







汉语拼音:yú dùn








  1. 愚笨迟钝。

    《后汉书·皇甫规传》:“自臣受任,志竭愚钝。” 唐 张鷟 《朝野佥载》卷四:“诸王救之曰:‘ 懿宗 愚钝,无意之失。’”《红楼梦》第二二回:“二人笑道:‘这样愚钝,还参禪呢!’” 蒋光慈 《怀拜伦》:“若说天才是愚钝的,为什么天才的感觉比人们更锐敏而深入?”



  1. His trenchant sense was never stopped by his rules of daily prudence, but was always up to the new occasion.


  2. The former she hoped at last might have been accidental, and the latter she could only attribute to her own stupidity.


  3. Her swing around the physique, with a bit dull, so to win the "Sister Furong, " the title.


  4. The image of a satyr, by contrast although of the same size and material, has a goofy sweetness about it, like a creature pleasantly tipsy.


  5. And I always have dull skin into normal skin of it, really quite contrary to one expected.


  6. Einstein was far from being a child prodigy. (2) He was so long in learning how to speak that his parents began to fear that he was dull.


  7. I am rolling, I certainly two of the "seriously lacking in" the matter, too crass.


  8. but let that be . let man slide down to general idiocy in the emotional and human mind , clifford did not care.


  9. It is nothing special for underspecified networks to carry voice, music, bank balances, e-mail or TV on the same facilities.


  1. 愚钝的电视节目

    a moronic TV programme

  2. 这个学生非常愚钝。

    This student is very dull.

  3. 极度的愚钝, 无知等。

    crass stupidity, ignorance, etc

  4. 公侯,愚钝世系的残渣们。

    Princes, the dregs of their dull race, who flow.

  5. 愚钝的思想是恶魔的工厂。

    An idle mind is the devil's workshop.

  6. 耳朵好的。长耳朵的。愚钝的

    Long eared

  7. 对愚钝之人要待他好。

    Be kind to dumb people.

  8. 上传您的照片,愚钝化自己。

    Moronize yourself and upload your photo.

  9. 你提那件事是愚钝的。

    It is insensitive of you to mention that.

  10. 我这人恐怕是太愚钝了。

    I am afraid I am very dull.

  11. 他十分愚钝, 决不会有出息。

    He is so dense hell never amount to anything.

  12. 那么究竟什么是一个愚钝网络?

    So what exactly is a Stupid Network ?

  13. 庞德,愚钝的人可能无法了解。

    Bond, this may be too much for a blunt instrument to understand.

  14. 你是这样的愚钝,使我很失望。

    Your stupidity is such as to fill me with despair.

  15. 我意识到他实在是愚钝到了极点。

    I realized how outstandingly dull he was.

  16. 他的父母亲头脑愚钝又不善说话。

    His parents were dull and inarticulate.

  17. 别为他浪费你的时间,他脑子愚钝。

    Don't waste your time with him. he's a space case.

  18. 互联网协议是愚钝网络的关键属性。

    Internet Protocol points the way to a key property of Stupid Networks.

  19. 他是如此愚钝, 缺乏辨别力和敏感度。

    He is so unrefined as to be lacking in discrimination and sensibility.

  20. 它将使我们的人民智力愚钝, 萎靡不振。

    It would cramp and cripple the mental and spiritual energies of our people.

  21. 你不是生铁, 怎么顽硬愚钝到这种地步!

    You are not cast iron, how dense is hard fatheaded to pace of this cultivate land!

  22. 长期按部就班的工作会使想象力变得愚钝。

    Prolonged routine work dulls the imagination.

  23. 要有足够的愚钝去相信奇迹终会出现。

    Be foolish enough to believe in miracles.

  24. 避开愚钝的人领域努力轻视不避开任何事物

    abstain from shun boor sphere exertion despise none

  25. 她当即觉得我愚钝不可教, 但还是回答了我。

    She answered me like the obtuse child she decided I was.

  26. 他们仿佛以他们的愚钝的重商主义名声为自豪。

    They seem to glory in their reputation for crass commercialism.

  27. 愚钝之触将不禁升阶了,因为其无豁免。

    Touch of Idiocy no longer permits Heighten, as it has no save.

  28. 这些精灵既粗心又愚钝, 今晚就会遭到失败。

    These elves were careless and weak and would fall tonight.

  29. 评分者会被指示对晦涩愚钝得描述扣分。

    Graders will be instructed to take off points for convoluted and obtuse descriptions.

  30. 但在一个智能终端的世界里,网络必须要愚钝。

    But in a world of smart terminals, networks have to be dumb.


  1. 问:愚钝拼音怎么拼?愚钝的读音是什么?愚钝翻译成英文是什么?

    答:愚钝的读音是yúdùn,愚钝翻译成英文是 slow-witted; stupid; dense

  2. 问:愚钝地拼音怎么拼?愚钝地的读音是什么?愚钝地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:愚钝地的读音是,愚钝地翻译成英文是 crassly

  3. 问:愚钝的拼音怎么拼?愚钝的的读音是什么?愚钝的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:愚钝的的读音是,愚钝的翻译成英文是 fatheaded




【注音】:yú dùn



【出处】:《列夫·托尔斯泰》——茨威格 这副劳动者的忧郁面孔上笼罩着消沉的阴影,滞留着愚钝和压抑 2东郭先生不但糊涂,而且愚钝。

词语分开解释: 愚 : yú 傻,笨:愚人。愚笨。愚蠢。愚鲁。愚氓(愚蠢的人)。愚昧(缺乏知识,文化落后)。

钝 :dùn 不锋利,不快,引申为不顺利:这把刀真钝。成败利钝。笨,不聪明;不灵巧;粗重,费力气的。