







汉语拼音:pū bí







  1. 气味冲鼻。

    《五灯会元·龙门远禅师法嗣·道场明辩禅师》:“不是一番寒彻骨,争得梅花朴鼻香。”《醒世恒言·钱秀才错占凤凰俦》:“一皮箱衣服……时常用龙涎庆真饼燻得扑鼻之香。”《花月痕》第九回:“直几上供一个磁瓶,插数枝水栀花,芬香扑鼻。” 周而复 《上海的早晨》第三部四:“ 老王 走出没有一会工夫,就送来一杯清香扑鼻的绿茶。”



  1. The woman in front of him was eating roasted peanuts that smelled so good that he could barely contain his hunger.


  2. When the summer comes, the whole of Provence seems to wear a purple coat, the smell of lavender scent in the wind.


  3. Enter the door, there was no gallery, as previously seen, as the smell from the hospitality of flattery, and endless self-praise.


  4. Spring air seems to sparkle, somehow, with a gold and bubbly light, scented with those wonderful smells that only occur in spring.


  5. But I had formerly been a great lover of fish, and, when this came hot out of the frying-pan, it smelt admirably well.


  6. As he looked out, a fantastic smell came to his nose.


  7. We play games, a into a bad smell of it. We still think is SaoQi taste? The sheep afterwards just know is a stinky tofu.


  8. I put his nose close to the flowers, the smell of the Heart and intoxicating fragrance.


  9. The thick large, thick, stupid, thick bottom bowl, a bowl of stew on the Sheng, tangy flavor, eat all that ordinary life all taste.


  1. 异香扑鼻。

    Strong whiffs of rare perfume assailed the nostrils.

  2. 香水味扑鼻。

    The smell of the perfume was pungent.

  3. 香水味扑鼻。

    The smell of the perfume was pungent.

  4. 甜味扑鼻而来。

    I was greeted by a sweet smell.

  5. 清香扑鼻的松林

    scented pine woods

  6. 野花的香气扑鼻而来。

    The perfume of wild flower filled her nostril.

  7. 梅花初绽, 香气扑鼻。

    Plum blossoms have just flowered, sending off a fragrance pleasing to the nose.

  8. 梅花初绽,香气扑鼻。

    Plum blossoms have just flowered, sending off a fragrance pleasing to the nose.

  9. 梅花初绽,香气扑鼻。

    Plum blossoms have just flowered , sending off a fragrance pleasing to the nose .

  10. 一种怪味扑鼻而来。

    A strange odor assaulted the nostrils.

  11. 这种白兰地酒芳香扑鼻。

    This brandy has a fine bouquet.

  12. 樱桃和黑莓的香气扑鼻。

    Fine nose offering morello cherry and blackberry hints.

  13. 因为它驻足, 只为花香扑鼻

    Because they stop to smell the flowers

  14. 里面光线很暗,霉味扑鼻。

    The interior was dark and smelled of mildew.

  15. 一股难闻的气味扑鼻而来

    A foul smell saluted our nostrils.

  16. 让我们似乎感觉花香扑鼻。

    Let us apparently smell the fragrant of the flowers.

  17. 这绿茶口味甘醇, 清香扑鼻。

    This green tea has a mellow taste and special flavour.

  18. 他们进门时一阵香味扑鼻而来。

    The savoury smell greeted them as they went through the door.

  19. 没有一番彻骨寒,哪来梅花扑鼻香。

    Without the continuoud bitter clod, there can be no fragrant plum blossom.

  20. 不是一番寒彻骨,怎得梅花扑鼻香。

    Unless some kind of cold to the bone, that get the plum flower come into nostrils joss-stick.

  21. 当我打开门时,一阵香味扑鼻而来。

    A delicious odor greeted me when I opened the door.

  22. 突然间, 一股浓郁的香味扑鼻而来。

    Suddenly, a rich, delicious smell fills your nostrils.

  23. 没有一朝寒彻骨,哪来梅花扑鼻香。

    Without the piercing chilliness of the snowfall, where comes the fragrant whiff of the plum blossoms.

  24. 突然间,一股浓郁得香味扑鼻而来。

    Suddenly, a rich, delicious smell fills your nostrils.

  25. 食用时油还冒着泡,香气扑鼻。

    The oil when edible still is risking bubble, aroma is tangy.

  26. 有的花是香味扑鼻,色泽鲜艳,就像艳季。

    Some flowers is tangy scent, bright color, like colourful season.

  27. 不经一番寒彻骨, 哪得梅花扑鼻香!

    Without the continuous bitter cold, there can be no fragrant plum blossom.

  28. 这种茶配上这种香味扑鼻的柠檬塔非常完美。

    The tea goes with this tangy lemon tart perfectly.

  29. 每年冬春, 香梅满树, 芳馨扑鼻。

    Each winter and spring, the trees would be blossoming, sending forth a sweet fragrance that would permeate the whole mountain.

  30. 就是在教室里也能闻到香气扑鼻而来。

    Is in the classroom can also smell the fragrant come.


  1. 问:扑鼻拼音怎么拼?扑鼻的读音是什么?扑鼻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:扑鼻的读音是pūbí,扑鼻翻译成英文是 be pungent



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