







汉语拼音:mín tuán






  1. 民间组织的自卫武装。后多指旧社会地主豪绅组织的反动地方武装。



  1. Observers say that the junta plans to take over control of all cross-border trade after transforming the DKBA into a BGF.


  2. Residents in other areas were reported to be forming vigilante groups to protect their property.


  3. Katana master Tao (Steven Seagal) leads a special ops squad of ex-military vigilantes on a massacre mission, their target: vampires.


  4. In 1988, the chairman of states and the militias were ousted by the military regime and people enjoyed nothing benefits at all.


  5. In theory, the sangams mobilize tribals politically, but in practice, their real advantage to the Maoists is military.


  6. from the commander of militia , he went to the governors . the governor was a brisk little man , very affable and unpretentious.


  7. The noble levy, deciding their duty was discharged, dispersed.


  8. Lin was explicitly, yellow rate with baylor scattered on armed.


  9. The name is innovative, and it's from local militia in Shandong, a lot of stye and reasonable price, and there must be one you like!


  1. 巩固军政军民团结。

    We should consolidate the solidarity between the army and the government and between the army and the people.

  2. 可能是民团或镖局的装备。

    It maybe the furnishment of local militia or armed escort.

  3. 一个由地方警察和民团守卫的大楼。

    A building guarded by the local police and militia.

  4. 林被罢官, 黄率民团与贝勒展开恶斗。

    Lin was explicitly, yellow rate with baylor scattered on armed.

  5. 征募的贵族民团和权贵的私军与他同行。

    With him went the noble levy and the private magnate armies.

  6. 为了扩充实力,他们建立民团一类的组织。

    Then, to enlist support, they called their organization chu ti or bandit protection corps.

  7. 拥军优属, 拥政爱民, 巩固军政军民团结。

    The government and the people should support the army and give preferential treatment to the families of servicemen and martyrs, and the army should support the government and cherish the people so as to consolidate the solidarity between the army and the government and between the army and the people.

  8. 这些关键领域包括军阀、民团、毒品和叛乱分子。

    Those key areas include warlords, militias, narcotics and insurgents.

  9. 新民团组织的教育功能主要是开展识字教学。

    Its function in education was to enhance the literacy education.

  10. 巴勒斯坦的消息说,定居者民团受到军队保护。

    Palestinian sources said the settler vigilantes were protected by army troops.

  11. 其它地方的居民据报自发组成民团,以保护自己的财产。

    Residents in other areas were reported to be forming vigilante groups to protect their property.

  12. 民团昨天曾誓言要把他们的行动扩大到肯尼亚中部。

    The vigilante group had vowed yesterday to extend the operation all over Central Kenya.

  13. 有报告显示,利比里亚其他地方也建立了这种民团。

    Reports indicate that such vigilante groups have also been established elsewhere in Liberia.

  14. 这一支民团必须主动承担分发现有食物得责任。

    This militia must take upon itself to distribute such food as there was.

  15. 这一支民团必须主动承担分发现有食物的责任。

    This militia must take upon itself to distribute such food as there was.

  16. 高地民团民团军纪极差,徒逞蛮勇,以最简陋武器奋勇作战。

    Ill disciplined and fierce peasants from the Highlands armed with a basic hand weapon.

  17. 一个令人不安的事态发展,是一些利比里亚人成立了民团。

    A troubling development is the formation of vigilante groups by some Liberians.


  1. 问:民团拼音怎么拼?民团的读音是什么?民团翻译成英文是什么?

    答:民团的读音是míntuán,民团翻译成英文是 civil corps; militia