


1. 相 [xiāng]2. 相 [xiàng]相 [xiāng]交互,行为动作由双方来:互~。~等。~同。~识。~传(chuán )。~符。~继。~间(jiàn )。~形见绌。~得益彰(两者互相配合,更加显出双方的长处)。动作由一方来而有……





汉语拼音:xiāng jiù







  1. 主动靠近;主动亲近。

    唐 元稹 《蟆子》诗之一:“将身远相就,不敢恨非辜。” 宋 秦观 《雷阳书事》诗:“蚩氓托丝布,相就通慇懃。” 清 纪昀 《阅微草堂笔记·滦阳消夏录一》:“ 江寧 一书生,宿故家废园中,月夜有艷女窥窗,心知非鬼即狐,爱其姣丽,亦不畏怖,招使入室,即宛转相就,然始终无一语。” 鲁迅 《<伪自由书>后记》:“捕房律师 王耀堂 以被告诱未满十六岁之女子,虽其后数次皆该女自往被告家相就,但按法亦应强奸罪论,应请讯究。”

  2. 会面。

    明 李贽 《送汪鼎甫南归省母序》:“丁酉岁余住 西山 极乐精舍 ,而 鼎甫 復来京师,与余相就。”



  1. This suggests the possibility that the middle phase may not be of a single homogeneous structure for all salinities at which it exists.


  2. If you want to see, wait for next blog pls! Hehe!


  3. They ate like they had never seen food before.


  4. Whenever Mercury is out of phase, as it is now, Mercury is weak, and so is your judgment.


  5. But if a grade as high as the museum' things, then we have another statement.


  6. Four young do not understand why more and more high high heels, and we actually happy to change the posture to walk with the heel height.


  7. There is a feeling, not leave, will be sad to know that one day. There is a vision, know each other? To know that one day will be nostalgic.


  8. My table manners are atrocious -- in this respect I've slipped back hundreds of years;


  1. 他们的吃相就好像从未见过食物一样。

    They ate like they had never seen food before.

  2. 抛个硬币就相等于孜孜以求的解决办法。

    A toss of a coin becomes equivalent to the diligently sought solution.

  3. 抛个硬币就相等于孜孜以求得解决办法。

    A toss of a coin becomes equivalent to the diligently sought solution.

  4. 需要就相称性要求拟出一种更确切的提法。

    A more precise formulation of the proportionality requirement was necessary.

  5. 这与实际生活相, 就有一定得弊端。

    This and real life photograph, have proper corrupt practice.

  6. 这与实际生活相, 就有一定的弊端。

    This and real life photograph, have proper corrupt practice.

  7. 两个算法相结合就能够高效的预测用户的动作。

    We can get an very efficient prediction algorithm with combination of user action prediction algorithm and action time prediction algorithm.

  8. 仅仅把我们自己和有限相比较就已经让我们痛苦的了。

    The only comparison which we make of ourselves to the finite is painful to us.

  9. 将这5个场景相结合就能够满足许多企业的定型需求。

    In combination, these five scenarios satisfy the sizing requirements of many companies.

  10. 这些人获准可随时做这事, 只要与他们的职责不相抵触就行。

    The men were permitted to do this whenever there was no conflict with their duties.

  11. 我相普通电烫就行了。

    I think an ordinary perm will do.

  12. 如果两个相位不相符合,就不能成键。

    Whereas if the phases where mismatched, you would not get bonding.

  13. 这两种方式相结合,就构成了本文的算法。

    Combining with these two methods, the algorithm in this article has been built.

  14. 你相赚钱就得每日劝诱一定量的顾客签订合同。

    You have to sign up a certain number of customers each day to earn money.

  15. 如果拇指外伸的话,拇指就会相碰。

    If you stuck your thumbs out, they would touch.

  16. 当你将八千五百分之一相乘 你就会得到七千三百分之一

    When you multiply eight and a half thousand together twice, you get about 71 million.

  17. 比如,医学科学就比相手术更加客观。

    Medical science is more objective than palmistry.

  18. 想来的企业和支持它们的资源根本就不相匹配。

    There is a fundamental mismatch between the companies wanting to come and the resources to back them.

  19. 固体中的原子引力就是相吸引和排斥的力和能量。

    Atomic bonding in solids may be considered in terms of attractive and repulsive forces and energies.

  20. 这个地区一向不稳定,两个国家动不动就武力相向。

    This area is never stable, having two countries which constantly fight against each other.

  21. 你欠我4镑,我得了你的表,那么我们就两相抵消吧。

    You owe me four pounds,but I have your watch,so we ll cry quits.

  22. 上回出手相救的人就是他?

    Was it he who helped us in the last battle?

  23. 到了一定年龄,相对应的治疗就相应而出。

    for given ages that they were at the time that these therapies arrive.

  24. 这样, 试图把研究和保健相结合得行为就是一种误导。

    Thus, trying to act as a combined research and healthcare operation is misguided.

  25. 这样,试图把研究和保健相结合的行为就是一种误导。

    Thus, trying to act as a combined research and healthcare operation is misguided.

  26. 一遇到困难,他就满脸苦相。

    He gives an agonized look whenever he faces difficulty.

  27. 也许他们就是有相吸的费洛蒙。

    Maybe they just have the right pheromones.

  28. 普通男人和普通得女人就这样彼此相拥相慰。

    The plain woman and plain man do that for each other.

  29. 普通男人和普通的女人就这样彼此相拥相慰。

    The plain woman and plain man do that for each other.

  30. 我们不应与人攀比,否则就无法收支相抵。

    We should not compare with the higher. otherwise, we won't make both ends meet.