




1. 脚 [jiǎo]脚 [jiǎo]人和某些动物身体最下部接触地面的部分:~心。~掌。~背。~跟。~步。~印。~法(指踢球、踢毽等的技巧)。~镣。~踏实地(形容做事实事求是,不浮夸)。最下部:~注。山~。墙~。剩下的废料,渣滓:下~料。〔……



汉语拼音:diǎn jiǎo







  1. 一只脚有病,走路作点地的样子。



  1. It was long past noon when he awoke. His valet had crept several times on tiptoe into the room to see if he was stirring.


  2. The trees, like the longings of the earth, stand a tiptoe to peep at the heaven.


  3. Haha so why i should be thankful? we are just a step stone for u. . .


  4. Last night the rain under the eaves and drink at my heels, nightmare to fall into crescent, look, the poem garden.


  5. The climax of the film comes when Chan is seen tip-toeing across five-storey-high beams inside the Los Angeles Convention Centre.


  6. All the crowd stood on tiptoe to have one more look at her.


  7. Those who have looked on tiptoe to time, have now become pale memories.


  8. The girl wearing high-heeled shoes in the right circumstances can take off shoe on tiptoe, start DianJiao 3 minutes.


  9. I'm a little kitty, I love to tippy toe.


  1. 芭蕾舞者踮脚尖。

    Ballet dancers are on tiptoe.

  2. 那护士踮脚走过大厅。

    The nurse tiptoed down the hall.

  3. 几个孩子正踮脚往窗子里看。

    Several children are standing on tiptoe to look into the house.

  4. 几个孩子正踮脚往窗子里看。

    Several children are standing on tiptoe to look into the house.

  5. 我是一只可爱的猫,喜欢踮脚到处跑。

    I'm a little kitty, I love to toe.

  6. 愉悦的一天又踮脚站在云雾弥漫的山顶。

    Jocund day stands tiptoe on the misty mountain tops.

  7. 树木,仿佛大地的渴望,踮脚站着窥望天堂。

    The trees, like the longings of the earth, stand a tiptoe to peep at the heaven.

  8. 那些曾经踮脚张望的时光,如今已成为苍白的回忆。

    Those who have looked on tiptoe to time, have now become pale memories.

  9. 所有的人都踮脚站着,希望能多看她一眼。

    All the crowd stood on tiptoe to have one more look at her.

  10. 踮着脚悄悄地走

    walk quietly and carefully on tiptoe

  11. 踮 着脚隔着人群看

    stand on tiptoe to see over the crowd

  12. 所以我刚才踮着脚

    So I guess I just tiptoed.

  13. 他踮着脚走了出去

    He toes out.

  14. 玛丽踮起脚转向我。

    Mary pivoted on her toe and faced me.

  15. 我踮着脚走到窗前。

    I tiptoed over to the window.

  16. 我踮着脚沿着走廊走过去。

    I tiptoed down the hail.

  17. 踮着脚走以免弄出声音。

    creep around on tiptoe to avoid making a noise

  18. 他们伸出手臂踮着脚站着。

    They stretched their arms and stood on tiptoe.

  19. 我踮着脚才刚能够着架子。

    I can just reach the shelf, if I stand on tiptoe.

  20. 他得踮着脚才够得着架子。

    He had to stand on tiptoe to reach the shelf.

  21. 原来在老师踮着脚走过来

    awhile before when the master came tiptoeing down the room

  22. 我踮着脚从他背后走过。

    I tiptoed right past his back.

  23. 有些年,春天踮着脚来到这里。

    In other years, spring tiptoes in.

  24. 护士踮着脚走到病人床边。

    The nurse tiptoed to the bedside of the patient.

  25. 护士踮着脚走, 生怕吵醒病人。

    The nurse walked on tiptoe for fear of waking the patient.

  26. 踮起脚,享受更接近阳光的味道。

    Stand on tiptoe, enjoy closer to the taste of the sun.

  27. 他像拳击手一样踮着脚轻盈移动。

    He moved lightly on his toes like a boxer.

  28. 俺踮著美脚才刚可以够著架子。

    I can just reach the shelf, if I on tiptoe.

  29. 再次背靠墙, 踮起脚, 划下记录

    Back on the wall again, stand on tiptoe, register again

  30. 然后踮着脚警觉地东张张西望望,

    and then began to tiptoe and look warily out, this way and that.


  1. 问:踮脚拼音怎么拼?踮脚的读音是什么?踮脚翻译成英文是什么?

    答:踮脚的读音是diǎnjiǎo,踮脚翻译成英文是 To stand on tiptoes.



踮 diǎn,  部首: 足 部首笔画: 7 总笔画: 15 踮 diǎn

【动】 提起脚跟,用脚尖着地〖standontiptoe〗。如:踮踵(踮起脚跟)。亦指踮脚轻行。如:踮步(蹑手蹑脚的样子) 踮脚,踮脚儿 diǎnjiǎo,diǎnjiǎor 〖cripplealong〗[方言]∶跛足人走路脚尖点地的样子 踮 diǎn 跛足人走路用脚尖点地:踮脚。


笔画数:15; 部首:足;