


1. 钻 [zuān]2. 钻 [zuàn]钻 [zuān]用锥状的物体在另一物体上转动穿孔:~孔。~木取火。~探。进入:~心。~营。钻 [zuàn]穿孔洞的用具:~床。~头。电~。……


1. 塔 [tǎ]塔 [tǎ]佛教特有的高耸的建筑物,尖顶,多层,常有七级、九级、十三级等,形状有圆形的、多角形的,一般用以藏舍利、经卷等:宝~。佛~。像塔形的建筑物或器物:水~。灯~。纪念~。金字~。~楼。姓。……



汉语拼音:zuàn tǎ






  1. 指大型钻探机的钢架。

    田间 《少女颂》诗:“我看见你,矫健地攀上钻塔。”《诗刊》1978年第1期:“一座座钻塔哟,怎么抖着绿色的衣裳?”



  1. Plastic comes from oil, but despite launching a charm offensive against BP, he never did make it out to an oil rig.


  2. Catlin said his company designed the system to work like the high-tension mooring systems that hold up floating oil rigs.


  3. A nurse gives up her first holiday in years and instead travels out to an oil rig , where she cares for a man suffering from severe burns .


  4. The Drazen van pulls up to a field with an oil rig.


  5. Conway now suggested that the crew try to get to one of the oil rigs, about five miles away.


  6. If it relates to oil rigs, talk with a drilling crew.


  7. The day after the rig finally sank on April 22, the Coast Guard called off the search for the 11 workers lost during the accident.


  8. If that means I have to go work on. - Work on an oil rig ? Carter, I wasn't gonna allow that to happen.


  9. A framework erected over an oil well to allow drill tubes to be raised and lowered .


  1. 石油钻塔现全面开工。

    The oil rig is now fully operative.

  2. 他在石油钻塔上工作。

    He works on the oil rigs.

  3. 近海的石油钻塔、岛、锚地

    Anoffshore oil rig, island, anchorage

  4. 妈妈说你在石油钻塔干活?

    Mom said you got a job on an oil rigger?

  5. 山顶上的钻塔就像一座塔。

    The derrick on top of the mountain is just like a tower.

  6. 钻塔和防波堤突现在褐色的海水上。

    Derricks and jetties above brown water.

  7. 钻塔天车结构有限元静力分析

    Statical force analysis of derrick crown block structure by using finite element method

  8. 石油钻塔现全面开工。他受雇在油井钻塔工作。

    He's employed on the oil rigs.

  9. 钻塔在抽油,输电线纵横交借,四通八达。

    Oil rigs pumped on it and power lines zigzagged all over it.

  10. 他们把机器全拆开了。石油钻塔现全面开工。

    They took the machine to pieces. The oil rig is now fully operative.

  11. 在石油钻塔,从一个未知的位置射来一发子弹。

    At the oil rig a shot rings out from an undisclosed location.

  12. 永恒的塔被称为钻塔, 是用来建造控制长长的输油管。

    Permanent towers, called derrick s, used to be built to handle the long sections of drilling pipe.

  13. 石油钻塔或核反应堆等复杂机械装置有时会出现故障。

    A complex piece of machinery such as an oil rig or a nuclear reactor sometimes malfunctions.

  14. 如果产品是和石油钻塔有关的,那么就要和钻井队沟通意见。

    If it relates to oil rigs, talk with a drilling crew.

  15. 将后下支腿、中间梁按钻塔装配图的要求组装好。

    Assemble the rear lower legs, and the middle beam as specified by the drill tower assembling diagram.

  16. 油井上方直立的一个架子,它能使钻塔上升或下降。

    A framework erected over an oil well to allow drill tubes to be raised and lowered.

  17. 恶劣的天气情况使得把那艘船拉离钻塔的努力很难奏效。

    The severe conditions hampered attempts to pull the vessel free of the rig.


  1. 问:钻塔拼音怎么拼?钻塔的读音是什么?钻塔翻译成英文是什么?

    答:钻塔的读音是zuàntǎ,钻塔翻译成英文是 boring tower; derrick; drill tower

  2. 问:钻塔架拼音怎么拼?钻塔架的读音是什么?钻塔架翻译成英文是什么?

    答:钻塔架的读音是zuàn tǎ jià,钻塔架翻译成英文是 boring tower