


1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……


1. 知 [zhī]2. 知 [zhì]知 [zhī]晓得,明了:~道。~名(著名)。~觉(有感觉而知道)。良~。~人善任。温故~新。~难而进。~情达理。使知道:通~。~照。学识,学问:~识,求~。无~。主管:~县(旧时的县长)。~府。~州……




对着,朝着,与“背”相对:~背(bèi )。~北。目标,意志所趋:志~。方~。偏袒,袒护:偏~。近,临:~晚。秋天漠漠~昏黑。从前:~日。~者。从开始到现在:~例。一~。姓。……



汉语拼音:bù zhī qù xiàng







  • 【解释】:向:方向。不知道哪里去了。
  • 【出自】:明·冯梦龙《东周列国志》第一回:“宣王问曰:‘如今红衣小儿何在?’答曰:‘自教歌之后,不知去向。’”
  • 【语法】:动宾式;作谓语;形容找不到某人或事物


  1. We knew of at least eighty instances in which an American serviceman had been captured alive and had subsequently disappeared.


  2. In any other country, Mr Enright jokes, they would have been nowhere in sight, enjoying the opportunity for an unscheduled break.


  3. Without her, they would have felt like straws in the wind, to be blown hither and thither at random .


  4. All his corpulency had fled. His face was thin and pale, his hands white, his body flabby.


  5. Status Offline Unlike past bee die-offs, where dead bees would be found near the hive, this time they just disappeared.


  6. These guys spend their lives blasting ludicrously expensive objects into space, and a good number of them get lost.


  7. To the outside of a throw, confetti with scraping fly immediately disappear without a trace.


  8. But then, says Emily Feistritzer, president of the Center for Education Information, "the money disappeared. "


  9. But after all these years, I thought we'd still hold on But when I reach for you and search your eyes I see you've already gone.


  1. 小偷不知去向

    the thief was nowhere to be seen

  2. 二十人不知去向。

    Twenty men are missing.

  3. 他昨天不知去向。

    His whereabouts yesterday were unknown.

  4. 它销声匿迹、不知去向了。

    He just fades out of the story.

  5. 他多年以前就不知去向。

    He disappeared many years since.

  6. 搬家时东西常会不知去向。

    Things tend to get lost mysteriously when you move house.

  7. 经人断定谣传的凶手不知去向。

    The alleged murderer could not be located.

  8. 经人断定谣传得凶手不知去向。

    The alleged murderer could not be located.

  9. 会议结束后,杰克就不知去向了。

    After the meeting, Jack was among the missing.

  10. 我想尽办法找你, 可是你不知去向!

    I did my very best to find you, but you disappeared.

  11. 我曾经有个女朋友, 但是不知去向了。

    I had a girlfriend but lost track.

  12. 自他不知去向之后, 并无官方确认。

    There has been no official confirmation since of his whereabouts.

  13. 她不知去向了, 再未听到她的消息。

    She disappeared and was never heard of again.

  14. 委内瑞拉的摩托车护卫队不知去向。

    Our Venezuelan motorcycle escort evaporated

  15. 他于同一天离开自己的住所,不知去向。

    The same day, he left his residence and disappeared.

  16. 大家再睁眼看时, 江已经不知去向了。

    When they could see again, Chiang was gone.

  17. 抽屉和档案柜被撬开,现金盒不知去向。

    Drawers and files had been broken and the cash box was missing.

  18. 现在我有空坐下来看书,书却不知去向。

    Now that I've time to sit down and read the book, it's done a disappearing act.

  19. 那些不知去向之珠宝得确切价值弄得清楚吗?

    Is the exact value of the missing jewels ascertainable ?

  20. 公司的账目被做了手脚,有些钱不知去向。

    There's been some dirty work with the company accounts, and some money is missing.

  21. 经过这麽多年, 我儿时的朋友都不知去向了。

    I have lost track of all my childhood friends after all these years.

  22. 那些不知去向之珠宝的确切价值弄得清楚吗?

    Is the exact value of the missing jewels ascertainable?

  23. 一天早晨, 他的债主们发现他已连夜逃走, 不知去向。

    One morning his creditors discovered he had done a moonlight flit and vanished.

  24. 一天, 我来到窗前, 网还在但蜘蛛不知去向。

    One day, I went to the window and the web was still there but the spider was gone.

  25. 到室外一抛, 纸屑立即随风刮飞不知去向。

    To the outside of a throw, confetti with scraping fly immediately disappear without a trace.

  26. 他像风一样行走, 没人知道, 像一片云, 不知去向。

    He moves like the wind, unknown, like a cloud, whereabouts unknown.

  27. 这么一来, 潘那豪华得气派, 尊贵得表情, 全不知去向。

    All Pen's splendor and magnificence vanished away at this.

  28. 这么一来,潘那豪华的气派,尊贵的表情,全不知去向。

    All Pen's splendor and magnificence vanished away at this.

  29. 我们已知至少有80个美国军人被生俘后不知去向。

    We knew of at least eighty instances in which an American serviceman had been captured alive and had subsequently disappeared.

  30. 有那么一些曾经的好友都已不在联络, 不知去向。

    Had that some once good friends no longer to contact, disappears without a trace.


  1. 问:不知去向拼音怎么拼?不知去向的读音是什么?不知去向翻译成英文是什么?

    答:不知去向的读音是bùzhīqùxiàng,不知去向翻译成英文是 nowhere to be found; to go missing

