




1. 啦 [lB]啦 [lB]同“拉”。……



汉语拼音:pā la






  1. 象声词。器物碰碎声。

    方之 《杨妇道》:“夫妻两个一推一拉,啪啦,把个好好的红花菜碗给跌碎了。”



  1. Rhett Butler stood in the doorway, his black slouch hat low over his eyes, the wild wind whipping his cape about him in snapping folds.


  2. Nearly the door, hospital suddenly spread produced crackling sound, Fried "year" shuddered, again dare not go up.


  3. When he places popcorn kernels in front of the magnetron, the kernels explode all over the lab.


  4. If China's property market is a bubble, it may end with a squeal as well as a pop.


  5. They blow up with a rattle, " he said. "


  6. The bird's nest self disassembles , the twigs snapping loose one by one, flying out of the kolba end over end.


  7. Crackle The radio cracked so much that we could hardly hear what was said.


  8. They clung together in terror, in the thick gloom that followed. A few big raindrops fell pattering upon the leaves.


  9. Chandler: After years of struggling, you've cracked your way into show business.


  1. 一阵阵劈里啪啦的枪炮声

    staccato bursts of gunfire

  2. 子弹把树叶噼里啪啦打下来。

    Bullets were spatting the leaves.

  3. 子弹把树叶噼里啪啦打下来。

    Bullets were spatting the leaves.

  4. 几扇窗户劈里啪啦打碎了。

    Several windows had been smashed.

  5. 雨劈里啪啦地打在屋顶上。

    Rain was splattering on the roof.

  6. 劈里啪啦打在屋顶上的雨点

    rain splattering on the roof

  7. 大雨噼里啪啦地打在屋顶上。

    Heavy rain splattered on the roof.

  8. 冰雹霹雳啪啦地落在屋顶上。

    The hail rattled on the roof.

  9. 花炮劈里啪啦地喷完后灭了。

    The firework spluttered and went out.

  10. 那摞书劈里啪啦地散落到地上。

    The pile of books flopped noisily onto the floor.

  11. 雨点打在玻璃窗上,噼里啪啦地响。

    Rain pattered against the glass window.

  12. 在玻璃窗上弄出噼里啪啦的声音。

    Making pitterpatter sounds on my glass window.

  13. 这些烤苹果在烤箱内劈里啪啦地响。

    The baked apples are spluttering in the oven.

  14. 在玻璃的窗口上弄出噼里啪啦的声音。

    Making pitterpatter sounds on my glass window.

  15. 雨点打在玻璃窗上, 噼里啪啦地响。

    He couldn't open his eyes when the gale was blowing dead against him.

  16. 我们听见雨点劈里啪啦地打在房顶上。

    We heard the rain spattering on the roof.

  17. 批哩啪啦乱打一通, 希望能蒙到。

    Firing off bullets and hoping they hit the target.

  18. 孩子们奔跑着, 劈哩啪啦地放玩具枪。

    The children were running about popping off their toy guns.

  19. 孩子们到处奔跑,劈里啪啦地放着玩具枪。

    There were children running all over the place, popping off toy guns.

  20. 秘书噼里啪啦地连续打了一上午的字。

    The secretary tapped her typewriter all morning.

  21. 他们听到厨房传来吓人的啪啦一声。

    They heard a terrible clatter coming from the kitchen.

  22. 他们听到厨房传来吓人的啪啦一声。

    They heard a terrible clatter coming from the kitchen.

  23. 只听啪啦一声,树枝被大风吹折了。

    With a cracking sound, the branch was snapped off by the severe gale.

  24. 只听啪啦一声,树枝被大风吹折了。

    With a cracking sound, the branch was snapped off by the severe gale.

  25. 雨点啪啦啪啦地打在窗户上。

    Rain splashed against the windows.

  26. 我听到她的鞋后跟在人行道上霹哩啪啦响的声音。

    I heard the clack of her heels on the sidewalk.

  27. 烛火啪啦啦地跳动着,原本微弱的烛光更加暗淡了。

    The candle flickered audibly, and its feeble light became even dimmer.

  28. 啪啦啪啦舞热潮在台湾,香港和新加坡尤其突出。

    The Para Para fever is especially big in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore.

  29. 鸽子在天花板下噼里啪啦地向上扑腾五颜六色得翅膀。

    Pigeons lifted from the roofs in a clatter of multicolored wings.

  30. 啪啦啪啦舞的舞姿全都是由复杂的手臂运动和手势组成的。

    It's all in the complex arm movements and gestures that make up set Para Para motions.


  1. 问:啪啦拼音怎么拼?啪啦的读音是什么?啪啦翻译成英文是什么?

    答:啪啦的读音是pālā,啪啦翻译成英文是 Thwack; indicating the slapping sound of a strik...



pā lā ㄆㄚ ㄌㄚ 啪啦  象声词。器物碰碎声。 方之 《杨妇道》:“夫妻两个一推一拉,啪啦,把个好好的红花菜碗给跌碎了。”