







汉语拼音:gù xiāng








  1. 家乡。出生或长期居住过的地方。

    《荀子·礼论》:“过故乡,则必徘徊焉,鸣号焉,躑躅焉,踟蹰焉,然后能去之。”《史记·高祖本纪》:“大风起兮云飞扬,威加海内兮归故乡。” 唐 李白 《静夜思》诗:“举头望明月,低头思故乡。” 冰心 《晚晴集·我的故乡》:“我生于一九○○年十月五日(农历庚子年闰八月十二日),七个月后,我就离开了故乡-- 福建 福州 。”



  1. There is no need for him to say that he loves Paris: Paris is his mind's natal city.


  2. Looking down can not help but to think of his wife, far from his homeland.


  3. ill a few months before we had planned to go and, when he knew that he was dying, he made me promise to go on my own.


  4. He told Tifa he would only come back to his hometown once he made it in to SOLDIER.


  5. For me as a child, the history of Jewish immigrants, and of other groups as well, was merged with the remarkable history of my town.


  6. The mark his hometown left upon his mind does not fade away with the passage of time.


  7. On the home ah, my thoughts are with the moonlight diffusion can be returned to his hometown, the home also recognized that, but I ah?


  8. If I were just creating a picture of a farm woman from back home, it would have meaning to her and people there.


  9. Here she reconnects with her mother, hangs out with a group of elderly women and teaches poetry to a class of seven pubescent girls.


  1. 我的第二故乡

    My second home.

  2. 熊猫的故乡是中国。

    The panda bear is a native of China.

  3. 他阔别故乡已多年。

    He hasn't seen his home town for a long time.

  4. 重返故乡后,他感受良多。

    His return home left a deep impression on him.

  5. 斩不断的是对故乡、亲人的情丝。

    The ties of love towards hometown and relatives will always remain unbroken.

  6. 露从今夜白,月是故乡明。

    Since dew turns into frost tonight; the moon viewed at home is more bright.

  7. 他恋念着故乡,久久不能平静。

    He misses his hometown, and couldn't calm down for a long time.

  8. 在他的陪伴下,我回到了故乡。

    He accompanied me back to my hometown.

  9. 他们最近一次看到故乡是9年以前了。

    They last saw their homeland nine years ago.

  10. 望着浩浩的田野,我仿佛回到了故乡。

    Staring at the vast field, it seems that have I returned to my birthplace.

  11. 当然是上海了,因为那里是我的第二故乡。

    Of course, I am going to Shanghai. It's my second home.

  12. 如果不能回到故乡,他定会遗憾终天。

    He will definitely regret for the rest of his life not returning to his homeland.

  13. 多年后重返故乡,真有种沧海桑田的感觉。

    Returning home after so many years, I had the impression that the place had undergone a complete transformation.

  14. 他的骨殖已经运回故乡,亲人都悲痛万分。

    His skeleton has been transported home and all his relatives are in deep sorrow.

  15. 她飘泊异乡好多年了,今日终于回到了故乡。

    She has roamed around a foreign land for years, but she returned to her hometown today.

  16. 离开故乡好几年了,他很想吃故乡的扒糕。

    He left his hometown several years ago. He wants to eat some buckwheat pudding served cold with sweet sauce, which is popular in his hometown.

  17. 回到阳光普照的真的太高兴了!我的第二故乡。

    Glad to be back in sunny SoCal! My home away from home.

  18. 他身在海外,时常眷怀着地球这一边的故乡。

    Though he lived abroad, he cared a lot about his homeland.

  19. 宁静的村庄,奔淌的小溪,就是他对故乡全部的记忆。

    The tranquil villages and flowing brooks—that's all that he can recall about his hometown.

  20. 因为交通堵塞去爸爸的故乡需要很长时间,尽管这样我们也去。

    It’s gonna take forever to get to my father’s hometown b/c of the traffic jam. But we are still going.

  21. 我是在加拿大出生的,但在墨西哥待了那么久,已经把这里当成了第二故乡。

    I was actually born in Canada, but I have lived in Mexico for so long that it feels like home now.


  1. 问:故乡拼音怎么拼?故乡的读音是什么?故乡翻译成英文是什么?

    答:故乡的读音是gùxiāng,故乡翻译成英文是 birthplace



“故乡”是个多义词,它可以指故乡(唐一鸣演唱歌曲), 故乡(故乡电视剧), 故乡(朱宣咸表现思念故乡的美术作品), 故乡(降央卓玛演唱歌曲), 故乡(许巍演唱歌曲), 故乡(斯琴满来演唱歌曲), 故乡(出生地或长期生活过的地方), 故乡(航磊演唱歌曲), 故乡(闻一多作现代诗歌), 故乡(汉语词语), 故乡(民族魂—鲁迅短篇小说)。