


1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……




1. 芥 [jiè]2. 芥 [gài]芥 [jiè]〔~菜〕一年或二年生草本植物,种子黄色,味辛辣,磨成粉末,称“芥末”,作调味品。按用途分为叶用芥菜(如“雪里蕻”);茎用芥菜(如“榨菜”);根用芥菜(如“大头菜”)。小草,喻轻微纤细的事……





汉语拼音:bù cún jiè dì








  • 【解释】:芥蒂:本作“蒂芥”,细小的梗塞物,比喻积在心里的怨恨或不快。心里不积存怨恨和不快。形容人心地宽,气量大。
  • 【出自】:汉·司马相如《子虚赋》:“吞若云梦者八九于其胸中,曾不蒂芥。”
  • 【语法】:动宾式;作谓语;含褒义,指心里不积存怨恨和不快


  1. he could have been genial to all the world , and he bore no grudge against his wife.


  1. 我们曾经是仇人, 但现在彼此已不存芥蒂。

    We was enemy once, but there are no hard feelings between us now.

  2. 我们以前是仇人,但现在彼此已不存芥蒂。

    We were enemies once, but there are no hard feelings between us now.

  3. 他现在对任何人都抱着友善的态度,对他妻子也不存芥蒂。

    He could have been genial to all the world, and he bore no grudge against his wife.

  4. 我不想我们两个公司间存有什么芥蒂。

    I don't want any hard feelings between our companies.

  5. 傻瓜不存财。

    A fool and his money will be soon parted.

  6. 杀得敌人片甲不存

    wipe out the enemy to a man

  7. 那么, 最后的结果不存疑虑。

    So the outcome is not in doubt.

  8. 那么,最后得结果不存疑虑。

    So the outcome is not in doubt.

  9. 此类服务还不存于世。

    Such a service simply do not exist.

  10. 我对他得能力不存幻想。

    I have no illusions about his abillty.

  11. 我对他的能力不存幻想。

    I have no illusions about his abillty.

  12. 呃,看见不存着的人或事。

    Uh, seeing people and things that aren't really there.

  13. 对有争议的事不存偏见。

    Keep an open mind on all controversial questions.

  14. 谨记要对异议不存偏见。

    Remember to keep an open mind to controversial views.

  15. 谨记要对异议不存偏见。

    Remember to keep an open mind to controversial views.

  16. 杰克和哈里之间的确心存芥蒂。

    There is something definitely weird going on between Jack and harry.

  17. 这五张皮现在都不存了。

    All these five skins are now things of the past.

  18. 他以前挣钱不少,却分文不存。

    He never saved his money when he was earning good wages.

  19. 火灾以后他的房子片瓦不存。

    There remained nothing of his house after the fire.

  20. 结果可以存盘, 但不存成图片文件。

    Results can be saved, but not stored as image files.

  21. 你为什么不存点儿钱买个车呢

    Why don't you save some money for a car

  22. 你为什么不存点儿钱买个电脑呢

    Why don't you save some money for a computer

  23. 你作判断时要尽量做到不存偏见。

    Try not to be prejudiced in your judgements.

  24. 他仍然因为他最近遭遇了一头狮子而心存芥蒂。

    He is still scarred from his recent encounter with a lion.

  25. 你为什么不存点儿钱买个新手机呢

    Why don't you save some money for a new cell phone

  26. 她力图对这类问题不存先入之见。

    She tried to keep an open mind on such subjects.

  27. 如果你不刻意告诉孩子,孩子的心里是不存优越感的。

    There is no superiority complex in their mind if you don't tell them of it.

  28. 个体农民家里不存粮食也不存在粮食积压问题。

    Food is not put in individual farmer home problem oflong in stock of nonexistent also food.

  29. 他非但不存, 还因六便士而陷入了麻烦之中。

    Instead, he bought himself sixpence worth of trouble.

  30. 我以前从来都不存钱, 但现在学聪明点儿了。

    I never used to save money but now I'm a little wiser than before.