







汉语拼音:luó wǎng








  1. 亦作“ 罗罔 ”。捕捉鸟兽的器具。

    《吕氏春秋·季春》:“田猎罼弋、罝罘、罗网、餧兽之药,毋出九门。”《淮南子·主术训》:“鹰隼未挚,罗网不得张於谿谷。” 清 吴伟业 《松鼠》诗:“终当就罗网,不如放山泽。”

  2. 喻法网。

    唐 杜甫 《梦李白》诗:“今君在罗网,何以有羽翼?” 元 无名氏 《争报恩》第二折:“第三炷香,愿天下好男子休遭罗网之灾。”

  3. 捕捉。


  4. 犹搜罗,罗致。

    唐 杜甫 《惜别行送刘仆射判官》:“罗网羣马籍马多,气在驱驰出金帛。” 宋 李心传 《建炎以来繫年要录·建炎元年七月》:“向若 金 人罗网得臣之书,而臣之谋画万一洩露,则臣之一身,与臣之家族,当如之何?” 明 李东阳 《十八日听传胪有作》诗:“归向 长安 听人语,圣朝罗网尽豪英。”

  5. 网状物,宝网。




  1. Wallowing in his passions, he had found himself in a net which kept drawing tighter about him.


  2. You were the last person I expected to see caught.


  3. In this situation, he possibly was entangled in the snare of a secret Satanic cult and went through the ritual of dedication.


  4. the trap I set for you seems to have caught my leg instead!


  5. I'm no caged bird, but I'm a free human being, independent with a will of my own.


  6. He did not normally permit himself the indulgence of sentiment.


  7. Till the arrow pierce his liver: as if a bird should make haste to the snare, and knoweth not that his life is in danger.


  8. Don't fall into the trap of saying, "I feel that you . . . " It's not expressing your own feeling, Dr.


  9. Church members had lodged more than two thousand lawsuits against the Internal Revenue Service, ensnaring the agency in litigation.


  1. 信息素罗网

    pheromone trap.

  2. 狐狸陷入罗网。

    The fox fell into snares spread for them.

  3. 陷入谎言的罗网

    Caught in a web of lies.

  4. 这些,同样是罗网。

    These, too, are nets.

  5. 罗网难捕老狐。

    The old fox cannot be caught with a snare.

  6. 冲决束缚他们的罗网

    smash the trammels that bind them

  7. 猎人们以罗网诱捕狮子。

    The hunters used nets to entrap the lion.

  8. 老狐狸可贵陷罗网。

    An old fox is not easily snared.

  9. 老狐狸难得陷罗网。

    An old fox is not easily snared.

  10. 她落入了它的罗网。

    By it she had been snared.

  11. 通过或好象通过圈套或罗网逮着

    to take by or as if by trapping or snaring

  12. 恶人嘴中的过错, 是自己的罗网。

    An evil man is trapped by his sinful talk.

  13. 天罗网吧用户可进入讨论

    Tianluo Internet Bar user discuss forum

  14. 我曾常用罗网捕捉麻雀等小鸟。

    I used to snare small birds such as sparrows.

  15. 她陷入了自己编造的谎话罗网。

    She entrapped herself in the web of her own lies.

  16. 诱捕通过或好象通过圈套或罗网逮着

    To take by or as if by trapping or snaring.

  17. 我万万没有想到你会落入罗网。

    You were the last person I expected to see caught.

  18. 他一般不允许自己陷入感情的罗网。

    He did not normally permit himself the indulgence of sentiment.

  19. 我们曾常用罗网捉麻雀、知更鸟等小鸟。

    We used to snare small birds such as sparrows androbins.

  20. 我们似乎陷入了我们自己编织的罗网之中。

    It would seem that we are caught in a web of our own weaving.

  21. 要得见真如, 你必须踏出这个罗网。

    To see the universe as it is, you must step beyond the net.

  22. 年轻的女主人公陷入了学术界钩心斗角的罗网。

    The young heroine steps into a web of intrigue in the academic world.

  23. 对南斯拉夫张下的罗网正在收紧。

    The net around Yugoslavia was closing.

  24. 情愿陷入其他罗网,也千万勿陷于负债之中。

    Never run into debt,not if you can find anything else to run into.

  25. 愚昧人的口自取败坏, 他的嘴是他生命的罗网。

    A fools mouth is his undoing, and his lips are a snare to his soul.

  26. 我捉住了你, 缠住了你, 我爱, 在我音乐的罗网里。

    I have caught you and wrapt you, my love, in the net of my music.

  27. 那个遭通缉的人至今仍未落入警方的罗网。

    The wanted manhas so far escaped the police net.

  28. 请给我一双脚, 让我走出这缠结得罗网。

    Give me the feet to walk from this tangled state.

  29. 请给我一双脚,让我走出这缠结的罗网。

    Give me the feet to walk from this tangled state.

  30. 一如只有少数的鸟脱离罗网,少数的人往生善趣。

    Only a few, like birds escaping from a net, go to the realms of bliss.


  1. 问:罗网拼音怎么拼?罗网的读音是什么?罗网翻译成英文是什么?

    答:罗网的读音是luówǎng,罗网翻译成英文是 net

  2. 问:罗网获取拼音怎么拼?罗网获取的读音是什么?罗网获取翻译成英文是什么?

    答:罗网获取的读音是luó wǎng huò qǔ,罗网获取翻译成英文是 snarf