




1. 地 [dì]2. 地 [de]地 [dì]人类生长活动的所在:~球(太阳系九大行星之一)。~心说。地球或地球的某部分:~质。~壳。地球表面除去海洋、江河、湖泊的部分:陆~。~下。地球表面的土壤:土~。田~。~政。~主。地球上的一个区域……



汉语拼音:àn dì








  1. 私下;暗中。

    《醒世恒言·两县令竞义婚孤女》:“何不把 琼英 、 琼真 暗地兑转,谁人知道。”京剧《奇袭白虎团》第一场:“它一面暗地调兵向我们进攻;一面拿谈判来欺骗人民。”



  1. This type of piezoelectric ink jet printing system in many new ink jet printing on the surface, have been able to get good results.


  2. Not a bit. I'll talk all day if you'll only set me going. Beth says I never know when to stop.


  3. confides to Pinkerton that she has secretly embraced Christianity, so that her fate may BE linked closer to that of her husband.


  4. Ron gave a slight cough, which might have been hiding a snigger. Draco Malfoy looked at him.


  5. Use appropriate solvent cleaning off the surface of the ink, glue grease and underlay material particles, clear all clears away the rest.


  6. If not always in a hot mood to smash, the sea is always stealthily ready for a drowning.


  7. Zephiramine, are adsorbed on the surface of the solid medium, is often used as flotation agent.


  8. Do not be deceived by their handsome social status and shining title, and ignore their criminal behaviour at the back of the public.


  9. Acidic water bucket solution and a printing plate cylinder surface contact creates on the surface of the plate cylinder rust corrosion.


  1. 我们暗地替他高兴。

    We inwardly rejoiced for him.

  2. 背后插刀。暗地中伤。

    Stab someone in the back.

  3. 灯光一亮一暗地闪烁。

    The lights flicked on and off.

  4. 有些男孩子暗地吸烟。

    Some boys smoke on the sly.

  5. 密林之中,熊会暗地放矢?

    Do bears shoot in the woods ?

  6. 她暗地很信任这位医生。

    She trusted the doctor implicitly.

  7. 门上方霓虹灯忽明忽暗地闪烁着。

    A neon sign flashed on and off above the door.

  8. 他暗地通匪,终于被人发现了。

    He colluded with the gangsters in secret and was finally caught.

  9. 暗地里, 他能给他的表亲提供经济援助

    In the black himself, he could offer financial assistance to his cousin.

  10. 叛徒假装友好暗地出卖他人的人

    One who betrays another under the guise of friendship.

  11. 朋友和我去酒吧喝的昏天暗地。

    A friend and I went out to a bar and got wasted.

  12. 调度度是各输墨安装得暗地温度。

    Volume 1 Regulation is inking device surface temperature.

  13. 调度度是各输墨安装的暗地温度。

    Volume 1 Regulation is inking device surface temperature.

  14. 我们晓得他是个暗地打听的调查人员。

    We know that he is a keyhole investigator.

  15. 电视机在角落里时明时暗地变换着画面。

    A television flickered in the corner.

  16. 把用于扫描的物体或图像的暗地拔除肮脏。

    of the used to scan the surface of an object or image.

  17. 首先,铜版纸与胶版纸得暗地平滑度差别。

    First of all, fine paper and offset of goniophotometry.

  18. 首先,铜版纸与胶版纸的暗地平滑度差别。

    First of all, fine paper and offset of goniophotometry.

  19. 暗地弊端或瑕玷, 呈现的步地有必定的差别。

    Surface defects or stain, revealed in the form of a definite difference.

  20. 医生暗地对我说,那位病人患的是癌症。

    The doctor told me on the quiet his patient had cancer.

  21. 一个月后的某一天,你正在天昏地暗地睡懒觉。

    A month later, one day, you're a murky sky over a dark earth sleep.

  22. 他一明一暗地闪动他的前灯,以引起她的注意。

    He flicked his headlights on and off for her to notice.

  23. 他一明一暗地闪动他的前灯,以引起她的注意。

    He flicked his headlights on and off for her to notice.

  24. 否则,对整合过程的暗地颠覆活动可能广为散播。

    Otherwise, the process of integration may be secretly subversive activities widely spread.

  25. 制卡用纸的暗地属于半平华暗地,尤其是涂料纸。

    Business card printing papierhygiene of glossy surface belongs to half, especially coated paper.

  26. 也许您正昏天暗地的沉迷于赌场里, 无法自拔

    Perhaps you are the pitchdark indulge in casino, unable to extricate themselves

  27. 在婚礼的前一个礼拜,他们暗地都巴不得不结婚。

    A week before the wedding, they privately wished themselves out of it.

  28. 夺目浸泡的工夫必要太长, 否则会凝固纸暗地的胶。

    Note dont soak is too long, otherwise it will dissolve the glue on the surface of paper.

  29. 帕格曾经以某种方式,或明或暗地,挑逗过这姑娘。

    Pug had in some day, oblique or direct, wooed the girl.

  30. 暗地的迷恋添入活跃感觉对现在两人是有益处的。

    The juicedup feeling you get from a clandestine crush can be good for your existing twosome.


  1. 问:暗地拼音怎么拼?暗地的读音是什么?暗地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:暗地的读音是,暗地翻译成英文是 obscurely

  2. 问:暗地里拼音怎么拼?暗地里的读音是什么?暗地里翻译成英文是什么?

    答:暗地里的读音是àndìli,暗地里翻译成英文是 secretly; inwardly

  3. 问:暗地串通拼音怎么拼?暗地串通的读音是什么?暗地串通翻译成英文是什么?

    答:暗地串通的读音是àn dì chuàn tōng,暗地串通翻译成英文是 tacit collusion

  4. 问:暗地植物拼音怎么拼?暗地植物的读音是什么?暗地植物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:暗地植物的读音是àn dì zhí wù,暗地植物翻译成英文是 scotophyta

  5. 问:暗地里的拼音怎么拼?暗地里的的读音是什么?暗地里的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:暗地里的的读音是,暗地里的翻译成英文是 covert

  6. 问:暗地里破坏拼音怎么拼?暗地里破坏的读音是什么?暗地里破坏翻译成英文是什么?

    答:暗地里破坏的读音是,暗地里破坏翻译成英文是 undermined

  7. 问:暗地植物群系拼音怎么拼?暗地植物群系的读音是什么?暗地植物群系翻译成英文是什么?

    答:暗地植物群系的读音是àn dì zhí wù qún xì,暗地植物群系翻译成英文是 scotophytia

