




1. 鲜 [xiān]2. 鲜 [xiǎn]鲜 [xiān]新的,不陈的,不干枯的:~果。~花。~嫩。新~。滋味美好:~美。~甜。这汤真~。有光彩的:~明。~亮。~艳。味美的食物:尝~。时~。特指鱼虾等水产食物:海~。鱼~。〔~卑〕中国古代……



汉语拼音:guāng xiān









  1. 鲜明;光亮。

    唐 玄奘 《大唐西域记·羯若鞠闍国》:“城隍坚峻,臺阁相望。花林池沼,光鲜澄镜。”《金瓶梅词话》第三七回:“妇人洗手剔甲,又烙了一筯麪饼,明间内揩抹桌椅光鲜。”《醒世姻缘传》第十九回:“梳得那头比常日更是光鲜,紥缚得双脚比往日更加窄小。”

  2. 漂亮。

    《醒世恒言·卖油郎独占花魁》:“少不得头上脚下都要收拾得光鲜,等他好去别人家做人。”《儒林外史》第十九回:“ 潘三 一切事都带着他分几两银子,身上渐渐光鲜。” 许地山 《东野先生》:“谁教你不穿得光鲜点?”

  3. 形容意气奋发或精神爽健。

    宋 陈亮 《复陆伯寿》:“众望所归,此选增重,凡在友朋之列者,意气为之光鲜。” 清 沉复 《浮生六记·闲情记趣》:“暗计吃斋之初,正余出痘之期,因笑曰:‘今我光鲜无恙,姊可从开戒否?’”



  1. She was all decked out in her Sunday best.


  2. He said, "We southerners do like a smooth surface, so that there were times when he just didn't want the confrontation. "


  3. DOWN the dark alleyways of Cairo, behind the smart hotels, far from the tourists' bustle, piles of rubbish fester.


  4. You would not know SUJU in pain after bright and hard work, so please do not use one-sided language to comment, thank you.


  5. They can have satin stripes sewn to the skirt and the body of the genuine white dress to give it a little of splendor also.


  6. It has several forms, and this adaptability gives it a shelf life longer than lacquered Spam.


  7. Dow Jones has stripped off the gloss he enjoyed from MySpace and made him look like an old guy with print in his veins.


  8. The children were all decked out in their Sunday best.


  9. But beneath the surface lurks a fresh worry: For many companies, the cost of raw materials is rising at a faster pace than revenue.


  1. 穿着光鲜亮丽

    A How come Debra is all dressed up like a peacock today

  2. 他衣着光鲜,风度翩翩。

    He is dressed in a bright new suit and looks very handsome.

  3. 他衣着光鲜,风度翩翩。

    He is dressed in a bright new suit and looks very handsome.

  4. 不管这个世界多么光鲜靓丽。

    No matter how screwed up this world is.

  5. 没有别人想得那么光鲜亮丽。

    Not as glamorous as everyone thinks it is.

  6. 他很清楚自己的外表的光鲜。

    He was well aware of the richness of his own appearance.

  7. 他很清楚自己的外表的光鲜。

    He was well aware of the richness of his own appearance.

  8. 他着装的光鲜告诉我他财大气粗。

    The sleekness of his appearance reminded me of his financial successes.

  9. 他着装的光鲜告诉我他财大气粗。

    The sleekness of his appearance reminded me of his financial successes.

  10. 镜里是给人看得光鲜丰足。

    The bright and beautiful in the mirror is for show.

  11. 镜里是给人看的光鲜丰足。

    The bright and beautiful in the mirror is for show.

  12. 两只都毛色光鲜, 非常灵活可爱。

    Two wool shade is bright, very agile and lovely.

  13. 大伙衣着光鲜, 放肆作乐, 米噢!嘞噢!

    Dress in style to go hog wild, me oh my oh.

  14. 但在光鲜的外表之下, 断层仍然存在。

    But just below the surface, the fault lines remain.

  15. 为什么黛博拉今天穿得这么光鲜亮丽?

    How come Debra is all dressed up like a peacock today

  16. 一切都非常干净, 整洁, 一尘不染, 光鲜亮丽。

    Everything is very clean, neat and tidy, dusted and polished.

  17. 一切都非常干净,整洁,一尘不染,光鲜亮丽。

    Everything is very clean, neat and tidy, dusted and polished.

  18. 她穿上最好的衣服, 打扮得十分光鲜。

    She was all decked out in her Sunday best.

  19. 遗憾的是, 摆在眼前的并没那么光鲜。

    Sadly, there is less to the new reform than meets the eye.

  20. 遗憾得是, 摆在眼前得并没那么光鲜。

    Sadly, there is less to the new reform than meets the eye.

  21. 钻石越纯净,透明度越高,光鲜度越好。

    The purer a diamond, the greater its clarity and the more brilliant it is.

  22. 你们再也不用嫉妒我光鲜的生活了。

    You no longer have to be jealous of my fabulous life.

  23. 孩子们穿上最好的衣服,打扮得十分光鲜。

    The children were all decked out in their Sunday best.

  24. 除去明星得光鲜外表, 他只是个平凡人。

    Besides the attractive appearance of a star, he is no more than an ordinary man.

  25. 除去明星的光鲜外表,他只是个平凡人。

    Besides the attractive appearance of a star, he is no more than an ordinary man.

  26. 妈妈用橄榄油和醋把家具擦得很光鲜。

    Mum polishes her furniture with oil and vinegar.

  27. 奇迹如斯, 光鲜背后却也有灰暗的一面。

    So far so miraculous. Yet the shiny face has a tarnished flip side.

  28. 从不打扮得光鲜艳丽, 对时尚的感觉完美!

    He never needs to dress too flashy, his fashion sense is perfect.

  29. 追求光鲜体面的外表是意大利人痴迷的执念。

    Looking good in Italy is a national obsession.

  30. 这栋房子最近刚粉刷过,看起很是光鲜。

    The recently painted house looks very fresh.


  1. 问:光鲜拼音怎么拼?光鲜的读音是什么?光鲜翻译成英文是什么?

    答:光鲜的读音是guāngxiān,光鲜翻译成英文是 Bright-colored; neat and beautiful.



光鲜 guāngxiān [bright;pretty;be fresh and bright] 鲜明;漂亮 光鲜越雉,色丽秦狐北周·庾信齐王进白兔表 词性褒义词