


1. 发 [fā]2. 发 [fà]发 [fā]交付,送出:分~。~放。~行(批发)。放,射:~射。百~百中。焕~。表达,阐述:~表。~凡(陈述某一学科或一本书的要旨)。阐~。散开,分散:~散。开展,张大,扩大:~展。~扬。打开,揭露:~现……





汉语拼音:fà shì






  1. 理发的式样。

    端木蕻良 《三月夜曲》:“她笑一笑,在整理发式。”



  1. She keeps asking the men in the office what they think of her new hairdo, or whether they think her new dress is the right color for her.


  2. Jane had no right to laugh at my new haircut. I got hot under the collar every time I think about it.


  3. The barber bent over the little to hear what kind of hair-style does she want.


  4. Early in the 20th century concluded that this indirect way of measuring utility gave all they needed to build a theory of consumer choice.


  5. Male and female hairstyles and makeup for the face and other parts of the body are created by makeup artists.


  6. Some girls, given the right haircut and a little style, might be OK.


  7. Short spiky hair is all the fashion with the girls in my class at school.


  8. With her signature smile, dark-rimmed glasses and comic hairstyle, Shum established herself as a comic and dramatic actress.


  9. "She contrasted the androgyny of her men's jackets with that big hairdo, " Ms. Perlman said.


  1. 阵发式分泌

    episodic secretion

  2. 风飘型发式

    a windblown hairstyle.

  3. 小平顶发式

    a butch haircut a butch cut.

  4. 爆发式呼吸

    explosive breathing.

  5. 爆发式质变

    fulminated qualitative change.

  6. 帽子似的妇女发式

    a cappy hairdo

  7. 您要理什么发式?

    What will it be?

  8. 理个漂亮的发式。

    Get a great haircut.

  9. 理个漂亮得发式。

    Get a great haircut.

  10. 我喜欢你这个发式。

    I like the way you've had your hair done.

  11. 这种发式, 显得高贵华美。

    This kind of hairstyle looks noBle and magnificent.

  12. 你要理什么样的发式?

    How would you like me to cut it?

  13. 人人拿我的发式嘲弄我。

    Everybody rallied me on my haircut.

  14. 发型剪发所形成的发式

    A style in which hair is cut.

  15. 触发式间歇振荡器

    trigger blocking oscillator

  16. 您要剪短发式吗?

    Do you want your hair bobbed?

  17. 艾丽斯有独特的发式。

    Alice has an individual style of arranging her hair.

  18. 您要理个什么样的发式?

    How do you want to have your hair cut?

  19. 艾丽斯有独特得发式。

    Alice has an individual style of arranging her hair .

  20. 丽丽的发式真是很适合她。

    Lily's hair style suits her perfectly.

  21. 丽丽的发式真是很适合她。

    Lily's hair style suits her perfectly.

  22. 最坏的发式脂肪和饱和脂肪的。

    The worst kinds of fat are trans fats and saturated fats.

  23. 他那新奇的发式成为笑柄。

    His strange new hairstyle was the cause of much merriment.

  24. 80年代的发式。你们当时怎么想的?

    Hair in the'80s what were you girls thinking?

  25. 一阵风吹乱了她好看的发式。

    A gust of wind ruffled up her nice hair.

  26. 你认为我留什么发式最合适?

    What hairstyle do you feel will be best on me?

  27. 她的发式使她的脸形显得更圆。

    Her hairstyle exaggerates the roundness of her face.

  28. 她们剪了赶时髦的短发式。

    They bobbed their hair to be in style.

  29. 论唐代女子的面妆及发式

    Discussion on Female Makeup and Hair Style of Tang Dynasty

  30. 顺便说一句,我喜欢你得发式。

    By the way, I love your hair that way.


  1. 问:发式拼音怎么拼?发式的读音是什么?发式翻译成英文是什么?

    答:发式的读音是fàshì,发式翻译成英文是 Style of hair.



【拼音】fà shì

【注音】ㄈㄚˋ ㄕㄧˋ


【引证解释】理发的式样。 端木蕻良 《三月夜曲》:“她笑一笑,在整理发式。”