


1. 数 [shù]2. 数 [shǔ]3. 数 [shuò]数 [shù]表示、划分或计算出来的量:~目。~量。~词。~论(数学的一支,主要研究正整数的性质以及和它有关的规律)。~控。几,几个:~人。~日。技艺,学术:“今夫弈之为~,小~……


1. 据 [jù]2. 据 [jū]据 [jù]凭依、倚仗:~点。~险固守。占有:窃~。盘~。~为己有。可以用做证明的事物:字~。证~。单~。论~。契~。言之有~。按照:~实。~称。依~。~事直书。据 [jū]〔拮~〕见“拮”。……








1. 系 [xì]2. 系 [jì]系 [xì]有联属关系的:~统。~列。~数。水~。世~。高等学校中按学科分的教学单位:中文~。化学~。关联:干~。关~。联结,栓:~缚。~绊。~马。维~。名誉所~。牵挂:~恋。~念。是:确~实情。把人或东……


总括,总起来:~一。~率(shuài)。~帅。~摄(统辖)。~考。~筹。~战。~共。~购~销。事物的连续关系:系~。血~。传(chuán )~。体~。……



汉语拼音:shù jù kù guǎn lǐ xì tǒng






数据库管理系统 [shù jù kù guǎn lǐ xì tǒng]
  1. 用来管理数据库中数据的一组复杂的软件。把用户程序的数据操作语句转换为对系统存储文件的操作。主要由语言处理系统运行控制、系统建立和维护等部分组成。每一部分包含若干个程序。



  1. PHP has always had something of a love affair with the popular open source relational database management system (RDBMS) known as MySQL.

  2. such complex application environments are often best served by an object-oriented database management system (oodbms).

  3. Replication in Mnesia is one of the mechanisms used to provide a fault tolerant DBMS.

  4. WebSphere Commerce also depends on a Web server, and a relational database management system.

  5. Some relational database management systems do not allow the registration of multiple databases per instance.

  6. It has quickly been adopted by a large number of software products, and in particular by Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS).

  7. The IBM DB2 database management system has long been a leading player in the area of relational data management.

  8. ODBC provides an API that allows your application to be independent of the source database management system ( DBMS ) .

  9. KNN query is one of the most representative queries in multimedia database management system.


  1. 地学数据库管理系统

    Geosciences Management Information System

  2. 数据库管理系统操作的内容。

    The context for all DBMS operations.

  3. 这是个开源数据库管理系统。

    MaVerick DBMS is an open source MultiValue DBMS.

  4. 水文地质数据库管理系统的开发与应用

    The development and application with the hydrological database mange system.

  5. 数据服务层是由数据库管理系统来实现。

    The Data Service is realized by database administration system.

  6. 医疗设备维修的数据库管理系统研究与设计

    Research and Development of Database Management System for Medical Equipment Maintenance

  7. 卫星控制仿真数据库管理系统软件的自动化测试

    Software Automatic Test of Satellite Control Simulation DBMS

  8. 用过数据库管理系统的集成要求数据库的一个中央集权。

    Integration through a database management system requires a central authority for the database.

  9. 出于本文目的,数据库管理系统与应用服务器并置。

    For the purposes of this article, the database management system is collocated with the application server.

  10. 本文介绍了注塑模具标准件数据库管理系统的开发方法。

    The development method of injection mould standard part database management system is discussed in theis paper.

  11. 大型公共建筑运行能耗数据库管理系统初步开发及应用

    Primary Development and Application of Operational Energy Consumption Database Management System for Large Public Buildings

  12. 机车与司机报单数据库管理信息系统

    Database Management Information System for report of locomotive and drivers

  13. 在无人帮助下, 数据库为管理系统极易被使用者学习使用。

    They are now easy enough for users to learn to operate without assistance.

  14. 学生学籍管理数据库系统的应用研究

    The applied research of student status management database system.

  15. 系统的仪器设备信息从固定资产管理系统数据库中提取。

    The equipment information system was extracted from the fixed asset management system database.

  16. 风机状态监测数据库管理子系统设计

    The Design of Condition Monitoring Database Management Subsystem for Blower.

  17. 物流系统物料分拣的数据处理与数据库管理

    Data Processing and Database Management of Material Sorting in Logistics System

  18. 流数据管理系统的研究已成为当前数据库领域研究的共识。

    Recently research of Data Stream Management System has become widely recognized.

  19. 分布式多数据库高校学籍管理系统研究与应用

    Design and application of the student status management information system

  20. 全国高研期刊论文数据库及其管理信息系统的研制

    The Design of National Higher Education Research Periodical Thesis Database and It's Management Information System

  21. 深部地球物理探测数据库总库与图形库管理系统建设

    The Building of the Management System of Integrated and Map Database

  22. 配电网管理系统中电网数据库的设计和优化

    Design and Optimization of Power System Database in Management System of Distribution Network

  23. 监督业务系统和数据库的安装和管理。

    Oversee for the installation and administration of business systems and databases.

  24. 数据库系统

    database system.

  25. 管理系统, 内容有对数据库连接的介绍, 请压后见。

    Management systems, content has the introduction of the database connection, please see after the compression.

  26. 管理系统,内容有对数据库连接得介绍,请压后见。

    Management systems,content has the introduction of the database connection,please see after the compression.

  27. 人事管理系统, 内容有对数据库连接的介绍, 请压后见。

    Personnel Management System, which has the introduction of the database connection, please see after the compression.

  28. 数据库系统原理

    Principles of Database System

  29. 图纸管理系统

    drawing management.

  30. 海量数据库系统

    Massive information database system


  1. 问:数据库管理系统拼音怎么拼?数据库管理系统的读音是什么?数据库管理系统翻译成英文是什么?

    答:数据库管理系统的读音是shù jù kù guǎn lǐ xì tǒng,数据库管理系统翻译成英文是 database management system