


1. 雷 [léi]雷 [léi]由于下雨时带异性电的两块云相接,空中闪电发出的强大的声音:~电。~鸣。~动。~雨。~霆。~厉风行。军事用的爆炸武器:地~。鱼~。布~。扫~。~管。〔~池〕古水名,在今中国安徽省望江县。现用于成语“不敢越~~……









汉语拼音:léi tíng zhī nù







  • 【解释】:雷霆:霹雳。象霹雳一样的盛怒。形容愤怒到了极点。
  • 【出自】:《三国志·吴志·陆逊传》:“今不忍小忿,而发雷霆之怒,违垂堂之戒,轻万乘之重,此臣之所惑也。”
  • 【示例】:主公暂息~,这牛皋是一员勇将,乃是岳飞的结义兄弟也。


  1. You picked on my friends? Get ready to fill the thunder. Look at my Crazy Feet. What can you do about my Crazy Feet?


  1. 恶魔野蛮之怒

    Ravaging Rage of the Fiends.

  2. 遗忘虫群之怒

    Fury of the Forgotten Swarm

  3. 这并非一时之怒。

    This was no spontaneous tantrum.

  4. 元素之怒没变化。

    Competing with this talent is Elemental Fury, left unchanged.

  5. 在灵魂之怒面前颤抖吧!

    Tremble before the wrath of spirit!

  6. 你将会承受诸神之怒。

    Then you will suffer the wrath of the gods.

  7. 你将会承受诸神之怒。

    Then you will suffer the wrath of the gods.

  8. 步入雷霆之心的村子就像是进入了梦境。

    Arriving in thunder heart woman's village was like stepping into a dream.

  9. 我们不能以小孩得一时之怒回应大理石。

    One cannot respond to granite with a child's anger.

  10. 我们不能以小孩的一时之怒回应大理石。

    One cannot respond to granite with a child's anger.

  11. 你们感受到了波塞冬之怒,其中当然有原因。

    You will have felt Poseidon's anger. There is good reason for it.

  12. 跟他太太吵过之后,他出去散步以泄心头之怒。

    After fighting with his wife, he went out for a walk to blow off steam.

  13. 家庭琐屑便往往触他之怒。他待我渐渐不同往日。

    Therefore, he was prone to get furious even on family chores and treated me differently than he had been in the past.

  14. 第二个好处是痛苦压制和萨满之怒得配合使用。

    The second feature of this setup is the interaction of pain suppression and Shamanistic rage.

  15. 以雷霆万钧之力

    with the force of thunderbolt

  16. 我父亲为之震怒。

    My father was shocked.

  17. 我父亲为之震怒。现在他不允许我们再碰它。

    My father was shocked. Now we are Now we are not allowed to touch it.

  18. 长江以雷霆万钧之势,咆哮而下,滚滚东流,昼夜不息。

    The Yangtze River roared east, billowing with irresistible force day and night.

  19. 长江以雷霆万钧之势,咆哮而下,滚滚东流,昼夜不息。

    The Yangtze River roared east, billowing with irresistible force day and night.

  20. 诸神之怒将会。

    Their vengeance will be.

  21. 巫妖王之怒开放新种族?

    Witch goblin king angry to open new race?

  22. 复仇之怒, 和死亡之愿非常象

    And Avenging Wrath, which is pretty much just Deathwish

  23. 移除了狂战士之怒的魔耗

    Removed Berserker Rage mana cost

  24. 血之狂乱与原始之怒共同发挥作用。

    Blood Frenzy benefits have merged with Primal Fury.

  25. 你想唤醒真龙之怒吗?, 你这个小贱货?

    Do you want to wake the dragon, you stupid little whore?

  26. 第二个好处是痛苦压制和萨满之怒的配合使用。

    The second feature of this setup is the interaction of pain suppression and Shamanistic rage.

  27. 一天, 铁血魔王暴了雷霆怒斩, 我跳上去了, 心里那个激动。

    One day, the thunder storms Hemosiderosis angry devil off, I jumped out, was that exciting.

  28. 这个时间是通往巫妖王之怒的许多事件的其中一个。

    This event is just one of many leading up to Wrath of Lich King.

  29. 这个时间是通往巫妖王之怒得许多事件得其中一个。

    This event is just one of many leading up to Wrath of Lich King.

  30. 她评语之幼稚使我恼怒。

    I was annoyed at the childishness of her remark.

