them to understand the reading.


  9. These, then, are the things you should teach. Encourage and rebuke with all authority. Do not let anyone despise you.


  1. 我认为你必须讲明真相。

    I think you have to come clean.

  2. 讲明整个对话的操作程序。

    C.Operating procedures, made it clear that the entire dialogue.

  3. 向病人讲明目的及要求。

    Instruct client about purpose and rationale.

  4. 我已讲明要红漆,不要黑漆。

    I stipulated red paint, not black.

  5. 他们讲明旧床垫翻新的价钱。

    They give prices for remaking old mattresses.

  6. 我们要公开讲明彼此的错误。

    We should speak up about each other's mistakes.

  7. 我们必须讲明恐怖的真实情况。

    We must speak the truth about terror.

  8. 请向我讲明你拒绝的理由。

    Please give me your reasons for refusing.

  9. 教师已经讲明, 线圈应这样绕。

    The teacher has made it clear that the coil must be wound this way.

  10. 养血清脑细粒, 按讲明使用。

    Raise serum head grain, press a specification to take.

  11. 这位女士正在讲明她的麻烦。

    The lady was giving air to her troubles.

  12. 这位女士正在讲明她得麻烦。

    The lady was giving air to her troubles.

  13. 我姑姑并没有讲明是什么急事。

    My aunt didn't really explain to me the nature of this emergency.

  14. 我们不讲明, 他们不会理解我们的意思。

    They cant understand what we mint at, unless we speak it out.

  15. 我们不讲明, 他们不会了解我们得意思。

    They cannot understand what we mint at, unless we speak it out.

  16. 我们不讲明,他们不会了解我们的意思。

    They cannot understand what we mint at, unless we speak it out.

  17. 她未向他讲明自己的出身背景。

    She didn't enlighten him about her background.

  18. 一种讲明道德或宗教的浅显的故事

    a simple story illustrating a moral or religious lesson

  19. 绝对肯定。你应当跟他讲明这一点。

    B.Are you sure? Absolutely! You should tell him that.

  20. 我们已经讲明农业是国民经济的基础。

    We have make it clear that agriculture is the foundation of the national economy.

  21. 我认为我应该向安理会成员讲明这一点。

    I thought I should explain this to members of the Council.

  22. 不知道怎样才能婉转地讲明这件事。

    It's hard to know how to say this tactfully.

  23. 最后,讲故事的人讲明了这个故事的道德意义。

    In the end, the storyteller spoke of the moral lesson of the story.

  24. 波洛简洁地对他们讲明了自己的任务。

    In a few words Poirot set forth the object of his mission.

  25. 波洛简洁地对他们讲明了自己得任务。

    In a few words Poirot set forth the object of his mission.

  26. 他试图向孩子们讲明他所做的事的意义。

    He tried to explain to the children the relevance of what he was doing.

  27. 我在信中讲明讨论将是不公开的。

    In my letter, it was specified that the discussions would be private.

  28. 孩子哟,我这把全部的真情向你讲明。

    So, my child, I will relate you the whole true story.

  29. 格言,寓言一种讲明道德或宗教的浅显的故事

    A simple story illustrating a moral or religious lesson.

  30. 是否向病人的父母讲明实情,医生感到进退两难。

    The doctor was in a dilemma whether he should tell the parents the truth.


  1. 问:讲明拼音怎么拼?讲明的读音是什么?讲明翻译成英文是什么?

    答:讲明的读音是jiǎngmíng,讲明翻译成英文是 clarify




拼音:jiǎngmíng 基本解释 [explain] 解释,说明 讲明意义 详细解释 1. 讲解发明。

宋 韩元吉 《高邮军曾使君墓志铭》:“而 天隐 独欲探性命之理,从 上蔡 谢先生 、 龟山 杨先生 游,以讲明圣人之道,善类至今称之。” 明 张元抃 《祭俞连山先生文》:“勤勤恳恳,方将与吾党讲明切磋,以共进先哲之遗轨。” 清 冯景 《书<宋濂传>后》:“《尚书》二典三谟,帝王大经大法毕具,愿留意讲明之。” 2. 讲清楚,说明白。

茅盾 《子夜》八:“不过还有一层也要先讲明:交保证金的时候也是你六成,我四成--这算是我沾你的光。”